Storyline module minimizes between scenes in LMS

Jul 07, 2017

Hi everyone, we just uploaded a storyline module to the LMS (Cornerstone) but it minimizes the window where the course is playing between scenes and sometimes between slides in a scene.  Can you please let me know if I need to do something in storyline to prevent it from happening?

47 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Jean,

I took a look at the course in Chrome after uploading it to SCORM Cloud and clicked through maybe the first few slides and didn't see it minimize at all. Can you give that link a try? 

Your videos are at a smaller height than the rest of the course (likely the widescreen video style vs the square shape of your course) but that didn't cause any changes to the player as a whole.

Nicholas Sargent

Good morning, Ashley, Susan, and Crystal,

Did you identify a cause for this issue and a solution?

-We had this same issue, and funny, it was found on our Security Awareness training, too, like with Susan.

-Our IE browser minimized at the end of slides, transitioning to the next slide (either by auto-advance or by trigger to Next slide on a button). Also, my colleague noted it happening in 8 instances on her first trial, and only on 5 of those in her second trial - so, some inconsistency. We are on Cornerstone, like Crystal.

-I thought I'd check to see if there was a known issue before I continue trying every permutation of testing LMS and browser (time-consuming).

Thanks and have a great day!


Leslie McKerchie

Hello Nicholas and welcome to E-Learning Heroes :)

Looks like Jean did not reply above and I took a look at Susan's case, but we did not hear back either.

So, back to square one.

Are you able to replicate the behavior in SCORM Cloud? If so, can we take a look at your .story file. If you cannot share here in the forums, you can share here privately.

Jean Morales

Hi Leslie and Nicholas,

The issue still sometimes persist, but only happens in our LMS - Cornerstone and not the SCORM cloud.  We did find that it happens less frequently when we output the course format as a "Flash first then HTML5 fallback" instead of the pre-set HTML5/flash format.  Also we have less of the issue when users open the course in IE instead of other browsers.  

Hope it helps!

Nicholas Sargent

Yes, thanks, Jean and Leslie,

Our project worked fine in SCORM Cloud (Leslie), but not in Cornerstone. Then I made that Flash first, HTML fallback switch (Jean), and it worked in Cornerstone. For us, worked in both IE and Chrome - browser didn't minimize.

I did have to re-order some triggers, as certain functionality stopped working; for example, I had to move set variable triggers and play audio triggers above triggers for setting the object state to hidden on one particular slide.

Thanks again!

Chiranjib Bhowmick

Yes, this is an issue in the Cornerstone LMS. It works fine in the SCORM cloud. My client uses Cornerstone as the LMS, and hosted many storyline 2 published courses without any issue like this. As the courses need to be migrated into Storyline 360 to leverage HTML5 accessibility feature we are encountering this issue while viewing the courses in the LMS . This is really a show stopper for us and the client. Can anybody from your development can look into this, if few edits in the scripts of the published version can resolve this issue, please share. The Flash version works fine.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Chiranjib,

It looks like publishing Flash first, with HTML5 fallback resolved it for Nicholas. Have you tested that out? If you're using IE or Chrome, both of those have an option to enable Flash and the latest versions of IE and Chrome will also support the HTML5 output. 

Since it's a Cornerstone specific issue, I'd also suggest reaching out to your LMS admins to see if they had any other suggestions. 

Adam Read

This is not a Cornerstone specific issue. We've been able to replicate this behaviour in SCORM Cloud using IE10 running the HTML5 published output from SL360.

The Flash output does not contain the same issue so we're trying to diagnose what the cause may be. 

As HTML5 is listed as supported by IE10 simply suggesting the use of Flash is not a suitable solution.

We will report back our findings and if this does prove to be a consistent issue, hope that your engineers will investigate as a priority.

Matt Garton

I know this is a bit old... but we just found we have the same issue


Cornerstone LMS

Browers doesn't matter.   It seems linked to the html5 code.

We are publishing Flash with html5 fallback. But anybody without flash who sees the html5 gets this bug when hosted.

Run locally, this does not happen (running story.html).

Course minimizes on AUTO slide transition. Manual transition (via advance) does not seem to have this problem.

For now we are just going to remove the auto advances. But we have an open ticket for another issue with this same course and will add this as a second bug to that ticket as well.


Leslie McKerchie

Hi Matt,

Thanks for reaching out and sharing what you are experiencing with your course as well.

Seems that we've had some difficulty tracking this one down. Are you able to replicate the behavior in SCORM Cloud as has been discussed above?

I'd love to take a look at what you were working on with the team as well if you have your case number handy.

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