Storyline on Windows 10

Jul 27, 2015

I have a surface pro 3 and plan on updating to Windows 10 as soon at the public release is available. Has it been confirmed that Storyline will work properly on Windows 10?

I am primarily a mac user so haven't gone through a windows upgrade cycle in quite some time.


42 Replies
David Love

I have just upgraded to Windows 10, but unfortunately I read other reviews and then did a clean installation, and Storyline 1 flashed up that I had exceeded the number of activations on this machine, and now won't even load. I've done what Andy has done, but it won't even install. I am seriously scratching my head with this one. I've now got to find another laptop with windows 7 as I can't downgrade (due to the clean installation that I wish I hadn't done now), and reinstall. Will I be able to activate it from a new machine even though it's not been officially deactivated? Just a note, notwithstanding the catastrophe above, I actually really like Windows 10, and it works very well.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Patrick,

I don't see that Vincent shared his file with us so I don't know what he was or wasn't able to resolve  it. If you'd like us to take a look we're happy to - and you can share it here or using the link that Leslie shared to connect with our Support team. You will want to check that you're following the directions here for publishing to an LMS and our general publishing guidelines here. 

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Teo!

Your existing projects won't be changed unless you open them in Storyline 2. When you open an existing project in Storyline 2, you'll be asked to upgrade it.

Since upgraded projects aren't backward compatible, Storyline will automatically create a backup copy of the original project file in the same folder in case you ever need to go back to Storyline 1.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Teo,

Storyline 2 can open anything created in Storyline 1, but it's not backwards compatible. So if you download a Storyline 1 template you should be able to utilize it in Storyline 2. If you're running into a particular issue I think we'd want to take a look at the template you're using and know more about the issues you're running into. 

Teo Samalis
Ashley Terwilliger

Hi Teo,

Storyline 2 can open anything created in Storyline 1, but it's not backwards compatible. So if you download a Storyline 1 template you should be able to utilize it in Storyline 2. If you're running into a particular issue I think we'd want to take a look at the template you're using and know more about the issues you're running into. 

Thanks a lot

Teo Samalis
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Teo!

Your existing projects won't be changed unless you open them in Storyline 2. When you open an existing project in Storyline 2, you'll be asked to upgrade it.

Since upgraded projects aren't backward compatible, Storyline will automatically create a backup copy of the original project file in the same folder in case you ever need to go back to Storyline 1.

Thanks a lot

Xacobo de Toro Cacharrón

Hi!. I had a problem when I opened for first time storyline 1 with windows 10 (Even I couldn´t activate it). I decided to remove it, but whe you choose that option also is offered repairing posibilitie. I did it and now it seems that works ok. I could activate it again and work with it. I hope it could help

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Xacobo,

Just a reminder that Storyline 1 isn't officially supported in Windows 10 per the documentation here. If you choose to use Storyline 1 with Windows 10, you may see a UI_AdminRequiredNotice error message. You should be able to fix it by running Storyline 1 with administrative privileges one time. See this article for details

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Carrie!

Are you utilizing Storyline 2 and having an issue?

Is this across all projects or just one? 

If just one, you may want to consider importing into a new project to see if this alleviates the issue. If it's happening across projects, be sure that you are utilizing the latest update, which is Update 8 and this will repair your software as well.

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