Jeff Sale
Jeff Sale
Sr. Cont. Dev. & Sr. LMS Admin at The Bowen Group
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  • Stafford, VA
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Jeff Sale started a new discussion Packaging a Course into One PPT
"Hello, We had people working on different parts of this course, one worked on questions and others on the actual slides, its broken down ..."
  • almost 13 years ago08/31/11 at 7:28 am (UTC)
Jeff Sale started a new discussion Articulate's Next Update
"When will this be released? I would love it if all PPT 2010 animations were supported and if you could animate text by letter and word."
  • almost 13 years ago07/28/11 at 8:30 am (UTC)
Jeff Sale started a new discussion Adobe Connect & Articulate LMS
"I have been testing out uploading an Articulate LMS file to Adobe Connect, all of the content loads properly, you can go through the cour..."
  • over 13 years ago04/14/11 at 10:35 am (UTC)
Jeff Sale started a new discussion Coding - changing from an image to video
"I am trying to have an image change to a movie instead of zoom into it when the user clicks on it. Here is code from both a vi..."
  • over 13 years ago04/07/11 at 10:46 am (UTC)
"The way you did that shadow was very creative, I like that! Thanks David"
  • over 13 years ago04/05/11 at 10:56 am (UTC)
Jeff Sale commented on the download Stairstep Interaction
"Thank you Jeanette, I submitted two suggestions/feature requests."
  • over 13 years ago04/05/11 at 9:40 am (UTC)
Jeff Sale commented on the download Stairstep Interaction
"Is there anyway to change the colors of the steps?"
  • over 13 years ago04/05/11 at 9:09 am (UTC)
"We are having a similar problem with the exit now button, we have it uploaded to a modified version of adobe connect, and its being launc..."
  • over 13 years ago03/31/11 at 12:08 pm (UTC)
Jeff Sale replied to the discussion Custom Preloader question
"No, I don't have $50 to try that out, I will ask if we can purchase it when boss man returns, I am using the Custom Preloader 1109 flash ..."
  • over 13 years ago03/31/11 at 9:19 am (UTC)
Jeff Sale replied to the discussion Custom Preloader question
"Well I got it in there, and its uploaded, but doesnt seem to help so much, :*( oh well, I might have to come up with another solution for..."
  • over 13 years ago03/31/11 at 9:04 am (UTC)
Jeff Sale replied to the discussion Custom Preloader question
"Thank you Tammy! "
  • over 13 years ago03/31/11 at 8:36 am (UTC)
Jeff Sale replied to the discussion Custom Preloader question
"Once you insert all of the files to the .fla preloader and publish the swf file where do you put this swf file in the presentation."
  • over 13 years ago03/31/11 at 7:56 am (UTC)
Jeff Sale replied to the discussion Adding Text Boxes to Questions
"and you're amazing Jeanette, thank you so much : )"
  • over 13 years ago03/29/11 at 12:28 pm (UTC)
Jeff Sale started a new discussion Adding Text Boxes to Questions
"We have questions where there is an "Other" option, where after the user is supposed to enter what it was that he/she liked about the cou..."
  • over 13 years ago03/29/11 at 11:43 am (UTC)
Jeff Sale replied to the discussion Adding More than 10 Options/Answers
"> I'll try to figure something out, thanks Justin."
  • over 13 years ago03/29/11 at 11:31 am (UTC)
Jeff Sale started a new discussion Adding More than 10 Options/Answers
"I am wondering if it is possible to add more than 10 possible Options/Answers to the Survey: Pick One Question. I have to have 13 p..."
  • over 13 years ago03/29/11 at 9:29 am (UTC)
Jeff Sale replied to the discussion Engage - Gloassary Interaction
"Thank you kindly Steve!"
  • over 13 years ago03/09/11 at 9:18 am (UTC)
Jeff Sale started a new discussion Engage - Gloassary Interaction
"Okay, instead of copying and pasting each one of my terms at a time *I think we have close to 500* I was considering copying and pasting ..."
  • over 13 years ago03/09/11 at 9:01 am (UTC)
Jeff Sale replied to the discussion Free graphic editor
"FastStone Image Viewer 4.3 might be able to open them, but you will probably only be able to save it as another type of file.  This is fr..."
  • over 13 years ago03/09/11 at 8:40 am (UTC)
"These look really nice, thanks for posting them!"
  • over 13 years ago02/01/11 at 7:09 am (UTC)