
Video Tutorials

List of Examples and Downloads

General E-Learning

  1. Accessible E-Learning Checklist
  2. Audio Recording Script in Word
  3. Basic Project Management Plan in Word
  4. Basic Project Management Timeline in Excel
  5. Basic Screen Reader Commands Quick Reference Guide
  6. Bloom’s Taxonomy Excel Chart
  7. Course Update Spreadsheet
  8. Design Maps for Visual Analysis
  9. E-Learning Course QA Template
  10. E-Learning Post-Course Evaluation Questions
  11. E-Learning Project Estimates Worksheet
  12. E-Learning Project Plan
  13. E-Learning Storyboard
  14. E-Learning: Should You Build It or Buy It? Decision Tool
  15. Free Checklist to Help Subject Matter Experts Curate Existing Training Resources
  16. Free Training Video and Script on Using Proper Pronouns
  17. Needs Analysis Questions
  18. Project Accountability Matrix Template
  19. Project Charter Template
  20. Project Kickoff Questions
  21. QA Test Checklist for Localized Courses
  22. RASCI Chart Template
  23. Simple PowerPoint Storyboard Template
  24. Simple Storyboard Template
  25. Template for a Training Video Treatment
  26. The Scenario Mastery Blueprint
  27. Visual Storyboard Template


  1. 10-Pack of Office Themed Background Images
  2. 12 Blurred Background Images for E-Learning
  3. 12 Warehouse Workers: Free Illustrated Characters
  4. 13 Speech Bubbles (PNG)
  5. 13 Time-Themed Animated GIF Icons
  6. 15 Office Women: Free Illustrated Characters
  7. 24 Multicolor Square Notes
  8. 25 Free Illustrated Characters
  9. 28 Glossy Triangle Icons
  10. 30 Multicolor Memo Notes
  11. 35 Free City Scene Background Images
  12. 43 Gorgeous, Free Nature Images
  13. 44 Free Illustrated Characters in Wheelchairs
  14. 6 Display Boards
  15. 8 Office-Themed Rise Cover Photo GIFs
  16. 8-bit Technology Icons
  17. 99 Blurred Background Images for E-Learning
  18. Alex: Free Illustrated Character
  19. Alexa: Free Illustrated Character
  20. Amelia: Free Illustrated Character
  21. Ava: Free Illustrated Character
  22. Barry: Free Illustrated Character
  23. Brad & Jimmy: Free Illustrated Characters in Wheelchairs
  24. Carl: Free Illustrated Character
  25. Casey: Free Illustrated Character
  26. Chalkboard Background - Black
  27. Color Scheme Design Template
  28. Color Tint and Shade Generator
  29. Colorful Gamification Badges
  30. Colorful Illustrated Character Graphics
  31. Comic Panel Layout-Style Backgrounds
  32. Creative Space Images
  33. Customizable People Icons
  34. Emi: Free Illustrated Character
  35. Emphasis Graphics for Highlighting Text
  36. Eric: Free Illustrated Character
  37. Evelyn: Free Illustrated Character
  38. Farah: Free Illustrated Character
  39. Farm Animal Illustrations
  40. Flat Illustrated Backgrounds
  41. Flat Office Asset Set
  42. Four Businessmen: Free Illustrated Characters
  43. Free Animated Gifs for Header Images
  44. Free Branched Scenario Backgrounds
  45. Free Common Craft-Style Characters
  46. Free Customizable Hospital Graphics
  47. Free Flat Design Character Set
  48. Free Illustrations: 10 Men
  49. Free Illustrations: 12 Characters with Headcover
  50. Free Illustrations: 30+ Comic Scenario Panels
  51. Free Illustrations: 6+ Wheelchair Characters
  52. Free Illustrations: 60 Mature Businessmen Standing & Sitting
  53. Free Illustrations: 85 Diverse Comic Panel Characters
  54. Free Illustrations: Business Meeting
  55. Free Illustrations: Medical Characters Sitting
  56. Free Illustrations: Office People 24 Poses
  57. Free Illustrations: Standing Talking Characters Vol. 1
  58. Free Illustrations: Standing Talking Characters Vol. 2
  59. Free Images for Interactive Scenarios
  60. Free Stock Image Set: Food Pics
  61. Free Stock Image Set: Winter Scenes
  62. Free Stock Image Set: Workspace Images
