Re-upload SCORM Package

Aug 17, 2022

Good Afternoon,

Is there a way to re-upload a Storyline SCORM object to my LMS (Canvas) without having to upload and publish a whole new package?  Sometimes, you may want to make a change, etc. to an activity but you have to publish and upload a whole new activity. Is there an easier way? I have a welcome activity in over 100 courses and would have to go to each course to make the correction so I'm crossing my fingers there is an easier way. Thank you all for your time and help. 

7 Replies
Math Notermans

As Canvas LMS has a modular setup with pages and modules...why not split your course into pieces ? Offcourse if you already have 100+ courses online...that for sure is no fun...because you have to split all and reupload it. And Canvas aint the funniest LMS to work with... if you have these changes more often...rethink your course setup and split it.

Also you might have the same issue as Francesco in this post...
Whenever you reupload the course(s) to Canvas... all users progress will be reset. Not sure whether you use a restricted, locked or free player...but it really might be wise to think about setup. What parts will seldom or never change...make them separate scorms.. and the parts that change every year... make Canvas pages or modules for it. If Storyline and Scorm...test progress and resume status when reuploading...