Consortium Beroepsonderwijs (ot1)
Consortium Beroepsonderwijs (ot1)
Consortium Beroepsonderwijs
Consortium Beroepsonderwijs (ot1) replied to the discussion Return to previous versions of Rise lessons after edits have been made
"I would like to vote for versioning to from our company as well, Consortium Beroepsonderwijs."
  • 3 years ago07/21/21 at 8:15 am (UTC)
Consortium Beroepsonderwijs (ot1) replied to the discussion Trouble uploading video to Rise
"Same here. Same videos as last week won't upload anymore. There is an issue, but it's not clear what the issue is. "
  • almost 5 years ago10/22/19 at 8:15 pm (UTC)
Consortium Beroepsonderwijs (ot1) replied to the discussion NEW IN RISE: More knowledge check question types
"Hello, can I also not show the right answers directly after a student gave his answer? Now a student fills in anything and instantly sees..."
  • 5 years ago05/02/19 at 9:02 am (UTC)