  63. Friendly Illustrated People
  64. Game Pieces
  65. Halloween-Inspired Character Graphics
  66. Illustrated Character: Al
  67. Jenny: Free Illustrated Character
  68. John: Free Illustrated Character
  69. Julio: Free Illustrated Character
  70. Kimberly: Free Illustrated Character
  71. Line-Style Gamification Badges
  72. Luca: Free Illustrated Character
  73. Lucia: Free Illustrated Character
  74. Lydia: Free Illustrated Character
  75. Maria: Free Illustrated Character
  76. Modern Sunrise Animation
  77. Monsters Graphics Set
  78. More Friendly Illustrated People
  79. Newspaper Graphic
  80. Office Graphics
  81. Page Curl Stickers: v1
  82. Peeling Page Curl Stickers: v3
  83. Peeling Sticker Graphics
  84. People at Computers: Free Character Illustrations
  85. Polaroid Vector Graphics - v1
  86. Rachel: Free Illustrated Character in a Wheelchair
  87. Safety Icons
  88. Sarah: Free Illustrated Character
  89. Slider Switch: Pill Shape w/Dial
  90. Sophisticated Button Set
  91. Spiral Notebook Graphic as Slide Background
  92. Super Clean Icon Set
  93. Teens Chad & Annie: Free 3D Illustrated Characters
  94. Travel Images
  95. Useful Flat Icons
  96. Wanda: Free Illustrated Character


  1. 2018 E-Learning Design Trends
  2. 2021 E-Learning Design Trends
  3. 4 Customizable People Illustrations
  4. 4 Ways to Make the Most of Your Free Trial
  5. Abstract Character
  6. Animal Illustrations
  7. Assorted Matching Icons
  8. Autumn-Themed Template
  9. Badges
  10. Basic Slide Layouts
  11. Blood Pressure Interaction
  12. Board Game Tabs
  13. Business Infographics
  14. Businesswoman Illustration
  15. Businessy People Illustrations
  16. City Tour
  17. Color Pop Template
  18. Cooking With Herbs
  19. Course Dashboard
  20. Customer FAQs Template
  21. Customer Service Do’s and Don’ts Template
  22. Customizable Finance Icons
  23. Customizable Healthcare Icons
  24. Customizable Healthcare Illustrations
  25. Customizable Illustrated Kids
  26. Customizable People Illustrations
  27. Customizable Person Illustration
  28. Device Mock-Up Package
  29. Duotone Meet the Team Template
  30. E-Learning Design Trends 2022
  31. E-Learning Design Trends for 2020
  32. Environmental Awareness-Themed Template
  33. Flat Design Characters
  34. Flat-Style Office Backgrounds
  35. Follow the Timeline
  36. Food Allergy Icon Set
  37. Glossary Template
  38. Harvest Veggie Icons
  39. Hospitality Tabs Template
  40. Image Carousel Template
  41. Images with a Pop of Color
  42. Industrial Workplace Safety-Themed Template
  43. Interactive Infographic Template
  44. Manufacturing Icons
  45. Medical Course Starter E-Learning Template
  46. Modern Circle Charts
  47. More Customizable People Icons
  48. Notebook Tabs Themed Template
  49. Office Graphics
  50. Onboarding Tabs
  51. One-Person Scenario Starter
  52. Personal Finance Basics Template
  53. PowerPoint Storyboard Template
  54. Questions to Ask a Hiring Manager
  55. Realistic Buttons, Toggles, and Switches
  56. Realistic Desktop Interaction
  57. Simple Backgrounds
  58. Simple Office Backgrounds
  59. Simple PowerPoint Storyboard Template
  60. Social Media Robot Illustrations
  61. Speech and Thought Bubbles
  62. Spiral Notebook Tabs Interaction
  63. Supermarket Background Graphics
  64. Tech Objects
  65. Text Message Phone Mock-Up
  66. The History of E-Learning Timeline
  67. Top E-Learning Trends 2023
  68. Vintage Car Illustration
  69. Vintage Tech Illustrations
  70. Workplace Scenario


  1. 1912 Anatomy Quiz
  2. 3 Techniques for Successful Upselling
  3. 5 Different Ways to Present Scenarios
  4. A Collection of TED Talks about Leadership
  5. A Course for Stakeholders on the Review Process
  6. A Quiz to Build Buy-in For More Learning
  7. Airline Innovation 101
  8. An Interactive E-Learning Style Guide
