Randy Compton
Randy Compton
Randy Compton started a new discussion Printing out Trigger details
"Hello Storyline 360 Users! Been having and helping with some trigger setting issues recently – and wondering if there is an easy way to p..."
  • 11 months ago09/13/23 at 12:44 pm (UTC)
Randy Compton started a new discussion Restrict Audio Clip progress bar in Rise 360
"I have inserted an "audio clip" in my Rise 360 section. When the user clicks the audio play icon, it starts a 50 second audio clip...."
  • over 1 year ago03/22/23 at 8:55 pm (UTC)
Randy Compton started a new discussion Drag and Drop questions (limits)
"Is there a system application limit on how many items can placed/used on a Drag and Drop quiz question page in Storyline 360? (Seem..."
  • almost 2 years ago10/11/22 at 2:07 pm (UTC)
Randy Compton replied to the discussion Export closed captions in bulk?
"Adding closed caption export/import with the translation feature seems like a great opportunity!"
  • over 2 years ago04/25/22 at 9:04 pm (UTC)
Randy Compton started a new discussion Quiz questions spread throughout course
"Issue: when learner needs to retake quiz questions (which are spread throughout the course), what strategy to use so learner can retake t..."
  • almost 3 years ago08/02/21 at 11:48 am (UTC)
Randy Compton started a new discussion Extract content from SCORM package
"Is it possible to extract the content and audio files from a published SCORM zip package? (note: we do not have the original captiv..."
  • almost 5 years ago09/30/19 at 5:44 pm (UTC)
"What is the best practice to publish SL360 content into CSOD to get a "Pass/Fail" transcript result? A user gets "Completed" on their CSO..."
  • almost 5 years ago08/29/19 at 6:31 pm (UTC)
"Bingo! the selected state is how the prior user set up. Thank you greatly, this forum is a wonderful collaboration ven..."
  • almost 5 years ago08/20/19 at 1:47 pm (UTC)
"Hello Team, On my base layer, I have four objects. When user clicks one objects its shows the corresponding of 1 of the 4 layers.&n..."
  • almost 5 years ago08/19/19 at 8:41 pm (UTC)