Send an Email Within Rise

Jul 10, 2017

Good morning,

Does anyone know if we can use the mailto: code to create a new email from a link within Rise? 

Example, I'd like to have a link in a Contact section that will open a new email to that address instead of the user having to copy/paste.

I tried using the mailto: link with a button, and by adding a link to plain text, but Rise is automatically putting http:// in front of it.

Any suggestions or a workaround? Thanks.

40 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Tom,

It's an idea we've shared with our team as a feature request! We keep track of all the requests we receive and prioritize them based on customer impact, the current set up and available workarounds, and time/effort to implement.

The mailto: option is one we have submitted to our team and in their hands to figure out next steps and feasibility - but I do know that the email trigger in Storyline met a few external roadblocks which I imagine could also happen in Rise.

We'll keep you posted here, thanks again for sharing your need of this! 

Karl Muller

Here is how the button option works for me.

If the button Send an email option is used, a button click will open the default email client such as Outlook. The email address you entered for the button will be automatically entered as the recipient and the course name will appear as the subject line.

Tracy, what happens in your case?

Tracy Martin

Thanks Karl.  I used a button form, selected Send an e-mail, put in my e-mail address and thought it would be all fine.  When I tried to use the button as a learner, it didn't attempt to create an e-mail, or even show the mailto: code when I moused over the button.  totally sad face...