Videos to Automatically Play in Rise

Oct 12, 2018

Is there a way to have videos automatically start to play in Rise when the user reaches that section of the session?

140 Replies
William Shafer

Please don't be Apple where you only offer those features/functions that YOU think are best for your paying customers. You're forcing your customers to adopt a philosophy & stance that you've taken, but "one size does not always fit all." 

Just leave each media clip set to "Auto Play-Off" when imported. For those who don't want/need auto-play? End of story. For those who do, it's an extra step which many of us here would be happy to take.

Kayleigh Saum

I agree with those saying that eLearning seems to be an exception to the general rule of banning autoplay. On a website, autoplay content is annoying and usually distracts from the desired content. I do encounter autoplay videos on Chrome on a daily basis, both desktop and mobile, so it clearly hasn't been banned. But with eLearning, it seems especially true that autoplay can be a convenience and/or design feature. Users are learning and want to get through the content quickly and efficiently. A teacher begins a lesson when they choose to--a learner doesn't have to tell a teacher, "Please begin teaching us." An autoplay video in an eLearning course feels similar to me. I hope autoplay can be added soon! It seems like a simple change.

Lorenzo Maillard

Exactly right! I understand that Rise 360 needs to stay easyfriendly and intuitve therefore somhow limited in the customisation but I believe that the plateform needs to go to the next level. Adding a simple Autoplay feature shouldn't be a two page topics of clients asking for it. 

I sincerely hope this feature will be added in the next updates along with different color theme/background.

Thank you 

Zsolt Olah

Hi Dorrien,

It was an old example and I don't have the original Rise document anymore (I switched accounts). Chrome also changed its policy now that you need to interact with the page (at least until their algorithm figures that you trust the site) 

Anyway, here's an updated example with a download file.

There is limitations to this but you can see if it meets your needs. There's video and audio examples in it, and the last chapter is the download.

Roger Whitacre

I came here to find out how to autoplay a video and just read this discussion. After I left this page, I found another reference to animated gifs, which is what I had created. I was just using the wrong terminology. I added the animated gif and it immediately began playing! BTW - I created the animated gif in SnagIt - very easy!

Gillian Vazey


Kind Regards,


Cameron Gay
Learning and Development Manager
Bridgestone New Zealand Ltd.
Level 1, Building A, The Millennium Centre
602 Great South Road, Ellerslie 1051
PO Box 91440, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142
P: +64 9 589 5016 M: +64 21 190 3594


Gillian Vazey

The only people to NOT agree are staff from articulate

Kind Regards,


Cameron Gay
Learning and Development Manager
Bridgestone New Zealand Ltd.
Level 1, Building A, The Millennium Centre
602 Great South Road, Ellerslie 1051
PO Box 91440, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142
P: +64 9 589 5016 M: +64 21 190 3594


Kyle Jenkins

After using the tool more extensively, I think I understand their rationale behind omitting this feature. That doesn't mean I like it, though.

Rise is not strictly designed for power users like us, but rather people who really don't understand the technical best practices of deploying eLearning. By limiting the number of options, they can limit the number of mistakes the lay user might make. Autoplay is one of these options that, if someone doesn't know better, could completely ruin the experience.

For example, there's no way to prevent Rise's video upload feature from re-processing my video files. As an experienced video editor who's studied encoding settings, this is an awful experience. For someone who doesn't know better and tries to upload a 20 Mbps file, it's a godsend. They don't even have the option to make the mistake of unticking a box labeled "Optimize video for the web" or something similar.

As a result of all this, I've found that if I'm creating a Rise course and need to insert video, I ALWAYS end up always embedding a video externally simply for the level of control I have over the content's quality and playback options, autoplay or not.

While it would have been better to receive an answer from staff outlining the intended direction for Rise and how this impacts the decisions they make when adding features, I understand that this isn't something developers often share with users.

Still, I think Articulate should acknowledge that there is a desire within the enthusiast community to have an easy-to-use tool like Rise with more control. No idea how that could manifest without "impeding" the usability for novices (Aritculate Rise Pro?) but it seems to me they're pointing all the power users to Storyline options right now.

Roger Whitacre

You're welcome. After adding several animated gifs to a course, the feedback I got from users was they found the auto-loop distracting and even annoying. I agreed with them. The gif repeats continually. So what I did was, I added 10-15 seconds of no motion at all at the end of the gif. Then it would start again at the beginning automatically. The length of no motion depended on how much time I estimated someone would take reading the text accompanying the gif. I had those who had commented about it being distracting to go through the course again. They all said it was a big improvement and did not find it distracting. Some liked the fact that they could watch it again if they'd like.

Andrew Sellon

I have a new project with a new client coming up, and in so many ways Rise (especially with its newer features) would be a great match for the client. But checking back on the deal-breaker issue of audio/video not autoplaying, I find Articulate remains on the wrong side of history for this crucial feature.

I'll add my voice to the many others here again: A learner taking a course built in Rise is not the same as someone just browsing the internet. Entirely different situation. The learner knows why they are there, and they want to get in, get the info, and get out as quickly as possible. If there is audio/video (after all, voiceover narration on each slide is common), the learner wants it playing without having to activate it manually on every single slide. Flow is essential to effective learning. Constant start and stop leads to learner disengagement.

All we're asking for is the OPTION to include this functionality in a Rise course. Even if we could offer the learner an option at the start of the Rise course: "Turn audio/video autoplay off for this course?" that would do it. That would make everyone happy.

Articulate Team: I love you, but you are still missing the boat on this critical issue and forcing developers to use Storyline or even Captivate when Rise could be a much easier solution. Don't keep playing Apple's "Sorry, but we know what you need better than you do" card. Listen to your customers. Give us the option.


Andrew Tomko

I'm currently building a course that I wish this feature was an option for my particular module. I'm using around a dozen videos in my CBT, but one module would warrant the autoplay feature given the content. I'm going to look into Wisita, but a simple autoplay feature setting on videos would be welcomed.

Thank you.

Knowledge Central .

Somehow... After a year of request etc... Things aren't happening at all. Which, made me conclude the following:

` Articulate is NOT ABLE to make it due to the LACK OF technical expertise or?

- Articulate thinks that we aren't important and aren't listening to the customers?

I've tried embedding videos into SL and export it into Articulate RISE but somehow, when I put in the divider - "Complete the content above before moving on.", after the video's played, it didn't allow the user to move on. I wanted to "marry" both functions but somehow... It didn't work out.

Is there anyone who can give suggestions of what I should do? How can I have autoplay videos from SL, allow the divider "Complete the content above before moving on." changed to "Continue" before moving to the next presentation?