New in Rise 360: Team Folders (Beta)

Oct 04, 2023

Update—October 5, 2023: Find out what we've learned from your feedback and how we're improving team folders

We're thrilled to announce that the Team Folders beta is now live in Rise 360! With it comes an enhanced dashboard experience, convenient personal organization in My View, and even more ways to collaborate with your team (as well as external teams). 

Rise Team Folders

Updated Dashboard

The new Rise 360 dashboard sidebar organizes content into sections: My View, Personal, Team, Deleted Items, and External Connections (if you're working with external teams).

Courses you've created alone—without any collaborators—appear in the Personal section, and courses you’re building with other collaborators appear in the Team section. When you add a collaborator to a training item, it moves into the main Team section automatically. Only collaborators on the item can see it there, so don’t worry about others accessing it.

You can create folders and subfolders in each section. And now, when you move something to a folder, it's only visible in that folder! 

My View

With My View, keeping track of items you're currently working on is a snap. You can add specific items for easy access and create folders in the My View section to help organize things further. Content and folders in the My View section display only for you but can contain both personal and team items.

For the launch of the Team Folders beta, we've preserved your previous All Content view in this section. All the training items and folders that were there prior to today's launch have been added for you. This way, you can easily reference your previous view. Clicking an item in My View takes you directly to it. 

Update 10/5: Now, you can move the original item without having to leave My View. Just click the more icon and select Move file. Select a location or create a new folder, then click Move.

Personal and Team Folders

With Team Folders, content created in Rise 360 is added to the section or folder you're currently in. If you're in the personal section, your training appears there. If you're in the team section, it's created there. 

Collaborators can now be assigned at the folder level, saving you time. When you create content in a team folder, it automatically inherits the collaborator permissions applied to that folder. This can even be everyone on your team! All you have to do is select the Share menu option for a folder or item, then select Everyone and assign them collaborator status. Note that the current editor role is the same as the previous collaborator role.

External Connections

If you work with other teams in Rise 360, you'll see new team folders for them as well in the External Connections section. The folder names might be different from what you're used to seeing. That's because Rise 360 now uses the actual name of the organization as it’s listed in account management. This is true for your team as well. An Articulate 360 admin for the external team can modify it with the Edit Organization Name option in account management.

All Rise 360 users have access to the enhanced dashboard and My View feature. If you’re an Articulate 360 Teams subscriber, you also have access to the new Team section. And if you don’t have Articulate 360 but want to try out this feature, you can start a free 30-day trial

We're excited about the Team Folders feature because it'll allow teams to work together even more easily. And we're releasing it in beta so your feedback can guide us as we continue to develop it. Have feedback? Click on the feedback link in Rise 360 or comment below. We can't wait to hear what you think. 

148 Replies
Dave Hardin

Is there a way to move previously created courses into a team folder and have that course take on the same collaborator permissions as the team folder itself, or will it always retain the original collaborator permissions if it was created outside the team folder?

Basically, we have hundreds of previously created courses that we would like to move into a team folder and allow everyone on our team to have Manager access to all the courses without having to update the collaborators on each course. 

Steven Benassi

Hi Dave!

It sounds like you had questions about managing content with Team Folders.

I see that you've opened a support case as well. Smart move! It looks like my colleague Robert is handling your case, and replied to your e-mail with some insight on your request.

We can continue the conversation through your case to help keep all information in one spot. 

Steven Benassi

Hi Dorothy!

It sounds like you needed to pass authoring capabilities onto another team member. I'd be happy to share some insight on this!

Articulate 360 Teams can easily collaborate on Rise 360 content. Create and edit different lessons in a course at the same time or take turns fine-tuning the same content.

Would you mind sharing more information on the individual who will be receiving the content from you? Are they on a different Teams subscription with only one user seat?

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Kristi Reece

Hi Mandy,

It's possible that someone on your team has Team Management rights and they need to go into the main settings to allow the team to have access to the Team folder.

Once that is done, then we created a new folder that we called, "Published Modules - Shared". For our team, that meant we finished it and published it to our LMS. Now, if anyone notifies us of an error, or misspelling, etc., anyone on the team can make the edit and republish the Rise module. This helps us stay on task, provide great customer service for our LMS administrators, and not have to worry if the course owner is out of the office. In my screenshot below, I made everyone on our team a Manager for this particular folder. Editor allows anyone on the team to make edits, BUT, an Editor cannot publish it. So, we used "Manager". Our IDs keep all content private and work on the module as always and it is not until they publish to the LMS that they "move" the completed course to this folder. Once they move it, everyone has access. Hope this helps!



