Freelance Heroes

Aug 02, 2012

Hi, and welcome to the "Freelance Heroes" thread, a place where Articulate Freelancers help each other. Got a question about freelancing? Or perhaps you have an e-learning asset that may be valuable to those "doin' their own thing"? This is the place to share--to give.

To start things off, I'd like to share a short list of questions that help me figure out what kind of training a potential client wants. (So often they have no idea what they want.) The list is far from exhaustive, but may be of some help. Looking forward to meeting you. --Daniel  

1293 Replies
Jenise Cook (


My heartfelt and sincerest sympathies on the loss of your beloved Gwen. You were her champion, her Sir Bruce, her best friend.

The grief you're experiencing is tremendous, and no words of mine can ease your pain. 

However, I want you to know you constantly inspired me ever since Presenter (version 5?) when I first joined the Forums. Your wit, British humour, and terrific e-learning samples, tips, and tricks, helped me grow professionally.

When I went freelance in 2008, like you, to be more present for the ones I loved, you mentored me through your public posts on the freelancing topic.

I don't think I ever told you, so knowing that life is short, I appreciate your post today as it has spurred me to tell you, my colleague across The Pond, that I appreciate you soooooo MUCH, Bruce, and my tear-filled eyes can barely see these words.

You have been a big part of my professional life, especially in the pre-Storyline years when this Forum was filled with fun, and oft times very snarky, posts. Especially your exchanges with David A. (I miss those years.) You always brought a chuckle to my work days.

You mean the world to so many, here, Bruce, and it's appropriate to share your loss with us. We are a Community, after all. Mark and I are grieving with you.

With deep, deep sorrow and tears,


Showcase Studio

Hi there guys,

We are The Showcase Studio a small team dedicated to providing world-class interactive presentations, e-learning and consultation tailored to client needs.

Our designers have produced work for the likes of Google, HP, Omnicom, Tesco and WPP but we are currently bringing them all under one roof and looking for new clients!

Was wondering if any of you had any hints or tips in sourcing new clients?


P.S. Our sincerest condolences to you Bruce; have had a read through a few of your posts and you are a true inspiration.


Showcase Studio

Hi there guys,

We are The Showcase Studio a small team dedicated to providing world-class interactive presentations, e-learning and consultation tailored to client needs.

Our designers have produced work for the likes of Google, HP, Omnicom, Tesco and WPP but we are currently bringing them all under one roof and looking for new clients!

Was wondering if any of you had any hints or tips in sourcing new clients?


P.S. Our sincerest condolences to you Bruce; have had a read through a few of your posts and you are a true inspiration.


Brandon Jordan

Hello hello. Looking for talented freelancers if anyone's interested!

I'm at The Princeton Review, and we're looking for some elearning experts to help translate provided lesson scripts (Word) into Articulate Storyline 2 courses. These are educational lessons which include math and reading content; any expertise in instructional design will be enormously useful but this project will not require ground-up content creation. Project will take place between May 18 and June 25.

If you're interested, please reach out to me and provide your contact info, preferred hourly rate, samples of your work in Articulate, and a rough estimate of time available between 5/18 and 6/25. And apologies in advance, but contractors must be US-based.


Cagatay Hamamcioglu

Hi Everyone,

I am new to this platform, used to prepare some projects via AP but never used Storyline before.

I am looking for Articulate Storyline 2 freelancer who can help us with the following:

- Language adaptation of an existing AS2 project (10 Modules, around 600 slides)

- Publish the project so that it can be connected to SumTotal (currently existing project has an published version

Slides: Each Module is prepared with ppt, and new languages will be in the same format. 

Voice Overs: Will be also provided in mp3 format.

Quiz and interactions: There are 5-10 questions in each module, and ppt has some light animations.

Please PM me for further discussions.




Kai ...

Hey all ISDs and Assessment Gurus,

I haven't posted here in a while. been to busy with development. 

What would you rate as the best online Assessment (quiz+survey+knowledge base+ Metrics) tool that has this combination. I am currently exposed to ProProfs that has a nice UI, but doesn't deliver very well on customization and metrics (reporting).

I know there are a few out there, but I ma mainly interested in great reporting and reasonably priced.



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