Storyline 360 - Reset 'restricted' menu on course restart (after quiz failure)

Jul 10, 2018


We're using the 'restricted' menu feature for a storyline 360 course, which works fine the first time going through the course.

However, if a user fails the end quiz, we're sending the user back to the start of the course (&resetting the quiz), but we can't seem to find how to reset the menu again, so that the user can't immediately jump forward to the quiz again.

Is there a way to reset the progress made in a 'restricted' menu?


33 Replies
Earl Green

I have the same issue here. Storyline 360 3.52.25247.0 installed. Windows 10, MS Edge Browser, Cornerstone LMS.

Many of our courses are dealing Safety and/or Regulatory issues where the learner really needs to know the material. Letting them just jump to taking another swing at the quiz questions isn't really acceptable.

Doug Dewan

Hi there, I am also having this issue, hoping there is a solution or a recommended approach as we are launching this course at the end of the month and it has high visibility with in our organization. We have quiz questions through out the course we would like to have the course reset when they fail so it is restricted navigation again so the learner has to go through the course again. (not able to jump forward as it was already viewed) We are using version 3.86.320.80.0

Louis Gonzales

I am having this issue as well and it is ridiculous that the only solution after 6 years is to use locked menu instead of restricted. We use a quiz in the middle of our course that if a user fails they are expected to repeat the content from the start. We do however allow and encourage them to review the course before taking the final exam. In the past we have always just built our own navigation system into the module and tossed the built-in system to the wayside. It is very disappointing that after all this time it looks like I am going to have to still do just that.