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Jose Tansengco

Hi everyone!

In the latest update for Rise 360, we've released a new feature allowing users to select multiple items in their dashboards. Please refresh your browser windows to see the update.

  • Enhanced: Multi-select items in your Private and Team folders, then move or delete them in bulk.

You can check out the release notes here.

Hope you have a great day!

Jose Tansengco

Hello Michael, 

Happy to help! 

I checked the account of the person you invited and it looks like they have yet to accept the invite to join your Articulate 360 Teams subscription. Kindly have them check their inbox, spam, or trash folder for the invite and accept it to address the error you're getting. You can also resend the invite from your Team Dashboard if they did not receive the invite. 

Michael Semmler

Thank you, Jose, but I think they have accepted the invite.  I want to add members 1 & 5 in the attachment, and I always thought that the green tick means that they have accepted the invite?

Member 17 has not accepted, and I do have the option to send an invite?

Is there something else I'm missing?

I appreciate your help!

Jose Tansengco

Hello Michael,

Thanks for the additional information. Clicking on the gray envelope icon should give you the option to resend the invite. As for the users who have accepted the invite, if you are still unable to add them to your Team Folders, please open a case with our support team here and share their emails in private so we can take a closer look at their accounts.

Kori Morehart

Hello there! I created a team for our group using the Beta feature mentioned above. We're aiming to plan for the future and are curious, if I (as the owner of the created team) were to leave, how do I transfer ownership of that team folder to someone else? 

We're aware of how to transfer ownership at the content level; however, how do we do it at this Team Folder level? The image attached alludes to the fact that it's possible but we haven't stumbled on the how of it.

Steven Benassi

Hi Kori!

Happy to help with this!

Currently, there is no way to transfer ownership of a Team Folder. If an individual does leave the organization, and the administrator removes the user in their account settings, they must choose another user to transfer that content to. As a result, the ownership of the Team Folder will be transferred to the user they have selected.

If you run into any trouble with this process, please connect with our support engineers through a support case.

Steven Benassi

Hi Raya!

Sorry to hear you've run into this setback when accessing Team Folders in Rise!

Team Folders are only available for Articulate IDs that are part of an active 360 Teams Subscription. Can you confirm that you are logged in with an Articulate ID that is part of a 360 Teams Subscription?

Also, it would be helpful to see a screenshot of what you are experiencing on your end. Feel free to attach one here in the discussion or share it privately through a support case.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Eric Santos

Hi Linda,

Thanks for reaching out! I'm sorry for the confusion with the Rise 360 dashboard. During the last few months, the Rise 360 Team Folders feature has been under beta testing, and our team gathered feedback from our subscribers, resulting in the dashboard you're seeing now. Please see the article below for details:

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Jose Tansengco

Hello Delphinia, 

I can confirm that Team Folders display properly in Safari. Here's a screenshot of what I see on my end when I access Rise 360's dashboard using Safari: 

As a troubleshooting step, try clearing your browser's cache to see if this fixes the issue. You'll also want to make sure that you're signed in using an account that belongs to a Teams subscription to see the Team Folders. If the issue persists, please open a case with our support team here so we can take a closer look at what's happening.

Eric Santos

Hello Tamar,

Happy to help! One way to create a group or subfolder under a Teams folder is to click the more icon (...) next to your Teams folder in the sidebar and select "New folder." You can then control who sees your shared content in the Teams subfolder by hovering over the folder on the sidebar or the folder breadcrumb. Click the "More" (•••) icon that appears, and choose "Folder share settings." Here are the details:

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Tamar Bzekalava

Hi Eric,

Quick clarification: I wonder how to create a group within our larger organization. In other words, I don't want to share the team folder and its subfolders with everyone in the large team. Instead, I would like to share it with a specific group of people within our organization. Since this is a group of 30+ people I would rather have them grouped, then to add them manually.
Is there any such possibility?

Jose Tansengco

Hi Tamar, 

Yes, that is very possible. You just need to create a group within your Articulate 360 Team and assign the folder to that specific group to restrict access. Here's how you can create groups: 

And you can follow the article that Eric shared to share content specifically with the group that you will be creating.

Let me know if you have any questions!