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Revisión Cursos
Alguien sabe como puedo cambiar el color de las cajas de texto de preguntas. ya que por ejemplo en un ejercicio de arrastrar y soltar las cajas de texto son gris y cam...
Articulate Storyline 1 hour ago
By Revisión Cursos
Janet Guastavino
I have created a %FirstName% variable that works in the first scene but in no other scenes. Can you take a look at my project and see if you can spot the problem. (It ...
Articulate Storyline 1 hour ago
By Janet Guastavino
Kelly Oliva
Hello, I am in need of some help to set a slide to show a saved state for all layers when revisiting, if possible. Here's some background on my project: I created a b...
Articulate Storyline 10 hours ago
By Kelly Oliva
Mary Gregg
Will creating .vtt files from a video be part of any future update in Articulate products? This is an integral part of building training and it is such a multi-step wo...
Articulate Storyline 11 hours ago
By Mary Gregg
Binh Pham
When I open a scorm file on a touch screen Window device, the first touch is understood as Hover stage, and the second touch is the Selected stage. That's mean I have ...
Articulate Storyline 13 hours ago
By Binh Pham
Chris Jefferson
Hi All, I have noticed recently that when I introduce a continue button (after an interactive block) it sometimes jumps further onto into the lesson. This mostly happe...
Rise 360 15 hours ago
By Chris Jefferson
Bonjour, Lors de la publication de quiz sur un LMS, mes feedbacks sont en anglais alors qu'ils sont en français dans le module. Je mets en pièces jointes les copies d'...
Articulate Storyline 15 hours ago
Joyce Noval
We've been using gallery block before and yesterday we come up with this issue of zoom cursor appearing even when we turned off the "Enable zoom on click" option. The ...
Rise 360 15 hours ago
By Joyce Noval
francois marais
hello to the team I work in air traffic control. we do a lot of ELearnings with ST360 and big ones because the subjects are very complex. we use a lot of ST360 licen...
Articulate Storyline 16 hours ago
By francois marais
Jerome Fricker
Hi there! We created our new First Aid E-Learning Plattform with Articulate. I would be happy for some feedbacks. Thanks a lot!
Rise 360 18 hours ago
By Jerome Fricker
Lauranne Payne
Our trainees are paid for their time in training and as such we limit the seek-bar to drag after viewed, but if the miss something part way it would be nice of t...
Articulate Storyline 1 day ago
By Lauranne Payne
Michelle  Davis-Logan
Does storyline have a template or anything that would make my elearning course look and act like a digital workbook?
Articulate Storyline 1 day ago
By Michelle Davis-Logan
Maddy S
Pretty much what the title says. I tried importing the project but this project is not saved anywhere yet, so importing did not work as it is requesting access to the ...
Articulate Storyline 1 day ago
By Maddy S
Fin Polaris
I have created five separate courses in Articulate Storyline, all falling under a single course name. This approach was chosen because each module (or course) needs an...
Rise 360 1 day ago
By Fin Polaris
Mike B.
The PDF icon under "Resources" in my course is failing color contrast tests. Is there any way to adjust the color under the Modern player?
Articulate Storyline 1 day ago
By Mike B.
Service Formation
Bonjour, Savez-vous s'il est possible de mettre en gras juste quelques mots dans une référence d'une variable texte svp ? Belle journée 😊 Hello, Do ...
Articulate Storyline 1 day ago
By Service Formation
Espaço de Aprendizagem Demant Demant
Hi! is it possible create a quiz using quiz maker and storyline then included this quiz in a learning plan in reach 360 and this quiz becomes a kind of assessment? if...
Articulate Quizmaker 1 day ago
By Espaço de Aprendizagem Demant Demant
Paul Lee
Hi, We have just had our RISE360 e-learning course converted to AICC (Not sure what that is as its outside my skillset) and one of the quiz questions - An 'alignment' ...
Rise 360 2 days ago
By Paul Lee
Robert LeBlanc
I am really enjoying Storyline and have broadened my horizon by downloaded some of the different icons and buttons from the downloads. I now have them in a folder on m...
Articulate Storyline 2 days ago
By Robert LeBlanc
Joseph Bossenberry
Hello, when I go to download a character to import it into my presentation in 360, it starts like it's going to download but then I get an orange circle with an exclam...
Articulate Storyline 2 days ago
By Joseph Bossenberry