Ben Leong
Ben Leong
"Hello I wonder if the community can help me with this issue. I originally created this app almost 7 years ago and it has been working gre..."
  • over 3 years ago12/08/20 at 1:17 am (UTC)
Ben Leong started a new discussion 360 videos from Vimeo into Articulate Storyline 360
"Hello, has anyone successfully integrated a 360 video from Vimeo into a Articulate Storyline 360 project.  If so, can you send me a sampl..."
  • 6 years ago07/05/18 at 7:33 pm (UTC)
"Hello world I was wondering if there was a Articulate Storyline template out there that helps students with placing verbs, adjectives, p..."
  • over 6 years ago01/16/18 at 11:13 pm (UTC)
"Here is the link to the learning module.  It won't open in the articulate storyline player."
  • over 8 years ago03/15/16 at 12:34 am (UTC)
Ben Leong started a new discussion Articulate Storyline 2 not playing on the ipad.
"Hi I was wondering if anyone can help me...when I try to play my module in the articulate storline mobile player it takes doesn't work.  ..."
  • over 8 years ago03/15/16 at 12:23 am (UTC)
"Is there a way to embed Zaption content into articulate storyline? Sorry I'm not a programmer but I have a client that wants to put ther..."
  • over 8 years ago01/20/16 at 8:00 pm (UTC)
Ben Leong started a new discussion Storyline Articulate embedding video from AdobeTV
"Has anyone encountered a issue where a embedded video from AdobeTV will not play on Firefox?  But it works fine on Safari, Chrome, and IE..."
  • over 9 years ago04/17/15 at 9:05 pm (UTC)
"Hi David Great samples, question how did you get the ipad to display you sample in portrait mode? I dowloaded it into my ipad and it co..."
  • over 9 years ago04/07/15 at 11:20 pm (UTC)
"HI Ashley Thanks for the quick reply, I have attached a few screenshots, the first two are from firefox and the second is Chrome.  I tri..."
  • over 9 years ago01/28/15 at 6:58 pm (UTC)
"Anyone having issues when you inset a youtube video using the webobject feature that when you play it in firefox the video gets too big, ..."
  • over 9 years ago01/28/15 at 12:10 am (UTC)
"Great thanks, I have submitted a feature request.  Yes please if anyone knows of a workaround please let me know, seems to be a key thing..."
  • over 9 years ago12/02/14 at 6:15 pm (UTC)
"I have a client who is asking if its possible to have a direct link to a specific page in Articulate Storyline.  I'm not a programmer so ..."
  • over 9 years ago12/01/14 at 9:21 pm (UTC)
"I have a client who is asking if its possible to have a direct link to a specific page in Articulate Storyline.  I'm not a programmer so ..."
  • over 9 years ago11/26/14 at 5:50 pm (UTC)
"Yup I updated to ios 8 and updated the latest AMP on my ipad air.  I honestly really don't know what else to do.  I tried to make the fil..."
  • almost 10 years ago09/29/14 at 1:48 pm (UTC)
"Hi Emily, Yup I refreshed and still experiencing the same issues.  I am not really sure what to do next."
  • almost 10 years ago09/26/14 at 10:28 am (UTC)
"Thanks Emily for testing.  Yes I updated my AMP and I am currently doing a total refresh of my ipad air just to make sure it is not my ip..."
  • almost 10 years ago09/24/14 at 12:46 pm (UTC)
"Hello Emily I have retested all my learning objects and they load but as right after that they freeze.  These modules were working totall..."
  • almost 10 years ago09/24/14 at 12:13 pm (UTC)
Ben Leong started a new discussion ios 8 and updated Articulate Storyline Player issues
"I just updated my ipad air to ios 8 today and downloaded the updated storyline articulate player.    When I tried to play my articulate..."
  • almost 10 years ago09/17/14 at 12:53 pm (UTC)
"Has anyone been successful in integrating a storyline articulate learning module inside of blackboard?  I would like the learning object ..."
  • 10 years ago06/23/14 at 1:22 pm (UTC)
Ben Leong started a new discussion Family Feud Style game
"Has anyone ever seen or developed a Family Feud Style game in articulate storyline using drag and drop or another method? We are creating..."
  • over 10 years ago03/13/14 at 2:05 pm (UTC)
Ben Leong replied to the discussion Looping animation like gifs
"Thanks and Mahalo!"
  • over 10 years ago12/09/13 at 1:37 pm (UTC)
Ben Leong started a new discussion Looping animation like gifs
"Anyone know how to create looping min animated gifs in Storyline Articulate.  I want to create tiny loopable animations my projects.   ex..."
  • over 10 years ago12/09/13 at 11:53 am (UTC)
"Hi Michael, Thanks. yea that might be the issue because I am testing it out on the new ipad air with ios 7.  More than likely it is a sof..."
  • over 10 years ago12/04/13 at 9:56 am (UTC)
Ben Leong replied to the discussion E-Learning Conference in Summer 2013
"Articulate conference in Hawaii?  Would be nice for once to stay home for a conference. Mahalo"
  • over 10 years ago12/04/13 at 9:48 am (UTC)
"Hi Ashley, Yup I followed all the directions and clicked on the appropriate boxes.  It seemed that I am able to download the file to my i..."
  • over 10 years ago12/04/13 at 9:40 am (UTC)