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HilaryTramme566's avatar
Community Member
9 months ago

How to send a *.story file??

I need to transfer my SL360 project *.story file to another developer (going to a different project.  Every time she tries to open it, she gets an Adobe PDF message.  Methods we've tried:

  • File share on Sharepoint
  • File share through Teams
  • Folder share
  • Email the *.story file

Each time it's the same message. I'm stumped.

  • If it's trying to open the file in Adobe reader it's usually one of two things:

    • The Storyline file extension is .PDF which I assume isn't the case. However, sometimes people will change the extension of files to try to get it to open in a different app.
    • The .story file extension is associated with Adobe reader. Thus when you try to open the story file it opens Adobe reader and you'll get an erro. That tends to happen when someone tries to open a file with a different app and then selects to always open the file with that app. 
    • Confirm that you're sending the *.story file. 
    • Have them open Storyline and then try to open the file from insider of Storyline
    • Here are tips on associating file types to the correct program if that's what happened.
    • HilaryTramme566's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks for your reply.  I did have her download the file and then try to open in SL, same error.  File extension is *.story because it's the file I'm actually working on.  Not sure what my next step will be. 

      I'll try to see if she did a "always open with PDF" feature somewhere.

  • Hilary,

    Tom is the expert here, but to let you know I share my files with other offices around the world. I put the .story file on our SharePoint site. When someone wants it they need to download it. As that file is downloading Articulate will open to view it. 

    Have then check in their setting for open files with ext .story with Articulate.

    Good luck

    • HilaryTramme566's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks - that is how I've always done it as well.  I'm guessing Tom is right and it is something with her device forcing it to be a PDF.  Going to look at that more closely today.

  • TeriCWarner's avatar
    Community Member

    Here's a way that I send files when this happens...I change the extension ".story" to something like ".tbc" and then ask the recipient to first change the file extension back to ".story" and then open it in Articulate. 

  • If you can't resolve it, contact our support team and then may be able to help.

  • Resolved!  First I had her change her extension to *.story and then we updated the "always open" to Storyline.  You guys are the best!!