Sharing folder in Rise

Jan 07, 2019


Is it possible for Rise users to share folders? We have a mid-sized team of developers and we would like to store final files in a shared folder structure (for maintenance and translation purposes). Is this possible?

I know you can add collaborators, but can you share folders with a specific group of people like you would share a google folder?


190 Replies
Improve Admin

It is baffling that - three years on - this is still being requested. 

Articulate, we love Rise but your focus is at times questionable. Thousands of templates no one asked for, a release this week that caused serious issues and headaches for multiple users (only turned round in 24 hours because some of us shouted VERY loudly and threatened to cancel). 

We appreciate the design improvements, but when you've got 20+ users and 7,000 lessons like we have (and I'm sure many others have this and more!), why can you not see that Admin tools that improve workflow and sharing would be far more appreciated than a new heading design? Unless of course you're willing to add a new member of my team to all 7k lessons.

Decisions like this really do make me question our subscription. 

Improve Admin
Sam Spoiler

Can you please at least name a reason for ignoring this essential feature over years? That would help to decide if it's worth waiting for it or better switch to another platform 

I pressed Report by mistake - was trying to select 'Helpful'! Apologies. Can an Admin fix please?

John Doe

Might I at any point add another upvote for shared Ascent 360 envelope structures between associates? We have a little group of colleagues, yet we distribute various comparative yet unexpected way marked courses with a similar title and the rundown rapidly becomes clumsy. We'd adore somebody to have a by and large administrator job who can make organizers and keep the items predictable for all teammates.

Danielle Surface

Hoping to reactivate this request for shared folder capability within Rise and Storyline...  This need has come up multiple time within our group of users for designer teams.  We also recently had a challenge when an Articulate user left his position, but the team didn't think about transferring course ownership.

Stacy Campione

Another STRONG vote for shared folder structure in Rise 360. I would like to reiterate the request from three years ago: Allow a central location to store final Rise files to which teams of developers can access. Please add functionality similar to Team Slides from Story line to Rise 360. We are looking at other tools because of this issue

Nick Striegel

Jumping in again, 3 years after my first comment.  We are a large team that is building large quantities of courses.  We've now had our first instance of the wrong course being uploaded to our learning platform due to how difficult it is to manage courses as a team.  Shocking that this isn't something that's been addressed after so long.  Rise is such a great tool, it's a shame that something as basic and as frequently requested from your users will likely be what turns large customers to other options.  

Brande Morrison

Agree! Need to be able to share Rise folders ASAP! I'm the admin for 200+ users on one account. When one leaves, if the team doesn't have a replacement lined up, their work gets transferred to me (or someone else on the team, if they have multiple users). When new user is added, I have to manually assign each course (sometimes 50+) to the new user! Come on, Articulate. Give an admin some tools!

Frederick Bergeron

I'm in the same situation as Brande above... We will have  new team meember in the coming weeks, and I will have to assign that person all of our existing courses that currently sites at +200 courses in EN and FR. So, I will have to go in over 400 courses individually and add that teammate to them one-by-one... it's very stupid and time consuming! I can't imagine that there's no easy way to just share a folder to all the teammates that are part of my team...?? I can see them in my Manage Team section. How can they could not be assigned automatically to one of my folder is beyond me....