Storyline 360 courses crash when opened with Microsoft Edge

Dec 08, 2017


I am having serious issues with publishing courses to HTML5 with Storyline 360. Microsoft Edge just crashes when I try to run a course on the LMS or on the web. It won't go past the first page of the course before it crashes. On Chrome and Firefox, I get a flashing between slides but the course just completely breaks when I try to load it on Edge. 

None of the above issues occur when published in Flash and I have opened a case for the flashing screen problem.  Is anyone else encountering similar issues with Edge when publishing Storyline 360 courses in HTML5?

Kind regards,


16 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Gillian and Hugh,

I'm sorry for the issues you both ran into with Chrome playback of Storyline courses, and I also saw Gillian reached out here. I wanted to share my latest response here for anyone else who may come across this discussion:

Our team has seen with the recent Chrome updates that local playback of content does not work. This would only be for Storyline 3 or 360 content that you had published for Web or LMS and were playing back while housed locally such as on your C drive.

If you've uploaded your courses to the web server or LMS, the playback there should not be effected. If you are seeing issues once you upload to the intended environment as we recommend I'd look at testing outside your environment to narrow down where the issue is. For example: 

If you need any other help, let me know! Gillian, feel free to keep the conversation going in your other discussion as well! 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Fraser,

What Update of Storyline 360 are you using? I'd want to make sure you're on the latest version, available which is update 16.

Just launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer and look for the Update button for the whole tray, and then specifically Storyline. Details here.

If you're on the latest update, can you share a copy of your project file? The issue with markers crashing in Edge is not something our team has been able to replicate consistently, so it'd help to have additional projects.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Joseph,

I'm not sure which workaround you're referring to? When Flash is no longer supported, if you've published for HTML5 your content will default to that in the browser. Our team is consistently working to improve that HTML5 experience across browsers so that you wouldn't need to switch browsers but just stay on the latest version of the supported browsers. 

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