  9. An Introduction to Instructional Design
  10. Animal Sounds Guessing Game
  11. Animated, Scenario-Based E-Learning Design
  12. Applying Adult Learning Principles to E-Learning
  13. Banking Standard Operating Procedures Manual Example
  14. Beer Brewing Process
  15. Black History Month
  16. Branded Portfolio
  17. Calculating Revenues
  18. Can You Talk Your Way Into Higher Pay? Branching Scenario
  19. Card Trick
  20. Class Syllabus One-Pager
  21. Class Syllabus Template
  22. Client-Facing Quarterly Business Report Template
  23. Comics-Inspired Empathy Training
  24. Company Branding Example
  25. Comparing Approaches to Narrated Video
  26. Conflict of Interest Compliance Example
  27. Construction Hazard Checklist Job-Aid
  28. Construction Safety
  29. Continuing Education Course for Teachers
  30. Coping with Stress and Uncertainty During COVID-19
  31. Course for Kids
  32. COVID-19 - The Fight Continues
  33. COVID-19 - What You Need to Know
  34. Crash Course on E-Learning Localization
  35. Creating Social Change - A Guide for Everyday Citizens
  36. Customer Service Interaction
  37. Digital Media Ethics Course
  38. Dog Care Basics
  39. E-Learning Narration Guide
  40. Employee Benefits Guide
  41. Employee Health and Wellness
  42. Fighting Climate Change
  43. Food Allergy Awareness
  44. Food Allergy Basics for the Newly Diagnosed
  45. Food Industry Microlearning
  46. Full Course Example on Driving in France
  47. Glossary of Marketing Terms
  48. Government Ethics Training on Financial Disclosures
  49. Healthy Debate Culture at Work
  50. How to Choose and Combine Instructional Methods
  51. How to Create E-Learning
  52. How To Paint Tabletop Miniatures
  53. How To Process A Return
  54. How to Spot Social Media Bots Microlearning
  55. Hurricane Preparedness Course
  56. Illustrated Landlord Pet Guidelines
  57. Implementing WCAG Guidelines for Instructional Designers
  58. Inclusive Language Guide
  59. Instructions for Learners
  60. Interactive Event Guide
  61. Interactive Group Activity Guide
  62. Interactive Microlearning Infographic
  63. Interactive Ocean Habitat Guide for Kids
  64. Interactive Resume
  65. Interactive Resume Example
  66. Interactive Sales Brochure
  67. Interactive Short Story
  68. Intro to Digital Accessibility for Instructional Designers
  69. Intro to Reading Sheet Music
  70. Job Aid - Using Live Chat
  71. K-12 Education Facts About Blood
  72. Leadership Skills Sketchnote Interaction
  73. Learning Design Kick-Off Guide
  74. Learning Italian
  75. Marine Motion Path Game
  76. Media Company Workplace Harassment Course
  77. Meet the Team
  78. Meet the Team Labeled Graphic Example
  79. Micro-Learning Example
  80. Mocktail Recipes Guide
  81. Name That Breed!
  82. New Employee Onboarding Example
  83. New Employee Orientation
  84. New Manager's Toolkit
  85. Outbreak Investigation
  86. Performance Support Demo
  87. Phishing 101 - What You Need to Know
  88. Plants of the Pacific Northwest
  89. Presentation for a Conference Session on E-Learning Project Management
  90. Product Catalog
  91. Quick Reference Guide
  92. Recycling 101
  93. Resume Template
  94. Retail Microlearning Example
  95. Retail Sales Training
  96. Sales Fundamentals
  97. Software Training Example
  98. Space Travel-Themed Interactive Infographic
  99. Spotting and Managing Burnout
  100. Step-by-Step Guide to Acing the Interview
  101. The Perfect Espresso Martini
  102. Tourism-Themed Example
  103. Training Needs Analysis 101
  104. Training Schedule Example
  105. Transitioning to Remote Work
  106. Unsolved Mystery - The Case of Amelia Earhart
  107. Utilities Company Code of Conduct
  108. Virtual Training Presentation (Full Course Template)
  109. Virtual Training Presentation (Microlearning Template)
