Fonttype is changed after importing a Word translation file

Jun 06, 2016


I've made a translation using the Storyline Word translation export with reference column. The translation export worked fine, but when I import the translation again the font type is changed. In the Word file the whole text is in "Trebuchet MS" and after the import it seems to be "Trebuchet MS CE", a fonttype which is not even installed on my pc. So in reality I think it's displayed in "Arial".

Does anybody know why the text is not displayed in "Trebuchet MS"?

29 Replies
Tex Hale

Hi Stefanie

Is the translation done locally in the specific country?  If so, the font will adopt that country's equivalent of Trebuchet MS, i.e. Trebuchet MS CE because it is being used on that country's computer. I believe the CE is for Central Europe?

The workaround that I use is to highlight the translated column, then change the font back to the original font type, i.e. Trebuchet MS.

I found that Open Sans is not translated correctly in some European languages, so when the word doc is returned to me, I highlight and change the translated column toArial.

Hope this is helpful.

Tex Hale

Hi Stephanie

The font type doesn't change after reimporting. It appears correctly in the Word doc but it is actually retaining the font from the country computer and this is why it appears to change when you reimport it.  It is still the same font (even though it has CE) and there is no need to change it in Storyline.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Stefanie,

If you're still having difficulty with this, we'll want to take a look at your .story file and the translated Word document and determine what happens on our end as well. You'll also want to confirm that you're working on local project files as working off a network drive is known to cause issues. 

If you want to share your file you can upload here using the "Add Attachment" button and you're also welcome to send along to our Support Engineers. 

Eunsil Lee

Hi Leslie McKerchie,

I have also this issue in other languages, including Czech.

You can find this kind of issue in this Discuss section.

Please access the link below.

Please help me. :)

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Eunsil!

Thanks for sharing one of the threads you took a peek at. That one is a bit dated and I searched for a support case for the user and looks like it was not shared, so I have no update to provide on that issue.

You are welcome to share your examples with the support team here so that we can take a look and share with the QA Team as well if needed.

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Eunsil!

I see that you reached out to our support team (00895215) and that Robert was able to assist you with some text not displaying.

The links that you are sharing with me lead me to believe that you were having an issue with the font upon import.

Feel free to respond by to Robert in your case if you need further assistance.

PTI Global

This issue is still present in Storyline 2 build 1609.3020. It's a really big problem for us.

I created a test project with a single screen and one text box using the Cambria font. I exported to Word DOC, translated the text into Russian, then imported the Russian DOC. Storyline appends " Cyr" to the font name, even though the Cambria font supports Cyrillic characters. Because "Cambria Cyr" is not a valid font name, a different font gets picked randomly.

It's really weird, as Stroyline guesses the language script based on the characters in the string, and then bizarrely appends Cry for Russian, CE for Eastern European and TR for Turkish language text. This breaks the formatting for all that text.

We have very large courses, and this causes us to perform hours of manual changing of fonts every time we import translations.

I attached my test files to reproduce the issue. 

Beat Stauber


Crystal Horn

Hi Beat.  Thanks so much for taking the time to write up your findings and to include your example files.  I've added that detail to our report of this issue, so we are going to continue investigating with our team to see if we can improve the translation feature for those languages.  I know that must be pretty frustrating to have to redo those fonts that are not importing correctly.

Hopefully we will be able to make some progress here!

PTI Global

We found a workaround for this that's much faster than manually applying the correct font to all controls:

  • Rename the story file to .zip and unizp the file.
  • Search for all occurrences of the bad font names, e.g. "Cambria Cyr". They should be mostly in the slide XML files.
  • Replace all occurrences with the correct font name "Cambria".
  • Zip up the project and rename to .story
  • Open the story file and make sure everything looks good.
  • Have a cup of coffee. :-)


Beat Stauber, Senior Localization Engineer @ PTIGlobal