Anne Baker
Anne Baker
Learning and Talent Development Specialist at Michigan State University - Extension
"It has happened across operating systems in Chrome. (Maybe others as well, but Chrome is what we have heard thus far.) Interesting user c..."
  • 3 months ago04/16/24 at 6:37 pm (UTC)
"I have a rather long project that has a typical MC quiz at the end. Thousands have gone through it with no issue but a small percentage (..."
  • 3 months ago04/15/24 at 5:11 pm (UTC)
Anne Baker started a new discussion Mixed language slides
"I have a course that is in English but one slide has a couple of sentences in Spanish. Our accessibility reviewer told me: "There is text..."
  • 5 months ago02/23/24 at 4:02 pm (UTC)
Anne Baker started a new discussion Closed captions in player
"For slides with an embedded video, is there a way to hide the CC button built into the player so learners don't get confused and click on..."
  • 6 months ago02/09/24 at 1:47 pm (UTC)
Anne Baker replied to the discussion When revisiting: Resume saved state
"Thanks. That's what I suspected was going on, and wanted the best way to do this. I will add triggers. "
  • 6 months ago02/02/24 at 1:43 pm (UTC)
Anne Baker started a new discussion When revisiting: Resume saved state
"I have a project that has a few places where I want learners to click a series of objects to view info on the layers that they trigger be..."
  • 6 months ago02/01/24 at 5:41 pm (UTC)
Anne Baker replied to the discussion tabs and screen readers
"Thank you! An idea for a great PD webinar would be showing how screen readers work on a project and how things like focus order and dialo..."
  • 6 months ago02/01/24 at 5:34 pm (UTC)
Anne Baker replied to the discussion tabs and screen readers
"Thanks for replying. I had already read all of those, am familiar with focus order arrangement, alt tags, etc., and have NVDA downloaded,..."
  • 6 months ago01/30/24 at 8:00 pm (UTC)
Anne Baker replied to the discussion tabs and screen readers
"Also....1.) what storyline elements are considered "interactive" and thus gotten to by tabbing instead of arrow keys in something like NV..."
  • 6 months ago01/25/24 at 8:38 pm (UTC)
Anne Baker started a new discussion tabs and screen readers
"Is there any documentation on how screen readers read layers? I understand focus order, but what is read after a layer is selected? Just ..."
  • 6 months ago01/25/24 at 1:02 pm (UTC)
Anne Baker replied to the discussion Resume function on Storyline files
"IT is not in review mode. "
  • 7 months ago12/20/23 at 6:09 pm (UTC)
Anne Baker replied to the discussion Resume function on Storyline files
"For resuming: It usually works. But sometimes you get an error log first. Sometimes it does not resume. And if you open it to resume then..."
  • 7 months ago12/20/23 at 6:07 pm (UTC)
Anne Baker replied to the discussion Resume function on Storyline files
"Our LMS (Ability) admin just found problems with resuming courses in ALL of our SToryline courses and opened up a ticket I think with you..."
  • 7 months ago12/20/23 at 6:02 pm (UTC)
Anne Baker replied to the discussion Resume function on Storyline files
"this happened before it was marked complete. It does complete if you get to the end, but this was before that "
  • 7 months ago12/20/23 at 6:01 pm (UTC)
Anne Baker replied to the discussion Resume function on Storyline files
"Opened a support ticket because same thing started happening with course on SCORM. It's only a subset of the course I put on SCORMcloud (..."
  • 7 months ago12/20/23 at 5:39 pm (UTC)
Anne Baker replied to the discussion Resume not always working
"Thanks. The course as is exceeds SCORM cloud limits. I guess I will have to wait for someone with the LMS to respond. "
  • 7 months ago12/19/23 at 7:57 pm (UTC)
Anne Baker replied to the discussion Resume function on Storyline files
"I shortened the file and put it into SCORM cloud (original file is too big!) and the resume always worked, but once I got a debug error l..."
  • 7 months ago12/19/23 at 2:49 am (UTC)
Anne Baker replied to the discussion Resume not always working
"Also, I don't see an option in Storyline that lets you choose the version of SCORM 2004 and the link you sent has different versions with..."
  • 7 months ago12/18/23 at 8:42 pm (UTC)
Anne Baker replied to the discussion Resume not always working
"Also, there is no way to see if the character limits are exceeded, right? Is it possible that different LMSs behave different with differ..."
  • 7 months ago12/18/23 at 3:55 pm (UTC)
Anne Baker replied to the discussion Resume not always working
"1.2. I was told that was what I needed to used but I will check why. I stripped out content so I could see in ScormCloud what is be..."
  • 7 months ago12/18/23 at 3:51 pm (UTC)
Anne Baker started a new discussion Resume not always working
"I have a course set to Always Resume. It isn't working consistently that way in The Ability LMS- sometimes it doesn't hold onto pro..."
  • 7 months ago12/18/23 at 2:55 pm (UTC)
Anne Baker started a new discussion Resume function on Storyline files
"Can someone explain roughly how the resume function in Storyline works? We have seen it worked across browsers in one LMS but not in anot..."
  • 8 months ago12/11/23 at 8:13 pm (UTC)
Anne Baker started a new discussion Accessibility and layers
"Hi all, I had thought that Storyline was screen-reader compliant before April 2023 but now I am reading that if you use regular layers (n..."
  • 8 months ago11/17/23 at 1:23 pm (UTC)
"I don't see where to change the text "When was the last time you felt really heard?" the PDF doesn't have that title. Can anyone help?"
  • 9 months ago10/16/23 at 12:24 pm (UTC)
Anne Baker replied to the discussion Player settings not updating
"Did first two and didn't work. How do I do this? "Reset your Player settings and recreate the player from scratch." It did reset mo..."
  • 10 months ago10/06/23 at 3:36 pm (UTC)