Jürgen Schoenemeyer
Jürgen Schoenemeyer
FELDMANN media group
Jürgen Schoenemeyer replied to the discussion Storyline 360 - Safari 10.1.2
"neue Infos - ich habe deine Datei unter IE11 bei mir zum laufen gebracht nach Unblock startet jetzt auch IE - es fehlen aber Bilder ..."
  • almost 2 years ago07/19/22 at 11:59 am (UTC)
Jürgen Schoenemeyer replied to the discussion Storyline 360 - Safari 10.1.2
"wenn der Downgrade nicht einfach so funktioniert, dann ist es ein Problem für den Support https://articulate.com/support/contact/360-team..."
  • almost 2 years ago07/19/22 at 11:13 am (UTC)
Jürgen Schoenemeyer replied to the discussion Storyline 360 - Safari 10.1.2
"wir waren möglicherweise komplett auf der falsche Fährte - MS FlugSimulator hat sehr wahrscheinlich Internet Explorer integriert wenn ic..."
  • almost 2 years ago07/19/22 at 10:22 am (UTC)
Jürgen Schoenemeyer replied to the discussion Storyline 360 - Safari 10.1.2
"alles sieht eigendlich normal aus im Video sieht man, daß Storyline im Prinzip startet (Navigation rechts unten ist sichtbar), aber nicht..."
  • almost 2 years ago07/19/22 at 10:07 am (UTC)
Jürgen Schoenemeyer replied to the discussion Storyline 360 - Safari 10.1.2
"zumindest aus unserem Firmennetz funktioniert der Link nicht"
  • almost 2 years ago07/19/22 at 8:02 am (UTC)
Jürgen Schoenemeyer replied to the discussion Storyline 360 - Safari 10.1.2
"die Adresse ist aus dem Internet nicht erreichbar (ist wohl eine Intranetadresse) Jürgen"
  • almost 2 years ago07/19/22 at 6:51 am (UTC)
Jürgen Schoenemeyer replied to the discussion Storyline 360 - Safari 10.1.2
"-> Fehler 404 - Datei gibt es nicht ich würde an so eine Sache so rangehen (1) minimales Projekt mit der aktuellen Storyline-Version..."
  • almost 2 years ago07/18/22 at 1:34 pm (UTC)
Jürgen Schoenemeyer replied to the discussion Shape on layer is off-centered
"try png images - the quality is not bad"
  • almost 2 years ago07/18/22 at 11:28 am (UTC)
Jürgen Schoenemeyer replied to the discussion Text entry without a Submit button
"there is no solution 'out of the box' for your problem - in storyline you can check the value of a textfield, if the user leaves the fiel..."
  • almost 2 years ago07/18/22 at 11:24 am (UTC)
Jürgen Schoenemeyer replied to the discussion Articulate Audio player
"technical it could be integrated into the main menu - this is the only custom part (???), which lives the complete running time of the tr..."
  • almost 2 years ago07/18/22 at 10:19 am (UTC)
Jürgen Schoenemeyer replied to the discussion Storyline 360 - Safari 10.1.2
"i have tested one current storyline project on safari 9.1.1 / 10.1 with live.browserstack.com and my storyline project starts normal (te..."
  • almost 2 years ago07/18/22 at 10:15 am (UTC)
Jürgen Schoenemeyer replied to the discussion Shape on layer is off-centered
"i have tested some variations - here are the results (with Chrome - Screen 1920x1200 Pixel) https://360.articulate.com/review/content/d45..."
  • almost 2 years ago07/18/22 at 9:00 am (UTC)
"did you test it on scorm cloud https://articulate.com/support/article/storyline-test-aicc-content-in-scorm-cloud so you could test if the..."
  • almost 2 years ago07/17/22 at 7:12 pm (UTC)
Jürgen Schoenemeyer replied to the discussion Shape on layer is off-centered
"the circles in your video are much better, but not exactly centered in browser screenshot from your video: on top: playback in browser (1..."
  • almost 2 years ago07/17/22 at 7:02 pm (UTC)
Jürgen Schoenemeyer replied to the discussion Storyline 360 - Safari 10.1.2
"export the project with a (very) old version of storyline (from 2017/2018/2019 ???) perhaps you can get this version from the support ht..."
  • almost 2 years ago07/17/22 at 6:13 pm (UTC)
Jürgen Schoenemeyer replied to the discussion Newbie needing help with menu slide functionality
"please upload (-> add attachment) a minimal version of your project file Jürgen"
  • almost 2 years ago07/15/22 at 6:43 pm (UTC)
Jürgen Schoenemeyer replied to the discussion Completion issues with TinCan/xAPI courses
"maybe the same problem https://community.articulate.com/discussions/articulate-storyline/issues-sending-to-lrs-since-build-3-16-27367-0-..."
  • almost 2 years ago07/15/22 at 6:39 pm (UTC)
"hi, > The really crazy part of this, is that sometimes it publishes it correctly and sometimes it doesn't. please check different vers..."
  • almost 2 years ago07/15/22 at 6:01 pm (UTC)
Jürgen Schoenemeyer replied to the discussion Preventing specific keystrokes
"hi, is there a reason to use text entry fields for the input - numeric entry fields would only allow 0 ... 9 and '.' - everything else is..."
  • almost 2 years ago07/15/22 at 12:25 pm (UTC)
Jürgen Schoenemeyer replied to the discussion Tabbing issue
"you could global deactivate this layer by adding #skipnav { display: none !important; } to the story.html (and index_lms.html with Scorm)..."
  • almost 2 years ago07/15/22 at 11:33 am (UTC)
Jürgen Schoenemeyer replied to the discussion Storyline is constantly crashing
"the errors are all documented in the log files open in windows file explorer %LocalAppData%/Articulate/360/Logs/ -> Storyline_STABL..."
  • almost 2 years ago07/13/22 at 2:22 pm (UTC)
Jürgen Schoenemeyer replied to the discussion Get current time in a Timeline
"this could be done with javascript trigger on start timeline (or video ???) -> javascript javascript: - seach in the dom the vi..."
  • almost 2 years ago07/13/22 at 1:57 pm (UTC)
Jürgen Schoenemeyer replied to the discussion 360 - Translation import does not work
"the message is somewhat misleading - the message actually means "Storyline has updated all elements for which it has found a match betwee..."
  • almost 2 years ago07/13/22 at 12:23 pm (UTC)
Jürgen Schoenemeyer replied to the discussion Storyline crashes on preview or publish
"if the error message appears - please click on the blue text button "information", then a second window will open with useful information..."
  • almost 2 years ago07/13/22 at 12:12 pm (UTC)
Jürgen Schoenemeyer replied to the discussion States
"a short check with v3.65.28121 (june 2022) - no anomalies (Windows 7 and 10) upload a minimized .story file with such not visibl..."
  • almost 2 years ago07/13/22 at 12:07 pm (UTC)