Killian Holmes
Killian Holmes
Learning Technologist
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Killian Holmes replied to the discussion Creating a slide counter.
"I think that Ron San, might be on to something:"
  • almost 9 years ago09/10/15 at 2:04 pm (UTC)
"Thanks for talking the time to figure this out, articulate it and share it. I'm not a coder, but I can follow instructions! "
  • almost 9 years ago09/10/15 at 11:55 am (UTC)
Killian Holmes replied to the discussion Creating a slide counter.
"Hi James The solution I offered uses the starting of the timeline to add another increment to the counter.  So if you are on slide 3 of ..."
  • almost 9 years ago09/09/15 at 9:19 pm (UTC)
"In Moodle, in a course with the Flexible sections format I've used Javascript to return to the relevant topic by trigerring window.histor..."
  • 9 years ago06/25/15 at 2:33 pm (UTC)
Killian Holmes replied to the discussion Creating a slide counter.
"I'm throwing my 2 cents in here. The attached works for linear slides and caters for situations where you don't necessarily use the Next..."
  • over 9 years ago03/03/15 at 4:34 pm (UTC)
Killian Holmes replied to the discussion Which LMS do you use and why?
"James Starr said: We use SkillSoft. If you threw your custom courses down the toilet and caught what came out the other end, you'd have s..."
  • almost 11 years ago09/24/13 at 6:28 am (UTC)
Killian Holmes replied to the discussion Seek Bar
"Brett Rockwood said: Ahhh... if you've found a way to have the seek bar scrub multiple slides I'd love to know how you did it. This is so..."
  • almost 11 years ago09/20/13 at 2:17 pm (UTC)
Killian Holmes replied to the discussion Slides cannot advance automatically
"Hi Peter Thanks for getting back to me. There wasn't any extra time at the timeline. I'd checked it. However, I started a new project tod..."
  • 11 years ago05/16/13 at 1:41 am (UTC)
Killian Holmes replied to the discussion Slides cannot advance automatically
"I have the same issue. My slide is set to automatically advance. My slide trigger is set to advance when timeline ends. Any ideas?"
  • 11 years ago05/15/13 at 4:16 am (UTC)
Killian Holmes replied to the discussion Bullet Isssue in Storyline
"Another option is this. Create your bulleted content in  PowerPoint Save this presentation as .png or .jpg. (This will create a folder ..."
  • over 11 years ago03/03/13 at 11:53 pm (UTC)
Killian Holmes replied to the discussion Editing Software Simulation Slides
"This is a good question. I have the same problem. It doesn't look acheivable out of the box. Definitely it would be better to be edit the..."
  • almost 12 years ago08/27/12 at 7:01 am (UTC)
Killian Holmes replied to the discussion Linear courses and big providers
"This discussion is interesting. I don't think that it is a case of pitching the linear versus the branched. I've learnt a lot from readin..."
  • 12 years ago05/18/12 at 3:35 pm (UTC)