Andre Van Looveren
Andre Van Looveren
Senior Mutlimedia Developer at I Drive Safely, LLC
Andre Van Looveren started a new discussion Multiple triggers not always working
"My experience with multiple triggers on a particular event has historically rung true with the tip found here about multiple triggers. Ho..."
  • over 8 years ago01/05/16 at 9:20 pm (UTC)
Andre Van Looveren started a new discussion HTML5 player audio issues in Android 4.2.2 and 4.4.2
"We have two separate issues in playing our Storyline 2 Update 6 output on Android, and I would like to hear from anyone who has experienc..."
  • over 8 years ago09/09/15 at 9:59 pm (UTC)
Andre Van Looveren started a new discussion iOS 9 audio not audible on first slide played
"At this moment iOS 9 is still in beta, but we've been doing some testing of the HTML5 Storyline player and found something strange that w..."
  • over 8 years ago09/01/15 at 11:05 pm (UTC)
Andre Van Looveren started a new discussion How to eliminate the masteryscore element from imsmanifest.xml?
"The question seems to have a simple answer, such as... open imsmanifest.xml and delete the XML element. However, I would like ..."
  • almost 9 years ago07/09/15 at 4:45 pm (UTC)
Andre Van Looveren started a new discussion How do I set the passing score in LMS to override the SCO?
"I would like to publish a Storyline SCO with a quiz and a default passing score, but I would also like the hosting LMS to be able to over..."
  • almost 9 years ago06/05/15 at 5:42 pm (UTC)
Andre Van Looveren started a new discussion H.264/AVC royalties
"My company has produced video content that is distributed to paying customers for several years, and all products containing more than 12..."
  • almost 9 years ago05/20/15 at 12:57 am (UTC)
Andre Van Looveren started a new discussion Audio in HTML5 on iPad/Mobile Safari
"I have been testing Storyline 2, which has far improved HTML5 output (at least as far as playback on iPad is concerned), but I've got one..."
  • over 9 years ago11/26/14 at 1:10 am (UTC)
Andre Van Looveren started a new discussion Triggers executing too early in HTML5 player
"I've got some custom JavaScript that needs to execute at the beginning of my slides (code is unique to each slide).  I put Slide Triggers..."
  • over 10 years ago11/13/13 at 11:52 am (UTC)
Andre Van Looveren started a new discussion standalone suspend_data
"I am attempting to test some JavaScript that communicates with some custom services without launching the SCO from an LMS.  (I am serving..."
  • over 10 years ago10/10/13 at 5:33 pm (UTC)
Andre Van Looveren started a new discussion slide identifiers in published artifacts?
"I have not heard or read anything that suggests that a slide has an identifier, but I see that the published artifacts have "hash" lookin..."
  • over 10 years ago09/04/13 at 5:11 pm (UTC)
Andre Van Looveren started a new discussion slide transition event broadcast to JavaScript
"I would love to be able to execute JavaScript on transition between slides.  I see that onBWEvent(BW_CloseWebObject,"") and onBWEvent(Upd..."
  • over 10 years ago08/26/13 at 5:41 pm (UTC)
Andre Van Looveren started a new discussion Storyline: access to system variables, SDK, or JavaScript API?
"I don't see any mention in the past 6 months of the progress of an SDK for enhanced programmatic control and player state awareness.  I'm..."
  • over 10 years ago08/26/13 at 5:38 pm (UTC)