Return to previous versions of Rise lessons after edits have been made

Nov 09, 2017

Is it possible to return to an older version of a course after edits have been made? We can see the old version in Review, but what if we decided we didn't like the changes that have been made and wanted to return the Rise course to two versions ago (so that it is editable in Rise)?

80 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard


Great question. Rise updates in real time, so changes you make are saved immediately. We don't have a versioning system in Rise but it's something our team has talked about as a new feature. It's not on our roadmap yet, but I'll share this discussion with our Product team as we track forum discussions and submitted feature requests to help determine priority! 

Crystal Horn

Hi there, Nicole. Do you host your courses on your own web server or LMS? If so, you could keep the exported packages that you upload to your hosting platform as an archive of versions for compliance. They won't be editable, but they'll give you a snapshot in time of each version.

I hope that helps!

Jennifer Wilkins

Hi, I'd like to add a vote here from our company as well, Salesforce. We really need some form of version control for Rise modules, as others in this thread have mentioned, especially as we're embarking on a huge migration project that will require keeping track of Rise module production and working copies. If version control isn't possible it would be helpful to at least be able to create sub folders in the left folder structure. Many thanks!!