Inserting template gets stuck every time?

Jan 03, 2020

I have a course where i have created block templates for reuse throughout the course. This worked one or two times, but now when I chose to add a block and pick my template from the block library, it inserts a "inserting template" section into the course and never finishes.

broken feature?

Funny thing is, I can preview the course and the content shows up. I can go and edit other pages and then come back to this page and sure enough, it's still "inserting template". Block templates don't work for me. What can I do?

115 Replies
Holly Kidson

@Annie - thank you, that worked for me... I was going nuts trying to figure out why I couldn't even cancel the templates I had tried to insert.  Just another +1 that this is still an issue, for the mods.  If it's helpful, the template I'm trying to use right now is a text block including a table.

Crystal Horn

Hi there, Teresa. I'm sorry this continues to happen to you!

Would you be able to try another browser?  I see from your case with us in the fall that clearing your browser cache worked; is that method failing you still?

Lastly, make sure you only click to insert the template once, and avoid inserting too many too quickly.

Luka Peters
Henrik Lührs

I have experienced this problem several times in the last few weeks and with increasing frequency. Even after clearing the browser cache and a re-start it does not work. Also the preview only shows this message:

Unknown type: pending pending

Same here since yesterday. Aweful since I work with block templates a lot.

Eric Santos

Hi Gracen, Henrik, and Luka,

I'm sorry to hear you've encountered this issue again! I appreciate you sharing the workaround, Luka! Have you tried using a different network to see if it helps?

If the block template still won't load, could I have you connect with us in a case so you can share your Rise 360 courses with us? We'd like to dig deeper into this. We'll reach out soon after we hear from you!

Annie White

I’ve found that if you hover your mouse over where the trash bin/delete icon is typically found (you will not be able to see it) it will change to a selector arrow and you can click as if the icon is there. This has always solved the problem for me. It’s yet another strange glitch in Rise, unfortunately. Hope this helps.

Annie White (she/her/hers)
Creative Director | Collective Next, LLC

Luka Peters

@Eric: I am experiencing the same issue on different networks. Also, I will have no time today to open a case, and will be on holidays and only be back on Jan 8. 

@Annie: Interestingly, this workaround doesn't work on my side.

Another workaround that might help sometimes: Double clicking the template 2 times will insert it 2 times (logically ;-) ), and while the insertion of the second one is still in "process", the first one is already there. You only have to click the invisible delete button on the second one, hahaha.