Text entry bug in latest update

Mar 13, 2020

Hi all.

I discovered a bug in Storyline 360 today, which has been reported. If you have a text entry field it will stay 'on top' of any layers you have on that slide (including master slides).

For example, if you have a text entry field on the base layer and a popup window as a layer, when you open the popup window the text entry field will be on top of the layer. Here's a link to a Peek video to demonstrate what I mean:


This has been reported as a bug, so hopefully there'll be a fix for it soon. In the meantime there's a workaround of preventing the user from clicking on the base layer, although this isn't always preferable.

UPDATE: This appears to be another bug with a recent update, as modules we designed in a previous version of Storyline aren't affected by it.

49 Replies


I confirm, I've got the same issue.

On a slide, I've put several text to fill on the main layer an some element on an additionnal layer.

When a text is autofilled by the browser, it remain on the top when the additional layer is opened.

You can easily understdand the issue on the screenshot.

I've encountered this problème when i choose a pre-filled choice offered by the browser but not validated the choice by pressing "enter" button.

As I've no error message, it is hard to fix it.... If you have any idea, it'll be well aprieciated.

Many thanks in advance.


Lauren Connelly

Hi Lilian!

We're happy to help!

We released the fix in Storyline 360 Update 38 (Build 3.38.21779.0) and we are now on Storyline 360 Update 40 (Build 3.40.22208.0). Which version of Storyline are you using?

If you're using an updated version of Storyline 360 and still seeing this snag, I'd like for our Support Engineers to work with you 1:1. Please use this link to connect with our Support Team.

Katie Riggio

Hi Manuel!

I'm so sorry that you ran into those issues. I'm happy to review each one with you:

  • Text-entry field on a layer: We have an open issue in Storyline 360 where the text-entry field on the slide layer remains active in the base layer.
  • Red lines: This is also an open bug in Storyline 360 where a red line from a spelling error in a text-entry box on a slide layer appears on the base layer.

For now, we recommend creating a separate slide for the layer, if possible.

If that doesn't help, we're happy to connect with you for any other tailored solutions. If you could share the .story file, please use this private case link.

Shane Leonard

Thanks Ren, let me know if your team offers any insight.
In the meantime - do you know if it's possible to roll-back to a previous version of SL360 to avoid this bug at time of publish?
If so, are you able to identify an earlier stable version and advise on the rollback process?

Thanks again.

Shane Leonard

Gee thanks Ren.
To the folks that are impacted by this bug, after a few trial rollbacks, I can confirm that if you rollback to Version# 3.38.21861.0 released on April 7, 2020, then the bug no longer occurs and text input fields on layers (including red lines to indicate spelling mistakes) hide when the layer is hidden.
I hope this info is passed onto the team that actually actions bug fixes (if they actually exist) as it may help them identify the cause of the bug and resolve.

Russell Brown

We have just encountered this exact bug using the latest version of Storyline 3 (Update 10: 3.10.22406.0). However, it appears to only impact some users in Chrome. And it doesn't appear to be specific to the Chrome version. 2 users with the exact same version of Chrome - 1 sees text entry fields on other layers after the layer closes, another doesn't.

In the screenshot, you can see that after you've entered the address (1 Island Dr) and the city (Oaks), then click the dropdown to select a state, you can see the text entry fields on top of the dropdown layer.

Daniel Holland

I was able to workaround this with some javascript.

var els = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
for (var i=0; i < els.length; i++) {
els[i].setAttribute("onfocus", "this.value=''");
els[i].setAttribute("autocomplete", "off");

Not the most ideal, but it works

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Manuel and Shane!

Great news!  We just released another update for Articulate 360 and included a few important fixes that you'll see in the release notes here.  

The item you'll be interested in is:
Fixed: Scroll bars and red spell-check lines on one layer were visible on other layers when they should've been hidden.

Just launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer and click the Update button for Storyline 360. Details here.

Please let us know if you have any questions, either here or by reaching out to our Support Engineers directly.

MarkAnthony Chesner

Thanks, Daniel!

Could you please doublecheck the code...it's not working for me, sorry...

var els = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
for (var i=0; i < els.length; i++) {
els[i].setAttribute("onfocus", "this.value=''");
els[i].setAttribute("autocomplete", "off");

Daniel Holland

Okay the following is the exact code I am using. I can only confirm it works in Storyline360 for HTML5 export.

var els = document.getElementsByTagName('input');

for (var i=0; i < els.length; i++) {
els[i].value=" ";
els[i].setAttribute("onfocus", "this.value=' ' ");
els[i].setAttribute("autocomplete", "off");

Again this code goes on every slide that has an input field. The Trigger: Execute JavaScript When timeline starts on this slide.