Forum Discussion

Floriane's avatar
Community Member
2 months ago

"Graisses" de texte non visualisées dans projet Storyline 360


In the context of an e-learning module that I am designing on Storyline 360, I have applied 2 fonts that are specific to my organization (Inter and Plus Jakarta Sans).
It turns out that in the Storyline module I am working on, when I am on the design screen of the module, I see the texts in "bold" when I set them, but they do not appear in bold when the project is previewed or published...

Do you have any idea what could be causing this problem and the solution?

(I should mention - I have installed the font on my PC, it is used on Rise, no issues).

Thank you in advance,





Examples to illustrate my point:

  • Screenshot of the Storyline capsule content in edit mode:


  • Screenshot of the Storyline capsule content once pulished


  • Floriane's avatar
    Community Member

    Thanks Thierry, and thaks to you too Kelly,


    I wrotte in french, it was easier: I'm gratefull to you for overcoming the language barrier ;)

    I didn't solve my problem... Then I decided to use an other font to get the "bold" font visible (I used Source Sans font when I had Inter font bold).

    I shared my story project with a support member but he didn't reproduced the same problem...
    If you want to try and investigate, I will be really gratefull.

    I share with you my project (in frenche ;)).




    • ThierryEMMANUEL's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Floriane . Strange: I downloaded the Inter font (regular and semibold) from GoogleFonts. In fact, I get Inter_18pt-Regular and Semibold and all the others. But when I open your .story file, I still get an error message: “Missing fonts” / The fonts listed are not installed on your PC: Inter and Inter SemiBold. So I think “your” Inter font (which I can't find anywhere) is the problem, because when I change to Inter_18p-Regular (which I set to bold) or Inter_18p-SemiBold, the problem disappears. Frankly, I don't see any difference between “your” Inter font, and Inter_18p. May I suggest that you switch to the latter font?

      This is a solution to the problem, not an explanation of why.😉

  • Hi Floriane,

    Thanks for reaching out and including a screenshot!

    As ThierryEMMANUEL suggested, a copy of your file would be helpful to take another look at what's happening. In the meantime, I found a similar thread with a possible solution, although they use a different font. You may also want to check out this resource on using custom fonts in Storyline.

    Please let us know if this helps!

  • Hello Floriane. I was intrigued by your problem regarding the French title😀. I uploaded the Inter and Plus Jakarta Sans fonts, opened a new Storyline, put 2 sentences in Inter (one in bold) and 2 sentences in Jakarta (one in bold), and I can see well the bold in Preview, AND ALSO when it is published for the web and AND ALSO when it is published in scorm 1.2. So, an extract from your .file story where the problem occurs would be useful to investigate further.