Forum Discussion

JenniferJack's avatar
Community Member
22 hours ago

Brief flash between slide layers

Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows what I could do to resolve this issue. I keep seeing all the items briefly flash at the beginning of every slide layer. I am not sure why this is.

I've made sure these items do not have animations. I've made sure all transitions are "none." The slide properties that are currently checked are "hide other slide layers," "hide objects on base layer," and "prevent the user from clicking on other layer."

The flashing is disruptive to the flow of the course because it makes it look like a slide header is reappearing over and over again when in fact, it is not.

Could someone please give advice? Thank you!

  • JenniferJack's avatar
    Community Member


    I should mention that when going through all the layers a first time and then going back to review, everything loads fine without the brief flash. Since this is the case, I am thinking it is a lag. But I am experiencing it everywhere, even when I publish the project. So I am thinking this is an issue that Articulate will have to fix. Maybe one of the recent updates affected the runtime and now we see more of a lag between layers.

    • JenniferJack's avatar
      Community Member

      I am wondering if this is a bug or something from a new update. It seems like a very brief lag between layers. Because if you go through all of the slides and layers and then go back to review, they work just fine. So it seems like a load issue, you know? Seems like an issue that Articulate might have to fix.

  • Have you considered putting the header on a master slide? If you change the text, you could just put the box or image there so it is static in all slides and have the text differ from slide to slide.  

    • JenniferJack's avatar
      Community Member

      I use the same master slide for multiple slides with different headers. I suppose this could work, but I feel like it may be a work around rather than a solution. I am actually thinking this may be a bug from the new update.

  • I can't see the project, but I have had issues where I just removed any animations on the second slide that were carrying over. For example, if the header fades in on 1 but stays on two, I remove the animation on 2 so it keeps on the screen between slide movements. 

    Hope that does it for you. 

    • JenniferJack's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you but no, that is not the issue. The header fades in on the base layer but stays on the second layer. I removed the fade in animation from the header for layer two. The issue is that all objects flash quickly every time a new layer loads. I am wondering if it is just the course loading slowly. Because when revisiting the slide and layers a second time, they load just fine without blinking.