58 Replies
James Lavis

So I understand the functionality of Tincan. I used scorm to push variable defined elements to our LMS, with the LMS only really having the ability to read binary values. We have a new LMS that supports Tincan. So around usage, I get we can export a Rise package for tincan, and the LMS works with it. How do we as developers control what goes up (e.g. John read vs. John completed)? Or is this controlled by Rise, and if that's the case, at what points are tincan elements shot to the LMS?


Nigel Lippett

We are testing Rise based Tin Can exports with TalentLMS.  Unfortunately whilst they import to Talent without error they fail to render (using multiple browsers and multiple courses). We have tested against the SCORM Cloud compliance engine (courses worked fine) and also tested against Docebo SAAS solution and they worked fine there.  [Storyline Tin Can exports have all worked fine].  We have opened a support ticket with TalentLMS.  I'll post to the group the outcome...Regards Nigel

Irina Poloubessov

Dear Ashley,

Thank you very much for the update!

I have a question: since it is technically possible for a learner to mark lessons as completed, without actually watching them (exception: quizes), then to which extent is the collected data on learner's experience accurate?

If each lesson (I suppose) can be tracked with TinCan,  (so we can have a data on how a learner interacts with a course), then we will never can collect a realistic data via TinCan, whether a user has watched it.

What is the purpose of this feature, to be able to mark lessons as completed, without actually watching them?

Thank you very much!

John Say

Hi James,

You asked "How do we as developers control what goes up (e.g. John read vs. John completed)". The only Export option available for Tin can/xAPI is the "Track using course completion" vs "Track using quiz result" option. There's no "Report completion status as" options in Tin Can like what you usually have if you use AICC, SCORM 1.2 or SCORM 2004.

"at what points are tincan elements shot to the LMS?
" Are you asking when the completion status or score gets sent to the LMS?

It is possible to see all the data being sent to the LMS by enabling the LMs debug for Rise. Please check out this article for more information:



John Say

Hi Irina, I think you are referring to the Rise feature that lets users mark lessons complete as documented here: 


This feature lets learners mark unfinished lessons complete in a Rise course if they're already familiar with some of the topics.  If you need to make sure that users really watched all your content, I would recommend that you leave the feature disabled. 

Lance Hunter
Nigel Lippett

We are testing Rise based Tin Can exports with TalentLMS.  Unfortunately whilst they import to Talent without error they fail to render (using multiple browsers and multiple courses). We have tested against the SCORM Cloud compliance engine (courses worked fine) and also tested against Docebo SAAS solution and they worked fine there.  [Storyline Tin Can exports have all worked fine].  We have opened a support ticket with TalentLMS.  I'll post to the group the outcome...Regards Nigel

I have the same issue

Saranya P

We have tested the articulate rise as a "tin can" package in our LMS. For security reason, our organization wants to the send the cookie along with the XMLHTTPRequest.
So I have added, withCredentials property. This can be done only if the function calls are in asynchronous mode.
Bur the Rise package uses the synchronous calls for getting/setting bookmark and completion status. Is there any possibilities to have the asynchronous calls in the Rise package?

Bret Jorgensen

Hi Saranaya,

Unfortunately, there currently is not a way to make asynchronous calls with Rise.

I see that you've already submitted a feature request for this, so I will not recommend that as an option today.

If you’re wondering what happens when you submit a feature request, here’s our process: https://www.articulate.com/support/article/How-We-Manage-Feature-Requests

Kristen Schmidt
Helena Smith

I am going to follow this thread because I have not used Tin Can Api yet. 

I would like to use it as well, but I don't know how to build it into my Rise pages...

I will be attending a virtual cohort for 12 weeks to learn how to start using xAPI. If anyone else is interested, it's a free cohort that runs twice a year: http://www.torrancelearning.com/xapi-cohort/