Forum Discussion
Interactive Video - Layers Quiz
Hi everyone.
I would like to have an opinion... or more.
I created an interactive video with questions, but everything was done in layers as we do when creating interactive videos.
Now I'm wondering the best way to keep track of the results.
Should I create a results slide, not with the results slide tool, but with a number variable to give me a final score, and then I can track that with xAPI or is there another, simpler way to do this?
thank you
- hotneonCommunity Member
If you do not already have knowledge of xAPI and have an LRS set up, xAPI is a complicated way to do this.
If you are planning to publish as SCORM on an LMS, the built-in quiz functionality will work best. To do this on a layer you could do something like this.
You don't have to do this on a layer though, you can also do it on the base slide by adjusting the timing of the questions on the timeline to specific points in the video and using triggers to pause or advance the video after they answer the question. You can add Cue Points to the timeline to get further control.
Alternately, you could cut the video into shorter clips and freeze the last frame if you want the questions to be overlaid over the video frame.
If you are publishing to your own website, you can use your own custom variables and javascript to save the score to wherever you want (Google Sheet or database, etc.)
Let us know how you are planning to publish and I can provide more details if needed.
- JoseAGomesCommunity Member
Hi hotneon.
The example file is not available anymore...
This I don't understand.
I'm controlling the video with cue points, but in order to get the questions to show I need them to enter from layers (or so I think).
Otherwise, I don't see how I can get the questions on the same slide as the video because I want them on top of the video.
Would love to see the file to see if it helps.
Thank you anyway- hotneonCommunity Member
I would recommend cutting the video into smaller clips and have each clip on its own slide, this will help with performance and will also solve your problem since you can use the built in quiz functionality. Then you can create each slide as a question slide, add your video clip, and adjust the questions to the appropriate time on the timeline you want them to appear.