
May 21, 2020

Hello, I have noticed this line of code added to the Interaction ID that started around April 7, 2020 3.38.21861.0 version.  Does anyone know what this is and why it is being added to the Interaction ID? It is making reporting messy.




27 Replies
Kelly Auner

Hi Kay,

Thanks for following up on this!

I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing this issue. First, I'd like to confirm if you've tested your course in SCORM Cloud. If it works as expected, I'd recommend reaching out to your contact at Cornerstone for assistance. If you're able to replicate the behavior in SCORM Cloud, it would be helpful if you could share your file with our team for further testing!

Steven Benassi

Hi Jason!

Sorry to hear you've also run into this setback!

Have you had a chance to test the course in SCORM Cloud? This will help determine if the behavior you're experiencing is specific to SumTotal LMS or not. Also, can the same behavior be observed by using SCORM 1.2 as the learning standard?

Please keep me updated, I'd be happy to continue troubleshooting with you!