Remove course cover page?

May 21, 2019

Is there a way to remove the cover page altogether?  I'm referring to the first page you see with the Start Course button, Details link, and content areas listed below.  When my learner clicks to view the course, I want it to open directly to the first lesson.  

136 Replies
Tim Danes

Ah, interesting.  I had assumed that wouldn't work because every time I had heard it mentioned, it was in relation to SCORM.   But I'm guessing you're launching with xAPI instead of SCORM to avoid the Cross Domain issues for cloud-based storage?

I've got a fully customised LMS solution, with xAPI content streamed from an S3 Bucket (AWS storage).  I might give that a go and see whether the reporting works properly. 

Thanks @JoshMassey

mitch horn

People have been asking for this for a few years it seems. Does Articulate have an active upcoming features list? Would be nice to have something where we can see what is coming in the next updates.


Or if Articulate could let us know what code to comment out to remove it.
Sure this would void the 'warranty' but that doesn't matter to those of use that need to remove it. 

Jorge Muniz


“we are creating individual modules rather than set courses. These modules can be combined in different ways within a variety of LMS and LCMS.

Rise lets us do this by hiding the menu, and essentially creating one module per course, but the cover page breaks the flow as people move from one module to another”

Josh Geiger

Hi Lea - just wanting to bump this thread again. I really need this feature to make the most out of Rise with our LMS. Without this feature it feels like I am forced to either commit a whole course to rise, or ignore it all together. For our team, and the tools we use in our LMS, it would be so nice to just be able to use Rise as its most appropriate, and avoiding a start page would help us do that. 

Warm regards!

Tim Danes

I got all excited thinking that the new theme feature would finally resolve this problem.  I was sadly mistaken. 
I second Erica.  The LMS user experience makes Rise look like a 2nd rate plugin on launch. 
The only viable options are to run the course page in Rise (bad SEO and a blank page in the LMS), or double up the pages.  That's really bad UX design.