Can Peek record system audio?

Mar 12, 2017

I cannot see an option where Peek can record system audio.  Is there a workaround to record system audio versus using a mic for quality. I am using Camtashia for this now but would love to use Peek

58 Replies
Dorothy Miller


I'm joining this conversation today as I tried to use Peek to record a Storyline Project with sound but it didn't work.  This was to be my workaround to publish Storyline to a video as the 'publish to video' is stopping during the encode video element (I already have a ticket raised for this).  If Peek had had the capability to record my Storyline screen with audio that would have been a temporary fix until the publish to video is resolved.

Does anyone have any other ideas on how I could record my Storyline Project with audio to an mp4 format?

