Video Color Issue

Jun 19, 2019


I've been having a problem with the colors of a video imported as .mp4 to my Articulate project. I'm not sure if it's a Storyline problem, but I need help to investigate!

I've made a subtitle bar on the bottom of the slide, as a regular shape, with the colors of the logo of the client. The video plays behind it, and it was made on After Effects using the exact same colors (we checked the rgb codes and everything). Some users reported a wild difference of color in between the elements of the video (much lighter than it should be, in a different tone) and the subtitle bar (that appears normally).

Any ideas or clues would be much appreciated!


Thank you :)

38 Replies
Ren Gomez

Hi Marina,

Happy to help investigate! It sounds like the colors on the slide are ok, but the colors in the video have changed after publishing. Is that correct?

I’d love to ask a few questions to know more about the issue:

  • What version of Storyline are you using?
  • Do you see this in the Storyline file during preview?
  • Are all of your users using the same browser, or does this happen across various browsers?

The best recommendation I can make is for you to share your file with our support team privately so we can take a look and dig deeper!

Marina Dantas

Hello Ren, that's correct!

- I'm using mostly Articulate 3! We ran tests publishing in 360, but the error persists.

- Yes, it also happens during preview - I just ran a test in different computers around the office, and some has issues both in preview and after publishing, some of them don't.

- Our users use Chrome, since our platform (moodle) only works there!

I'll clean the file - since it's super heavy and contains protected material - and leave it with just the slide with the video, is that ok? 


Thank you for the help! :)

Ren Gomez

Hi Marina,

Great job on thoroughly testing the issue! It seems this isn’t just an output problem, but happening within Storyline as well.

Yes, it sounds like we just need to see that single slide with the video.

I don’t want to lose any of the information that you’ve shared so far, so I’ve opened a support case on your behalf and will e-mail you a link to directly upload your .story file for one of our support engineers to take a look.

John Smiddy

I'm having trouble also. Video (mp4) looks lighter after publishing but looks the same in preview. I've made sure there is no compression by selecting 'none' in the video options and increasing video quality to 9 in the publish settings. This seems to have started this week or last.

Looks like it could be an issue with the Slide Master. When I sample the rbg value from the video it is 4, 2, 103. So I made a slide master to match but when I apply the master to the slide it the color changes to 5,3,104. Or not...

I just sampled a screen shot of the published slide and the background is correct but the video has changed from when I sample it in the SL app.


I have latest version of 360 and tested on Chrome and Firefox.


Ren Gomez

Hi Jackie,

I'm sorry to hear you're running into the same issue! I've opened a support case on your behalf, and if you can share the video with us, we'd be happy to test it ourselves. Feel free to upload it your unique private link below:

One of our support engineers will take a look and get back to you as soon as possible!

D Norman


I too have been having a similar issue. I’ve imported several videos exported from Vyond, cropped in Storyline 360 with the same matching solid background color as a single image file they are placed in front of on each slide used throughout my course. After I publish and preview, the background of the videos look slightly lighter but noticeably different than the background of the image they are placed in front off on those slides. My intent was to match the backgrounds so they blend and look seem less. Any ideas?


Becca Levan

Welcome to E-Learning Heroes, Premkumar! ⭐️ 

I'm sorry you're having trouble. I want our support engineers to work directly with you to confirm if you're experiencing this bug. If possible, could you share your video with us in a case for testing purposes? Here's a private upload link, and we'll delete once finished! 

Cody Salinas

I'm experiencing the same issue. I'm running the latest version of Storyline 360. I create a video with a #236CFF canvas; however, Storyline modifies that color after importing it to #2C6AF9. I've attached the .mp4 and .story files for reference.

One other wonky thing is how Storyline alters the color of the video again after publishing. Check out the screenshots with variations in how the video's color is rendered during publishing.


I'm experiencing the same issue as well. Does Storyline video output reflect RGB colors or does it change the format when you publish to video? I'm not sure how I would test the video output file to see the difference in the HEX codes other users have noted above? But the color looks darker in the video than it does in Storyline and in the preview as well.