Claude Fillion
Claude Fillion
"Hello, We also encountered this problem with a Storyline course published in Scorm 2004 4th edition. The course results changed the next..."
  • 2 months ago06/11/24 at 6:19 pm (UTC)
"I agree. We expected AI to be added and not put in an option to get it. Especially when we knew that there would be a considerable increa..."
  • 2 months ago05/17/24 at 3:24 pm (UTC)
"Bonjour, Voici nos besoins principaux qui impliquent l'IA : - Générer du contenu texte selon des documents en Rise et Storyline en an..."
  • 3 months ago05/09/24 at 7:28 pm (UTC)
Claude Fillion replied to the discussion Random Question Draw with Restricted Menu
"Bonjour, Nous avons également le même problème. Nous voudrions naviguer librement dans un cours dont le menu est restreint ou verrouillé ..."
  • 7 months ago01/11/24 at 7:39 pm (UTC)
Claude Fillion replied to the discussion Switch display language in Rise 360
"Hello, We also need an interface in French. Thank you for keeping us informed."
  • almost 3 years ago10/14/21 at 6:55 pm (UTC)
"I have exactly the same problem. Could you help me please?"
  • 3 years ago05/21/21 at 5:51 pm (UTC)
"Ça fonctionne très bien avec 360. Merci"
  • over 3 years ago10/27/20 at 6:03 pm (UTC)
Claude Fillion replied to the discussion Content Library 360 - Indisponible
"Merci de m'avoir prévenu."
  • 4 years ago06/15/20 at 8:22 pm (UTC)
Claude Fillion replied to the discussion Content Library 360 - Indisponible
"Bonjour, Le problème est effectivement réglé. Merci beaucoup ___________________________________________________________ De : E-Learning ..."
  • 4 years ago06/15/20 at 7:46 pm (UTC)
Claude Fillion started a new discussion Content Library 360 - Indisponible
"Bonjour, Depuis plusieurs jours, il nous est impossible de télécharger un contenu de la librairie d'Articulate à partir de Stor..."
  • 4 years ago06/15/20 at 3:16 pm (UTC)
Claude Fillion replied to the discussion Quizmaker 13 not upgradeing to 360
"Hello, We also have questionnaires from 13 to 360 that present the same problem. Since your convessation in 10 months ago, did you find a..."
  • over 4 years ago12/06/19 at 2:42 pm (UTC)