Lost Comments in Review

Aug 24, 2018

A client of mine recently held 2 review meetings, one on Aug. 16, the other on Aug. 20. Two modules were reviewed at each meeting.

Comments for each module were posted on Articulate Review, however, only comments for 1 of the 2 modules were recorded on each day.  Which translates to me having access to comments for two out of the four modules. 

Has anyone experienced a similar situation with Review? There were issues with the Articulate servers on Aug. 15th, and I wonder whether this had any impact on Review. 

I have contacted Support with this issue, however, their recommendations aren't helpful. 

I should mention that I only have one copy of each published module on Review, and I have checked the previous versions of each module for the missing comments. The client has successfully used the tool in the past with no issues.

Any thoughts on what might have happened? 

Thank you for your insight. 

29 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Agnieszka

I saw you also sent in a Support case and that Michael was touching base with our team to look into those comments. Do you know approximately when the reviewers commented? 

Mamie and Phil,

Does it seem that you only lost comments recently or on a particular course? I don't see any Review status issues from last week on our Articulate Status page but, we could look into your individual courses if you can connect with our Support Engineers. We'll want to know 1) Your Articulate ID which published courses, 2) The course title, 3) the emails of any Reviewers who may have added comments, 4) if you have a general time period of when they added comments.

Let me know if you need anything else, and I'll also share this with the rest of my team to look into any broader issues on our end. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi all,

Thanks for your patience while our team looked into this issue. They were able to look specifically into Agnieszka's courses through her Support case and determined that there was a connection error from the user to our server at the time of posting. That's why the comments disappeared entirely. 

A browser refresh should fix the connection because it forces it to reconnect and re-initialize, and our team is looking into how we can better message this to reviewers in case it happens again.

In Agnieszka's case where we had some general timeframes to look for comments (thanks for sharing those with Michael!), the team was able to pull the comments and add them back in. They will be missing the screenshot, as that was not captured as a part of our error logging.

Katie Riggio

Hi, Janet. That does sound frustrating; I'm happy to help you and your boss get to the bottom of this!

I've opened a case for us to have a closer look at what's happening in Review 360. Look out for an email from support@articulate.com–and since you have Articulate 360 for Teams, you'll get priority support!

Katie Riggio

Hello Anne,

Thanks for taking the time to share what's going on! 

Have you had a chance to try the steps Alyssa shared in this discussion?

Hi Anne! Tell me more about the comments that are disappearing from Review 360. Have you tried clicking the Feedback tab? You can also try clicking the three dots and selecting Show Resolved Comments.

If the comments are not there, would you be willing to share the Review 360 URL with us privately? You can use this link. We'll dig in and let you what we find!

Meghan McKay

Not 100% related, but I'm just going to add this in as it's on a similar topic in case anyone else is having the same issue (or is it just me?) and it's tied to the disappearing comments. Review is being super frustratingly buggy since last week.  When I'm adding comments the text will sometimes start typing flipped backwards (the letters move right to left), or not at all.  I've never had this issue before and have tried multiple browsers. 


Lauren Connelly

Hi Meghan!

That is not expected behavior for Review 360 so we'll want to dig deeper into what you're seeing! Is it possible for you to share a Peek of your screen while typing comments into Review 360? 

You can attach it to this discussion or share it with us privately! Either way, we'll take a look and share next steps.

Stevi Page

I responded to some comments on Review yesterday morning 08/02/21 for one of the courses I'm building for a client. When I logged on this morning to see if they'd been answered, all the comments had disappeared, right back to the first version of the course. The other courses I've been working on for the same client at the same time are all fine. 

I need my comments back please!

PS My courses were built in RISE, the comments have completely disappeared even when you say 'show resolved comments'.

PPS It says 'there are no comments on your course yet' even though I'm on V9 after several rounds of review. It's as though they've never existed. And, yes, I'm on the same link I've been using all along.

Patti Swiech

I too am having a similar problem with one of my courses I recently published for review this week.  The SME was able to input his feedback; however, the only way I can go back and see it is via the link in the notification email I get when  a new reply on SCIEX University 360 posts.  If I access the course via Review 360, it states there are "no comments yet".  I too have tried the workarounds with 'showing resolved comments' but it is still not working.  Please advise what I should send to check this out?  

Becca Levan

Hi Patti,

Thanks for reaching out, and I'm sorry to hear you're facing a similar issue!

One quick thing to check is that you're viewing the most current version of the course: Here's a Peek of that!

If you're still not seeing those comments, I'd recommend sharing your course link with a support engineer so they can help troubleshoot!

Feel free to connect with someone on my team, and they'll reach out with a next step:

Lauren Connelly

Hi Susan!

So sorry you do not see comments in Review 360! Have you tried viewing the course in another browser to see if the comments are still missing?

I'd like to have our Support Engineers work with you directly to understand where the culprit is. You can connect with our Support Engineers in a support case. They'll respond as soon as possible!