Mike B.
Mike B.
"Very weird, as it should be using the same mechanism that Storyline itself uses to determine which version to display to the user. Edit ..."
  • 8 years ago03/29/16 at 4:25 pm (UTC)
"Try Steve's solution on this page then: https://community.articulate.com/discussions/articulate-storyline/how-to-force-the-lms-to-call-in..."
  • 8 years ago03/29/16 at 3:51 pm (UTC)
"I think it would be best to correct the flash issue, but if you want to force HTML5 output by modifying your published files, check out t..."
  • 8 years ago03/29/16 at 3:05 pm (UTC)
"Glad that fixed it! You're very welcome!"
  • 8 years ago03/28/16 at 5:29 pm (UTC)
Mike B. replied to the discussion Storyline@ and iPad?
"You are better off sending it to support by opening a support ticket. I'm just some random guy. :)"
  • 8 years ago03/28/16 at 5:17 pm (UTC)
Mike B. replied to the discussion Storyline@ and iPad?
"Are you able to post your .story file? What exactly isn't playing on the ipad? The course in general or a particular slide element?"
  • 8 years ago03/28/16 at 5:12 pm (UTC)
Mike B. replied to the discussion Storyline@ and iPad?
"Are you exporting with HTML5 enabled?"
  • 8 years ago03/28/16 at 4:25 pm (UTC)
"Try changing all of the double quotes to single quotes in your mailto variable string. That seemed to do the trick here. Maybe you can't ..."
  • 8 years ago03/25/16 at 4:20 pm (UTC)
"You're very welcome!"
  • 8 years ago03/25/16 at 1:57 pm (UTC)
"There might be another way to do this, but I used instructions from here: http://www.cssplay.co.uk/menu/cssplay-vimeo-hide-control-bar.ht..."
  • 8 years ago03/25/16 at 11:27 am (UTC)
Mike B. replied to the discussion List of Functions in Storyline
"There isn't a whole lot you can do (that's supported) in javascript to interact directly with the player, outside of changing the values ..."
  • 8 years ago03/25/16 at 10:58 am (UTC)
"I was unable to replicate this on Win7 with IE9 and Flash 21. Do you know what version of Flash is being used?"
  • 8 years ago03/24/16 at 6:49 pm (UTC)
"You might also be able to use some javascript to get the course status from the LMS when your course first launches, and prevent the user..."
  • 8 years ago03/24/16 at 6:42 pm (UTC)
Mike B. replied to the discussion Multi-slide Triggers
"Great, just test that out thoroughly to make sure it works the way you need it to."
  • 8 years ago03/23/16 at 7:46 pm (UTC)
"Dan, are you testing this locally or uploaded to a web server or LMS?"
  • 8 years ago03/23/16 at 3:42 pm (UTC)
Mike B. replied to the discussion Multi-slide Triggers
"I haven't use a "Toggle" trigger before, so I'm not exactly clear on how it works. I kind of got this working, but I noticed that if I cl..."
  • 8 years ago03/23/16 at 3:26 pm (UTC)
"Very true. Our courses do not typically contain a lot complex graphics."
  • 8 years ago03/23/16 at 2:53 pm (UTC)
"Indunil, 1600x900 is our slide size, with the player area adding a little height at the top and bottom. In Safari, this almost completely..."
  • 8 years ago03/23/16 at 2:28 pm (UTC)
"That will work as long as the user doesn't pause and then restart the video, which might cause a problem. Others have done this by using ..."
  • 8 years ago03/22/16 at 4:39 pm (UTC)
"We used a custom built menu to accomplish this. Our quizzes use a different slide master layout that does not contain the menu."
  • 8 years ago03/22/16 at 4:06 pm (UTC)
Mike B. replied to the discussion Another game built in SL
"Trina, I was thinking the exact same thing, reminded me of Pitfall, but way cooler! :)"
  • 8 years ago03/22/16 at 4:04 pm (UTC)
Mike B. replied to the discussion Another game built in SL
"No rush at all on the how-tos, get your work done first! :)"
  • 8 years ago03/22/16 at 3:47 pm (UTC)
Mike B. replied to the discussion Another game built in SL
"I was referring to the SnL game. I didn't get a chance to look at the source for the other one yet. Thanks!"
  • 8 years ago03/22/16 at 3:46 pm (UTC)
Mike B. replied to the discussion Another game built in SL
"I'd love to see a little write-up of how you did this. I looked at the project, but the various layers and triggers kind of blew by mind."
  • 8 years ago03/21/16 at 8:46 pm (UTC)
Mike B. replied to the discussion Flash games in Storyline
"Rais, I've looked at your project, trying how to figure out how you set this up, but it kind of blew my mind. Could you post a quick out..."
  • 8 years ago03/21/16 at 7:47 pm (UTC)