Merge Shapes Feature

Feb 12, 2019

Hi guys,

It just came in my mind if we could add a "Merge Shapes Feature" like "PowerPoint" in Storyline so It can be quite helpful to create interesting shapes and picture place holders and make storyline more creative.

Thanks in advance!

104 Replies
John Morgan

Hi Steve,

Thanks for checking in on this! I understand you'd like to know the status of the addition of a merge shape feature. There currently hasn't been any movement on this as we prioritize other features. I'm going to include your voice in the feature request. We’ll update this discussion when there is any news to share about this.

If there's anything else you need, don't hesitate to ask!

Rise  User 1

Hi Eric, currently according to the Articulate Roadmap there is nothing in the pipeline for Storyline enhancements Articulate 360 Feature Roadmap - Articulate Support please can there be an update here. 

Also noting that it's not particularly helpful to have the standard generic reply 4 years later, and then still expecting people to be patient..

Marijke Boukes-van Heiningen

I second this request. I find it ridiculous nothing has been done in over 4 years to make this simple feature possible in articulate storyline. There are so many uses with this feature (as stated by the many comments before), that otherwise won't be possible or are a waste of valuable time. Please put this on the roadmap rather sooner than later!

Pierre Sosa

I'm not sure if this is "simple", y'all. Storyline can't even change the color of a single-shaped SVG. There are no bezier handles to manipulate curves. I would also love Articulate to have some major illustration tools, but maybe it would be better to access illustration tools if you need them. Inkscape is no-cost and open-source, and doesn't even require installation.

Eric Santos

Hi Brandy,

It sounds like you'd also like to see a Merge Shape feature in Storyline 360. We know this is a popular request, and our engineering team is looking into possibly adding it to Storyline. We appreciate your initiative in gathering others' input and rest assured that we make sure everyone's voice is heard through a feature request.

I've added your vote to the existing request, and for others who think this will also be helpful to them, please feel free to comment on this post, and we'll add your vote. 

Brandy, if you have a particular request related to the merge shape feature that you want us to look at, please let us know here or privately in a support case; we'd be happy to assist you!

Karyn Gabbey

As a dedicated user and member of the Articulate Storyline community who has been waiting for the inclusion of a "Merge Shape" feature in Storyline 360 for the past four years, it's disheartening that it hasn't yet made it onto the official roadmap.

This functionality has been consistently requested by users and would significantly enhance our ability to create diverse and dynamic visual elements within the platform. Not to mention it would solve problems in regards to the fading issue.

I understand the challenges associated with prioritizing features, but I believe that addressing this longstanding request would greatly benefit the Storyline user community. Please add my vote to include this valuable feature to the official roadmap soon!