  110. Wash Your Hands Course
  111. What You Need to Know About Multi-Device E-Learning
  112. Working Across Cultures
  113. Working with Subject Matter Experts
  114. Workplace Safety 101
  115. Your Kidneys at Work
  116. Rise Cover Photo GIF-Away
  117. Abducted Adventure Game
  118. E-Learning Terms Glossary
  119. Exploring Canada
  120. Facts about the Falls
  121. Four Mindsets Mini-Course
  122. ID Video Compilation
  123. Mars Curiosity Rover
  124. Online Portfolio
  125. Product Info Orientation
  126. Rental Guide
  127. Stating the Problem Interactive Scenario
  128. Stop Asking These Interview Questions
  129. The Story of Coffee


  1. 12 Animated Buttons
  2. 12 Custom Slide Transitions
  3. 12 Steps of Surya Namaskar
  4. 12 Summary Slide Downloads
  5. 2 Truths and a Lie
  6. 3 Interactive Video Examples
  7. 3 Ways to Rotate Objects in E-Learning
  8. 3-Button Tabs Interaction
  9. 360°  Interactive Image Examples
  10. 3D Cube Interaction
  11. 5 Accessible Color Themes
  12. 5 Motion Graphics-Inspired Title Slides
  13. 5-Panel Accordion Interaction
  14. 5-Step Action Interaction
  15. 52 Animated Button Sets
  16. 8-Bit Game-Inspired Example
  17. 8-Bit Style True/False Quiz With Scrolling Panels
  18. A 360° Clinic Cleaning Simulation
  19. A 360° Grand Central Terminal Tour
  20. A 360° Language Immersion Experience
  21. A 360° Tour of U.S. Landmarks
  22. A Bounty Hunter’s Guide to Childcare
  23. A New Way With Vegetables
  24. A Visit to Turkey
  25. A Visual Guide to the Anatomy of Typography
  26. Learn Triggers Software Simulation
  27. Academic Course Starter
  28. Accessible Drag-and-Drop Chat Interaction
  29. Accordion Template
  30. Acronym Glossary
  31. Adaptive Branching Quiz Template
  32. Adaptive Scenario Template
  33. Add the Numbers
  34. Adult Learning Principles Click-and-Reveal
  35. Airline Safety
  36. Airplane Safety Assessment
  37. Alberta's At-Risk Fish
  38. Analysis of Las Meninas
  39. Anatomy Labeled Graphic
  40. Anatomy of a Bicycle
  41. Angry Words Side Scrolling Game
  42. Animated Button Effects
  43. Animated Character Effects
  44. Animated Charts & Graphs
  45. Animated Color Palettes
  46. Animated Cue Ball Progress Meter
  47. Animated Flash Card Microinteraction
  48. Animated Menu Navigation
  49. Animated Notecard Interaction
  50. Animated Share Button
  51. Animated Story Greeting Card
  52. Animated Tabs
  53. Animated Tabs Accordion Interaction
  54. Animated Text Intro
  55. Animated Timeline
  56. Animated Timeline Planner
  57. App-Inspired Menu
  58. Apple-Inspired 360 Degree Slider
  59. Are Your Kids Ready For A Pet?
  60. Around the World Quiz
  61. Arrange the Words
  62. Arrow Swipe Game
  63. Assessment with Progress Bar
  64. Assorted Summary Screens
  65. Atsu-meter
  66. Attention-Grabber for Allergy Course
  67. Attention-Grabber For Course on Sleep
  68. Attention-Grabber for Environmental Course
  69. Audio Editing Software Simulation
  70. Award-Winning Gamified Scenario
  71. Award-Winning Interactive Board Game
  72. Award-Winning Scenario Game
  73. AWS Terminology Prep
  74. Befriending a Monstera Glassmorphism Template
  75. Bingo E-Learning Game
  76. Bingo Game
  77. Birthday Party Game
  78. Blackjack Game
  79. Border Terrier Tab Interaction
  80. Brain Buster
  81. Branched Quiz Template
  82. Branched Scenario Template
  83. Branching Submenus with Icons
  84. Bravehearts Interactive Map
  85. Brooklyn Botanic Garden
  86. Broomstick Brew
  87. Build a Transport
  88. Burnout Self-Assessment
  89. Cake Baking Slider Tutorial
  90. Calculator
  91. Call Center Training Template
  92. Canadian Geography Drag-and-Drop Template
  93. Car Insurance Themed Template
  94. Card Hover Animation
  95. Cards Against Humanity-Inspired Game
  96. Cards for Humanity
