Paragraph spacing on slide master

Dec 12, 2018

This is using Storyline 360 3.20.16814.0, Windows 10.

I'm having trouble setting paragraph spacing options on slide masters. The following steps occur:

1. Highlight a paragraph and open Paragraph settings. Enter a desired value for line spacing:

2. Click ok.

3. Click out of the text frame. The text visibly moves to an undesired setting.

4. Open Paragraph settings again. The line spacing value has changed:

This also seems to occur with indentation and the space before/after settings. There seems to be some kind of consistent multiplier of 2.67 being applied to the setting, as the increased value seems consistent depending on the setting I try to apply.

It seems to be similar to the problem described here:

But I attempted the workaround described by Ashley under that post and I'm not seeing a difference in behaviour between slide masters and layouts.

28 Replies
Douglas Roberts

Hi, I noticed another bug along similar lines recently but only just had a chance to replicate it.

1. Create a new project.

2. Set Story Size to 1920 x 1080

3. On a slide master Layout, create a text frame. Type something.

4. Update the 'Normal Style' from that text.

5. Copy the text frame. Paste it on a normal slide.

6. The type size is now 2.666... times the size defined in the 'Normal Style'

There seems to be a consistent theme here of bugs caused by changing the story size to something other than the default.

Leslie McKerchie

Thanks for taking the time to report this, Douglas. I appreciate the steps to replicate and I was able to replicate this behavior. It looks like our team is already taking a look.

I've linked this conversation so that we can share any updates with you here.

One workaround is to use right-click and use the paste function instead of using CTRL+V to paste.