Carmelo Moschella
Carmelo Moschella
Carmelo Moschella started a new discussion Crossword not working
"Hi All, Seeking assistance please with a crossword I authored in Storyline 360. When I fill in all the correct answers and click su..."
  • almost 2 years ago08/20/22 at 2:02 pm (UTC)
Carmelo Moschella started a new discussion W3C Screen readers and splash pages
"Hi All, Please help. I have to rebuild an old online course so it can be read with a screen reader (Jaws). The course h..."
  • over 2 years ago02/02/22 at 12:26 pm (UTC)
Carmelo Moschella replied to the discussion Fade animation not working
"Thank you, Clara and Phil, I will give it a try."
  • almost 3 years ago10/10/21 at 10:51 am (UTC)
Carmelo Moschella started a new discussion Fade animation not working
"Hi all, I placed a fade animation effect on an image in slide (360 SL)but it will not fade. Any ideas on how to make it work? I pla..."
  • almost 3 years ago10/07/21 at 4:25 pm (UTC)
Carmelo Moschella replied to the discussion evaluation questionnaire
"Hi Maria, The instructional video was spot on! Thank you for your help! Take care and stay safe. "
  • almost 3 years ago09/25/21 at 12:56 am (UTC)
Carmelo Moschella replied to the discussion evaluation questionnaire
"Hi Maria, I have added two text boxes and applied coding that will not allow the user to progress to the next slide. They have to su..."
  • almost 3 years ago09/24/21 at 1:10 pm (UTC)
Carmelo Moschella replied to the discussion evaluation questionnaire
"Hi Maria Costa-Stienstra, thank you for your help, You have placed a smile on my face again. I wrongly assumed copying the row..."
  • almost 3 years ago09/24/21 at 12:01 pm (UTC)
Carmelo Moschella started a new discussion evaluation questionnaire
"Hi All, I am using 360 Storyline to create an evaluation questionnaire. On slides 1.2 to 1.6 (The fie is attached)..."
  • almost 3 years ago09/23/21 at 12:33 pm (UTC)
Carmelo Moschella replied to the discussion Text Block
"Hi all, Just read the post above very helpful, thank you."
  • almost 4 years ago08/16/20 at 2:25 am (UTC)
"I thought FLASH was dead regardless of desktop access due to security issues and therefore longer a consideration in developing content o..."
  • almost 5 years ago08/16/19 at 4:16 am (UTC)
Carmelo Moschella commented on the article 4 Easy Ways to Win Over Reluctant SMEs
"Question; How do you collaborate with a SME who is goes out of their way not to be helpful in redeveloping their power point slides into ..."
  • almost 5 years ago08/16/19 at 4:13 am (UTC)
"All good reading here once again I have learnt new stuff. Thanks"
  • 8 years ago04/27/16 at 1:34 pm (UTC)
"Thanks mate for sharing great work!!"
  • over 8 years ago04/11/16 at 1:33 pm (UTC)
"Nice job Nicole! As always I love your work. Also a bit thanks to the community opened my eyes and made me aware of what can be done. A..."
  • over 8 years ago04/10/16 at 10:56 am (UTC)
Carmelo Moschella replied to the discussion module on improving writing skills
"Great post guys,,. just wondering would this apply to 1st year nurses learning medical theory content?"
  • over 8 years ago04/06/16 at 10:30 am (UTC)
Carmelo Moschella replied to the discussion Disappearing
"Hi All miss ignore my question I just worked it out...slide properties thanks to this site, the online notes are great. Thanks E-learning..."
  • over 8 years ago03/18/16 at 2:47 am (UTC)
Carmelo Moschella replied to the discussion Disappearing
"Hi All, I have attached screen shot Using a template I have downloaded and when I preview it the Prev and Next buttons disappear from t..."
  • over 8 years ago03/18/16 at 2:26 am (UTC)
Carmelo Moschella replied to the discussion Bar Chart
"Hi Ashley, the download "bar_Chart.story " is now downloadable  thanks so much for your help. I have attached the error I was getting. ..."
  • over 8 years ago03/18/16 at 2:13 am (UTC)
Carmelo Moschella started a new discussion Disappearing
"Using a template I have downloaded and when I preview it the Prev and Next buttons disappear from the Storyline Player. Why does this hap..."
  • over 8 years ago03/18/16 at 1:51 am (UTC)
Carmelo Moschella replied to the discussion Bar Chart
"Hi Ashley, I have tested the line chart and it works now, thank you. The Bar Chart link [image: Inline image 1]does not work!! Which is..."
  • over 8 years ago03/16/16 at 11:55 pm (UTC)
Carmelo Moschella replied to the discussion How to make graphs more interactive and fun
"Looking to create an animated bar graph the links here are broken ....very disappointed  "
  • over 8 years ago03/16/16 at 5:22 am (UTC)
Carmelo Moschella replied to the discussion Bar Chart
"The links are broken very disappointed"
  • over 8 years ago03/16/16 at 5:21 am (UTC)
Carmelo Moschella started a new discussion Moving Glossaries between two Articulate Storyline 2 projects
"Moving Glossaries between two Articulate Storyline 2 projects. Can it be done. Move one to the other? Cheers, Mel"
  • over 8 years ago03/07/16 at 10:08 am (UTC)
Carmelo Moschella commented on the download Storyline: Mobile Menu
"Jeroen, Thanks for supplying this resource exactly what I was looking for."
  • over 8 years ago02/23/16 at 12:37 pm (UTC)
Carmelo Moschella commented on the article Get to Know The 4 Levels of E-Learning
"Thank you Nicole, I now have a greater understanding of the three levels. Importing Powerpoints presentatioins (Level 1)into Storyline ..."
  • over 8 years ago02/17/16 at 10:46 am (UTC)