Image Recommendations for Specific Blocks

Feb 06, 2019


I realize there have been multiple posts related to this request. I've read dozens of articles and comments while researching and still haven't found a solution. 

What size image works best for the following blocks?

  • Flash Cards
  • Process
  • Tabs
  • Quote 

I'm having a challenge with images either not filling in the available space or in the example of the quote head shots, images are too large for the circle.  

I really need a suggested starting point instead of resizing everything multiple times in hopes it works. 

I realize the tool is responsive to a user's screen but all of my end users will view content via a web browser. Nearly everyone has the same size monitor and settings. 

What has worked best for other users?


I've already read all of these articles:

Best Practices for Images, Videos, and Audio

Use the Highest Quality Images

Image Dimensions in Rise

Images in Labeled Graphic Lessons

Just to name a few!


11 Replies
Tatiana Nikolaeva

Hi, thanks for this post.

I've notice that this information is more for Storyline and other slide-based tools.

However, it seems, that Rise resize images to fit them to tabs and other blocs and even enlarged they look pixelated.

Want to ask the Articulate Team is there any recommendations on this? 

Response would be highly appreciated!

Crystal Horn

Hi there, Tatiana. Rise 360 compresses images to reduce file size. If you'd like an image to keep its specific file format and not undergo compression, you can opt-out of image optimization on a case-by-case basis. Just add _NOPROCESS_ to the name of your image file.

This tip will help with images that look pixelated. We are looking at how we can give you better control over the cropping of images in different block types, but I don't have a timeframe for that yet. I'll keep you posted!

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