Forum Discussion
Course Progress Not Saved
Hello. We are having issues with courses created in Rise and published to our LMS. Our typical course is created in Blocks and contains 3-4 Lessons, each with multiple sections that are advanced by using CONTINUE dividers. When users exit the course using the course Exit button (set using the Export settings) and then return, it takes them to the beginning of the Lesson rather than the place within the Lesson where they left off. Also, even though they have completed a previous Lesson, the circular progress bar for that Lesson is only partially highlighted. Other notes - this is happening on both our LMS and on SCORM Cloud. Also, the good news is that when finished, the course is reporting as completed to the LMS. I appreciate your help.
- DylanYounkin-53Community Member
I am having this same issue. We are using SumTotal Growth Edition as our LMS. We ran into an issue where our course resume data was too large for SCORM 1.2. We republished in SCORM 2004 4th Edition and it still seems not to save progress. Maybe other members can help?
Hi Guy and Dylan,
Rise courses will resume the lesson you left off in, based on the LMS offering bookmarking capability. So for example, if you had partially completed a timeline then the next time you open the course you will be positioned at the top of the timeline, if you had partially completed a process then the next time you open the course you will be positioned at the beginning of the process.
It won't return you to where you left off in the timeline though. The issue with the progress bar and completion circles is something our team is taking a look at as a potential bug. So I'll keep you posted here as I have any more information on that!
- GuyArmstrong-e4Community Member
Thanks, Ashley, please let us know if you fix the completion circle bug.
I'll absolutely let you know once I have an update, Guy! We'll post here and as long as you're subscribed to the discussion you should see an email notification.
- BrianLawsonCommunity Member
In my Rise course, when a learner exits and then returns to the course later, the course picks up on the same lesson they had reached earlier, but any progress they had made in terms of course completion % goes away and starts again at zero. Is there any way to keep that progress tracked, is is this a shortcoming of my LMS? Can other LMSs track Rise courses in this way?
Hi Brian,
Our team is looking into an issue where the progress bar and completion circles that you'd see in the left sidebar/menu are reset upon the revisit, but it also sounds like your progress within the LMS is reset too?
We often test courses in SCORM Cloud as a comparison, since it does provide a consistent and reliable standard for SCORM behavior, so you may also want to test the course there. Or, if you'd like to share the Rise export here I'd be happy to help!
I did a quick test there of Rise content, and upon relaunching the course I was able to pick up where I left off and finish the course. I didn't revisit any sections I'd already seen, and I was still able to be marked complete.
- BrianLawsonCommunity Member
Thank you. I've just tested on SCORM cloud and got the same result, so presumably the problem is with my LMS.
- CamillaSmith-99Community Member
We also are having issues with saving course progress. We are using the "Complete the content before moving on" block and now are removing it. We also use EXIT COURSE button but we had to remove it.
Kindly update Rise so it works on most corporate LMSs. Otherwise, please notify us as to what features are problematic when we begin to create a new Rise course so we don't deploy a beta / pilot test and run into these issues.
As I'm going back and making the course more bare (without the 2 features above), this had cost much much time for many people and departments.
Thank you.
Hi Camilla,
Sorry to hear that you've run into an issue saving your course progress as well.
The resume behavior for Rise courses is controlled by the LMS. We did have an issue where the users were being brought back to the beginning of a block and the progress bar was reset. An update on 5/18/18 addressed this.
Check out our documentation here on all the updates that we've had for Rise so far.
Are you still experiencing the difficulty with the latest release? Are you able to replicate this behavior on SCORM Cloud or is it limited to your LMS?
- CamillaSmith-99Community Member
Hi Leslie!
Thanks for the reply.
We had to remove all "Complete the content before moving on" blocks and the Exit Course button (which was a tad sad).
I don't have the time to test on Scorm Cloud right now, but the only way our Rise course works is with the two aforementioned removed.
Thanks for your concern.