Articulate storyline 360 sign in error ( recurring)

Aug 12, 2019

Hi team,

I am facing a multiple sign in error in middle of using articulate storyline  and sometime my password is also not accepted while re-signin.

It asks for sign-in any time, sometimes more than 5 times in a day. Seems its log back and throws a message of "You need a subscription to articulate 360 to sign in." 

At our end, i have also re-installed the software, but this option didn't work out.

Need help as this is frustrating. Thank you!

86 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Radha! 

Uh oh! That would certainly be frustrating and not at all what I'd expect either.

I opened a Support case for you so that our team can take a look one-on-one, but in the meantime, I'd also suggest asking your IT team for help enabling the network endpoints and ports listed here. You'll need to have access to all those sites and ports listed to seamlessly access Articulate 360 tools. 

The team will be in touch with other next steps shortly! 

Jeff Forrer

Hello, I am having the same issue.  At the time I can't use Storyline 360.  I am signed in to Rise ok, but launching Storyline gives me the attached message.  I have been seeing this for a week or so but now I can't use Storyline at all.  Please help.  I don't have an IT team (per message above) but I will take a look at the suggestion.

Vincent Scoma

Hey Jeff,

I am so sorry that you are experiencing this issue! 

As Ashley mentioned, I would check to see if a Firewall is preventing accessing: Articulate 360 Network Endpoints. The domains listed in that article must be accessible on port 443 for Articulate 360 apps and services to work properly.

I have also opened a case with our Support Engineers so they can dive in deeper here. You will be receiving an email shortly from our team so please be on the lookout!

Please let us know if you have any additional questions in the meantime! 

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Dan,

Thanks for letting us know that you are running into an issue signing in.

We are currently investigating an issue that that may cause users to receive an error when logging in to the Articulate 360 desktop app.

Trying again seems to work for some, but we will update our status here and I'll pop back in to share an update when the incident is resolved.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Jeff,

Our team is aware of that too, as Storyline 360 will check to see if you're logged in while online, and if you're not you'll see the prompt to log in. Sadly, the login piece is where some users are receiving an error. 

They've also shared this status update moments ago, and we'll let folks know as soon as the permanent fix is in place:

We've identified the issue that's causing some users to receive an error when logging in to Articulate 360 and E-Learning Heroes, and we're working on a solution. If you experience this, please wait a moment and try logging in again. We'll share an update when we have more info.
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

One more, Jeff! 

We've implemented a fix for this issue, and users should now be able to log in to Articulate 360 and E-Learning Heroes normally again. We'll continue to monitor performance carefully.

You can keep an eye on this issue by subscribing to our Articulate Status page as well! 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi James,

Can you try rebooting Articulate 360 as a whole? We've heard from a few customers that after the outage was resolved yesterday they were still stuck in that state today if they had left Articulate open overnight. 

Here's what that looks like on my machine:

If you're still having trouble logging into the desktop app, let me know or connect with our Support Team here. We'll help you pull diagnostic logs to troubleshoot further! 

James Washok

Yup. I decided to do a reboot of the PC and voila...everything was back to normal. Thanks!

James Washok, M.Ed.
Instructional Designer * Teammate Training
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Leslie McKerchie

Thanks for reaching out to share your experience as well, Operational Capability. 

I appreciate you sharing the troubleshooting that you've already done and I've opened up a support case on your behalf so that you can work 1:1 with a support engineer to get to the bottom of this.

You should be hearing from someone soon.

Theresa Prestine-Dommer

Do you know what the limit of being logged in is before you have to authenticate again?  My team sends me the issue often.  It appears that you are logged in so I think that is what is prompting them to believe it is an issue.

We have everything possible white-listed and connectivity on our side has been extensively tested.  Any further clarity would be great.

Thank you,
