Forum Discussion

BarMazuz's avatar
Community Member
3 months ago

PNG downloading time in the browser


I have a question about Storyline behavior regarding PNG image downloading time in the browser.

We have our own LMS, which allows us to upload Storyline SCORM lessons to our customers.

Right now, the Storyline behavior seems to download every PNG image to the client browser, making the loading time too long for them.

Is there any way to prevent the dowloding so the students can watch the lessons without downloading it to the customer's browser?

Thanks a lot

  • if your students have a limited bandwith, you need to minimize filesize

    some hints:

    • don't use PNG if it not necessary, use JPG instead of that
    • JPG is typically 70% smaller than PNG
    • PNG is only needed, if you use transparency
    • important: resize all your image (especially PNG) before import to storyline*
    • set the JPG quality on publish to 50%
    • you can check the published filesize -> Publish to web -> /mobile/**


    * since SL 3.63 (April 2022) published images are not resized on publish anymore

    ** the name is misleading, it's the folder for all your images

    • BarMazuz's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you. These were some great pieces of advice, and I will apply them. 
      I am still looking for (maybe from the Storyline support team) to tell me if it is possible to store the file in some way, (maybe a way that our developers can handle) instead of downloading it to the client's browser.