iOS 10 - Playing Videos

Sep 16, 2016

Videos in Storyline courses do not play on iPads or iPhones that are running iOS 10. I understand that iOS 10 enables inline video (webkit-playsinline). 

Any suggestions regarding a fix or work-around?



99 Replies
Darren Lawson

We are having the same issue when running mp4 through iOS10. Seems they do not successfully load. I have attached a screenshot of my network output which shows the mp4 files not coming back with a status of 200. Work fine on desktop through flash but not working in HTML5 output. 

Erik R. Huemer

Von: Renato Tecson []

The latest version is now Storyline 2 Update 10. I would recommend installing the latest version and test your Storyline course to your LMS again.

 You can download the latest version of Articulate Storyline here:


nope. Still not working.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Darren, 

What update of Storyline are you using as well? Can you share a bit more about where you're hosting and uploading the courses? If you've got a sample file or link for us to take a look at we'd be happy to do so here or if you want to share with our Support Engineers you can share here. 

Erik R. Huemer

As usually in those cases, where two suppliers are involved, one point his finger at the other. I as a customer feel left alone with my problem.

The current status is, that Articulate says, it's a problem of my LMS, which is Moodle. I can't verify that and I have no chance for a workaround since I'm not a programmer.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Erik,

I'm sorry that you felt left alone, that's certainly not the experience that we would expect or strive for. I'll touch base with Renato about that as well just so that he can look at clarifying his message further. 

I was able to find your case  and it seemed he saw the same issue while viewing your course in Moodle, but when testing at SCORM Cloud everything works normally. That's generally a sign of issues within the LMS, as SCORM Cloud is an industry standard for LMS testing. Were you able to touch based with your LMS team to see if they could pinpoint any known issues with iOS10? 

Tim Wicks-Frank

Hi Ashley,

We're thinking this could be a mime-type issue as well. We opened a ticket with Cornerstone LMS. We uploaded a course to our Cornerstone LMS for Cornerstone to review, and also provided them with a link to the same course on SCORM Cloud.

They have recognized the issue and have passed the ticket to their second tier support.

I let you know their findings.



Ananda V


We have a similar problem also.

Some months ago, we had created several podcast and video courses using mp4 player in Articulate Storyline. They worked fine in the Successfactors iOS app until iOS was upgraded to iOS 10.

They are working when downloaded and viewed in offline mode of the app.

We have tested in iOS 9.3.5 and the courses work fine.

The courses work fine on the Android tablet app of Successfactors. But are a bit inconsistent on my Samsung Galaxy S5 phone, not sure why...

Successfactors are quoting the attached message from iOS8-iOS9 and state could be a similar situation for iOS10.

Anybody else having this issue and have found a solution?

Anybody knows if a fix is coming in Articulate?

Does this also mean after every iOS or Android OS release course content need to be re-published? That could be a pain, there must be a better way to do this...? ANy advice is helpful....



Erik R. Huemer

As of today our idea is, that the "problem" is the new function of iOS 10, to play videos inline, also on an iPhone. Maybe WebKit (which is the rendering machine for ALL Browsers in iOS 10) has other Codec-specifications than the player used in iOS 9 and before.

But that's still nothing more than an educated guess.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Ananda and Erik,

I can't speak to the specifics of the Success Factors app, but you'll also want to look at how the HTML5 output plays in Safari on an iPad or Chrome on an Android tablet or use the Articulate Mobile player. iOS9 did change how content would launch in our mobile player as detailed here so that you'd need to republish content with the latest update.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Erik,

Sorry for not clarifying, I meant in regards to the mention that Ananda mentioned about republishing after each and every iOS update. We saw it occur with iOS9, but we don't expect it with every update...although we don't know how they're going to change the way certain elements behave until we're able to test it ourselves. 

I also wasn't referring to a browser specific workaround either, but Ananda mentioned a specific player that I can't offer support for. Our content in iOS10 is working in Safari for HTML5 and the Mobile player if published as such. 

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Erik!

I took a look at the case (00892019) you worked on with Renato to better understand the chain of events here and in your case as well as every other user, it seems we are unable to replicate in SCORM Cloud.

However, we do know that this is affecting many LMS users and this has been reported to our QA Team to investigate further. I will add this thread for user awareness and for update when applicable.

I have no time frame on if/when for resolution though.

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