Jeanette Cereske
Jeanette Cereske
Sr. Instructional Designer at InsideView
"Hi Leslie, WebDrive is a drive mapping utility that you use to access remote file servers, so I thought that it could be that the server..."
  • almost 8 years ago08/02/16 at 4:46 pm (UTC)
"Hi Leslie, I'm sorry for the late reply, I was out of the office last week due to a family emergency. The Save & Exit worked on the..."
  • almost 8 years ago08/01/16 at 9:13 pm (UTC)
"Hi Ali, Yes that is the article that I reviewed. File attached. I'm using Chrome Version 52.0.2743.82 m thanks, Jeanette"
  • 8 years ago07/25/16 at 10:40 pm (UTC)
"I've seen several discussions about this and followed what was recommended. The "Launch player in new window" checkbox is selected, and I..."
  • 8 years ago07/25/16 at 8:57 pm (UTC)
"One of the first things I learned when I began taking Instructional Design courses way back when, is that you never use the word "underst..."
  • over 8 years ago12/10/15 at 12:08 am (UTC)
"Yes, that is what I am referring to. I was afraid that would be the answer. I guess I'll have to build a menu. thank you, Jeanette"
  • over 8 years ago11/23/15 at 6:49 pm (UTC)
Jeanette Cereske started a new discussion Can you Supress a Scene's Menu Display with a Variable?
"I have a course that has an introductory scene. In the last slide, the student is sent to one of two other scenes based on a variable. I..."
  • over 8 years ago11/23/15 at 6:13 pm (UTC)
"Thank you Leslie. I am not able to share it in the forums - I just uploaded it."
  • over 8 years ago10/27/15 at 8:06 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Christie. I just tested it in our LMS and got the same results. Where can I upload my file so that you can take a look at it?    "
  • over 8 years ago10/27/15 at 6:04 pm (UTC)
"I have seen other posts similar to this but I have not found one that is exactly like what I am experiencing. I have a course with 3 que..."
  • over 8 years ago10/26/15 at 8:35 pm (UTC)
"Here are the illustrated characters on that site."
  • almost 9 years ago10/12/15 at 10:18 pm (UTC)
"Hi Ashley, I believe I shared that really great thread with you in another discussion on this topic - you even thanked me for it. :-) F..."
  • 9 years ago04/29/15 at 9:41 pm (UTC)
"Hi Ashley, our LMS can track the attempts. The problem is that Storyline is not sending them, so the LMS can't track something that isn't..."
  • 9 years ago04/29/15 at 6:25 pm (UTC)
"According to Justin Grenier (Staff Member), Articulate does not send attempt information to the LMS, so it's not an LMS setting.  See the..."
  • 9 years ago04/27/15 at 6:57 pm (UTC)
Jeanette Cereske started a new discussion Quiz Attempts Not Recorded in LMS or SCORM Cloud
"I have a course that is a 17 question quiz. The student can review and re-take the quiz and must pass the quiz to complete the course.   ..."
  • 9 years ago04/27/15 at 6:42 pm (UTC)
"I have a course that is strictly a quiz with 17 questions. The user must score 85% to pass and complete the course. If they do not pass, ..."
  • over 9 years ago04/21/15 at 10:10 pm (UTC)
Jeanette Cereske started a new discussion Player Properties does not display the Other option
"The little gear icon that should be below the Aa Text Labels does not display - it is blank. Does anyone have any suggestions?"
  • over 9 years ago12/05/14 at 11:48 pm (UTC)
"San Francisco!"
  • over 9 years ago12/01/14 at 6:31 pm (UTC)
Jeanette Cereske replied to the discussion Positioning Text, Graphics etc.
"Thanks Wendy, I saw the guides and gridlines. Michael, that's exactly what I was looking for, thank you. Jeanette"
  • almost 10 years ago10/15/14 at 2:00 pm (UTC)
Jeanette Cereske started a new discussion Positioning Text, Graphics etc.
"Hi, I'm a new Storyline user - most recently I was using Lectora. One feature I really like in Lectora is being able to use the X and Y c..."
  • almost 10 years ago10/15/14 at 1:47 pm (UTC)
"Hi Michael, I made that change and it made it even smaller - it would be impossible to work with it set that way. But thank you for res..."
  • almost 10 years ago10/02/14 at 9:12 am (UTC)
Jeanette Cereske started a new discussion Why does the Storyline application display so small?
"Hi I just downloaded the trial version yesterday, When I open Storyline everything that displays in the window is so small - icons, fonts..."
  • almost 10 years ago10/01/14 at 11:02 am (UTC)