Forum Discussion
Multiple Text Entry Quiz
Hi and Good day to everyone.
Can it be possible to create a multiple 'Text Entry' Quiz in storyline?
3-4 text entry that the user will answer to fill in the blanks?
Thanks and best regards,
- RebeccaFleischCCommunity Member
Hi Louise,
I've been wondering about this also, and your question prompted me to do some searching. According to this Text Entry tutorial, you CAN insert more than 1 question, but only 1 will be graded.
I wonder if anyone knows how to tweak things so many entries can be graded. And, unless I missed something (entirely possible!) and it IS possible to do this w/out a tweak, perhaps this would make a good feature request.
- JeanetteBrooksCommunity Member
Hi Louise and Becky,
Although the text entry question type is designed to evaluate just one text field, here's a workaround for evaluating multiple blanks on one slide:
- MarcusHaddonCommunity Member
I was directed to this view from a question I had asked a Wendy Farmer pointed me to this clip, which has been very helpful. However, in the clip you have the submit button active. I am creating a software simulation want to learners to click on items from the software screen shot. I have used hotspots and directed the trigger to the hotspot rather than the submit button. But when I click it I don't get the correct or incorrect response.
Would it be because my text entry boxes are on another layer? I am very new to storyline so not sure of my way round quite yet.
Any thoughts?
- KandiceDickinsoCommunity Member
Thanks for the video! I am wondering if you can change the triggers to allow the answers in any order. for example:
"Violets are _____, Roses are ________."
if the acceptable answers are blue and red, but i do not care what order they are filled in the blanks, how do i set up that trigger?- WendyFarmerSuper Hero
Hi Kandice
it shouldn't matter what order as long as the variable names are correct SL will check they match.
Are you having an issue with order?
- AnitagreenbergCommunity Member
Hello. I know yours was an old post (4 years ago) but I'm struggling with this issue now. This video was helpful to a point. It doesn't explain how to convey to Storyline which words, when typed into the text fields, are the correct words. It's no longer a text entry question, since the first step in the video is to convert it to a Freeform Pick-1 question.
I'd appreciate any help you can offer. Thanks much,
- KellyCleaverCommunity Member
I'm sorry but I have not used storyline for almost a year.
Kelly Cleaver
- LouiseCarreonCommunity Member
Hi Rebecca and Jeanette!
Thanks for your reply. (^_^)
Will see and check on the link & screenr video above and work on how to develop the multiple text entry quiz..
Thanks so much for your help!
- RebeccaFleischCCommunity Member
Louise, as I said, glad you posted since it meant I pursued it. Jeanette, I was able to create this type of quiz after watching your Screenr. Thanks. A couple thoughts:
1. Is is possible to link this thread or your Screenr to the tutorial page I'd posted above (Text Entry), so others won't assume, as I did, that this isn't doable? I know, this is sort of a bossy request
. Becky "managing things." Then again, I believe Articulate's goal is to help end users find answers "in the moment of need" to throw a little elearning parlance at ya!
2. I know you know this, but I discovered it by accident because things weren't working for me: the Player Triggers for Change State of Correct and Incorrect buttons needs to be above the Submit Interaction trigger in the Triggers panel. I know trigger order is very important; that's how I knew to look for that as a troubleshooting step (by default, when I put those in they went in below the Submit Interaction trigger). I just wondered if it might be something you'd want to add to the tutorial, even with a little callout, to alert Articulate users who are NOT aware of that. I also know, however, that there's only so much you can do in 5". So, just a thought.
3. Although this is very doable with your workaround, I still feel like it's something many end users would want in the product. Is it worth a feature request, or am I being to lazy? ;-)
- JeanetteBrooksCommunity Member
Hey Becky! Thanks for the feedback, and I think it would make an awesome feature request to add a multi-fill-in-the-blank as one of the ready-made question types! Thanks also for the suggestions on trigger order and linking the screenr to the Text Entry tutorial - much appreciated, and the link has been added.
- RebeccaFleischCCommunity Member
Done and many thanks for adding that link.
- ChrisSacco1Community Member
I've created a quiz using this assessment, and seem to have uncovered some sort of potential bug.
Before I list the error keep in mind that if the user hits submit right away, the program will go to the Incorrect screen (as i think it should).
The issue is happening when someone enters in the correct text entry into a field but then also adds additional letters after it
For example, the answer to one entry is EAT , and the user enters in EATS or EATING or just has the string of letters E-A-T-S in the overall string (ie: sadfasdfasdfasdfEATasdfasdf), an error message will be thrown.
A window comes up saying : Invalid Answer. You must complete the question before submitting.
It took me a while to realize what was causing this. Even if all entries were full, it threw this message.
I'm just wondering if anyone has encountered this, or if there is a way to disable this Invalid Answer screen.
- JeanetteBrooksCommunity Member
Hi Chris - sorry to hear that's happening. I wasn't able to reproduce the issue; would you mind submitting a support case so that support engineer can take a closer look at what the trouble might be? Thank you so much!
- PeterAndersonFormer Staff
Hi Olivier,
You may want to see if you can find some assistance for that particular scenario over in our Building Better Courses forum.
Good luck
- juanmaandreaniCommunity Member
cheers, i had been searching it!