Jumping positions to Cue point

Mar 07, 2013

Hello All,

I am working on a project and i need to jump the time line position as per the cue points i have created.

In the below screenshot, I have created two Buttons i.e. Button 01 , Button 02.

When clicked button 01, the timeline needs to jumped to Cue point 01 and same for Button 02.

As the storyline doesn't provide Jump to trigger, kindly suggest me the workaround to achieve this.

98 Replies
Steve Flowers

Hi, Kumar - 

Unfortunately, the player doesn't support this functionality. There are a few workarounds but none that will give you timeline progression.

  • Breaking your timeline into separate slides
  • Breaking your timeline into separate layers, showing a new layer that contains your timeline content at the new cuepoint.
Dennis Hall

Hi Ankit:

The solution to this is the same, seperate the video so the first video is 7 seconds long, then button 01 can display a new layer with the 2nd. video slice that contains your video from second 7 to 16, then button 02 can display another new layer that contains the last slice of the video.

I've attached a story with the same video as before, but using Camtasia studio, I sliced it into 3 videos.

Best Regards,

Dennis Hall

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Master,

Yup - Articulate Storyline 2 lets you trigger an action when the timeline reaches a specific cue point. If you later move the cue point to a different point on the timeline, your trigger will also move to the new time. In other words, your trigger will remain synchronized with the cue point no matter where it is on the timeline.

Tim Neill

This is a serious deficiency. 'Feature request' just submitted.

It is really tedious to have to split content onto separate layers and then display each layer (using a trigger and a condition) when a 'Next' button is clicked. Building up a screen of bullet text/images, etc. is something even PowerPoint can do!

And it gets worse - if there is an audio on each of these layers, when I click 'Next' to display another layer, the currently playing audio continues together with the new layer's audio. And no, I don't want to have to play/pause named audio files with a trigger. When you display a new layer, an audio that is playing on the layer you are leaving should stop. 

A lot of people have been asking for this 'jump to a cue point' for many months. Where is it?

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Tim,

Thanks for submitting the feature request. We don't share information in regards to the timeline of feature requests or our product roadmap. If you don't want to play/pause the audio based on a trigger to go to another layer, have you looked at hiding the other slide layers when opening up a new slide layer? That should stop the audio from playing as other slide layers are opened - and then you can determine if when revisiting that layer it should pick up where it left off or reset. 

Steve Flowers

Another approach, depending on what you're trying to do...

Since you mentioned PPT being able to do this, I suspect you're looking at a linear progression or animation build that you want to pause at certain points, correct?

You might have better luck, if this is the case, by placing all of your animation and audio on the base layer and using a pause / play trigger activated with cuepoints or timeline events or by opening a layer that pauses the timeline. Resume play by closing this layer or by using the play trigger attached to the next button or another object.

Tim Neill

Thank you both. 


Ashley - if I use 'hide other layers' I'll lose the built-up text points. I would need to pause  all layers when going to a new layer. 

Steve - if I use pause/play on a 'dummy' layer like this , it still won't jump straight to the next cue point on the base layer. Yes. I am building up a bullet text list, as in Ppt. 

Tim Neill

Steve - it's a simple 'bullet build' on a slide but I want to be able to let the user jump through the build before the audio narration for a bullet has finished playing. 

- Bullet text 1 and an image appear and audio 1 starts playing

- User clicks 'Next', audio 1 stops playing, timeline jumps to cue point 1

- Bullet text 2 and its image appear (with bullet 1 text/image still visible), audio 2 starts playing

- User clicks 'Next' and audio 2 stops, timeline jumps to cue point 2, etc.

I don't want to use audio play/pause/stop which needs explicit audio file names.

This should be a simple function to jump to a position on the timeline. We should also be able to stop any currently playing audio without specifying its file name. 

Chad Keller

Hello Tim,

Have you tried including the previous bullets in the next bullets layer.  This way you will be able to hide other layers (which will stop the audio) and then the new layer will show all the desired bullets because you have basically copied all the bullets you need displayed.

It's not ideal to have to copy bullet 1 to layer 2, 3, 4 etc.. but it works.

Hope this helps.

Dennis Hall

Hi Tim:

If you used triggers and states on the bullets and audio I think this would help.

Using the play/pause/stop does not tie directed to an imported audio file, it uses the instance name related to an imported audio file.

Using triggers and states will allow to avoid using layers all together while controlling the audio.

Nick Moffitt

Steve Flowers - 

Thanks for the Timeline-Drip example; it solved a problem I was having when seeking past cue points using other methods I had tried. However, I'd still like to be able to jump directly to a cue point: the previous cue point.

Each of my slides contain a single video screencast that describes the steps in a process using both software and measuring hardware. After each step is described, I want to pause at a cue point to allow the learner to perform the step in our software running on a 2nd monitor. I'd like to include a "Replay" button to allow the learner to review the description a 2nd (or 3rd...) time.

Chopping the videos into individual segments for each step is not practical. My only solution for now is to let the learner use the seek bar to repeat the step using trial-and-error seeking. 

Do you have any suggestions to enable "Replay" as I've described?


Scott Wiley

With recent training development, the request came up to allow the learners to be able to jump back to certain points in a video for review, but disallow the ability to scan forward.

To borrow from the Flash world, the anology would be something like goToAndStop("cuepoint1"); or goToAndPlay("cuepoint2"); etc.

While I wouldn't expect duplication of the Flash authoring tool, I think this basic functionality would be a great addition to Storyline.


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