NEW IN STORYLINE 360: Media Library

Jan 22, 2019

Today we released a really exciting new feature for Storyline 360: media library. Now you can manage all the assets for your project in one place.

Use the media library to easily add, remove, replace, reuse, and export videos, audio tracks, and characters. You can even edit files with third-party apps and save changes back to Storyline 360. This is just the first feature we have planned for media library, so be on the lookout for more to come. Enjoy!

Learn how to get started with media library in this tutorial.

See it in action:

74 Replies
Katie Riggio

Hello there, Gabriel!

There is a way to change the default image editor, and I'm happy to walk you through the steps!

  • On the left end of the taskbar, select Start and head over to Settings
  • Select Apps and then Default apps
  • Right under Photo viewer, click on Paint to select a different app


Let me know how it goes!

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