  97. Carrie's Color Project
  98. Chameleon Game
  99. Character Selection Dial
  100. Checklist Interaction
  101. Checklist Progress Meter
  102. Choose a Character With a Slider
  103. Choose an Avatar Template
  104. Choose Your E-Learning Character Slider
  105. Choose Your Mad Libs
  106. Christmas-Themed Slider
  107. Chunky Tabs Template
  108. Circular Mobile UI
  109. Circular Webstyle Menu
  110. Clean and Modern Quiz
  111. Clean Resume Template
  112. Click-and-Reveal Accordion Interaction
  113. Click-and-Reveal Grid Template
  114. Click-and-Reveal Template
  115. Cocktail Scroller
  116. Codenames-Inspired Learning Game
  117. Coffee Brew Types Example
  118. Coffee-Themed Personality Quiz
  119. Color Gradient Quiz
  120. Colorful Interactive List
  121. Colorful Quiz Template
  122. Combination Lock Quiz
  123. Comic Book Starter
  124. Comic-Themed Slider Interaction
  125. Comics-Style Communication Branching Scenario
  126. Communication Style Personality Quiz
  127. Company History Carousel
  128. Compare Learner Response with Expert Recommendation Using Variables
  129. Connect the Dots Interaction
  130. Connecting Lines Matching Question
  131. Construction-Themed Course Starter
  132. Contact Lightbox Slide
  133. Corporate Finance 101
  134. Countdown Quiz Game
  135. Course Certificate Template
  136. Course Dashboard Template
  137. Course Exit Slide Template
  138. Course Introduction
  139. Course Player Navigation Help Template
  140. Course Template with Pre-Check and Final Evaluation
  141. Course Template with Two Learning Paths
  142. Create a Meal
  143. Create the Team Interaction
  144. Create Your Avatar Template
  145. Creating a Comfy Work Space
  146. Credit Union Acronyms
  147. Cube's Quest Game
  148. Cupcake Drag and Drop Example
  149. Cupcake Drag-and-Drop Game
  150. Custom Bookmark Menu Using Progress-Tracking Variables
  151. Custom Fill-in-the-Blank Storyline Activity
  152. Custom Glossary Slide
  153. Custom Lightbox Tabs Two Ways
  154. Custom Locked Menu
  155. Custom Menu System
  156. Customer Service Branching Scenario
  157. Customer Service Scenario 1
  158. Customer Service Scenario 2
  159. Customizable Accordion Freebie
  160. Customizable Avatar Set
  161. Customizable Button UI Kit
  162. Customizable Characters With Disabilities
  163. Customizable Course Certificate
  164. Customizable Drag-and-Drop Template
  165. Customizable Glossary
  166. Daily Horoscope
  167. Decorate a Tree Holiday Interaction
  168. Dial H For Help
  169. Dial Infographic
  170. Dial Menu with Icons
  171. Dial-Driven Map Activity
  172. Dials Starter Kit
  173. Dice Quiz Game Template
  174. Disaster Preparedness Course with Attention-Grabber
  175. Do’s and Don'ts Knowledge Check
  176. Do’s and Don’ts Slider Interaction
  177. Do’s and Don’ts Spoke Template
  178. Dog Breed Buttons
  179. Dog Weight
  180. Dog-Themed Jeopardy Template
  181. Donating Blood
  182. Drag-and-Drop Knowledge Check
  183. Drag-and-Drop Game
  184. Drag-and-Drop Text Message Quiz
  185. Drag-and-Drop Activity Template
  186. Drag-and-Drop Animation Effects Template
  187. Drag-and-Drop Interaction
  188. Drag-and-Drop Matching Labels
  189. Drag-and-Drop Meal Planning
  190. Drag-and-Drop Puzzle Interaction
  191. Drag-and-Drop Quote Challenge
  192. Drag-and-Drop RAID Storage Calculator
  193. Drag-and-Drop Scratch and Win Game
  194. Drag-and-Drop Sorting Interaction
  195. Drag-and-Drop States Template
  196. Drag-and-Drop Storage Capacity Calculator
  197. Drag-and-Drop Table Setting Activity
  198. Drag-and-Drop Sequence Template w/ Custom Feedback
  199. Drop Shadow Button UI Set
  200. E-Book FAQs Template
  201. E-Learning Battleship Game Template
  202. E-Learning Challenge Generator
  203. E-Learning Character Soundboard Using Text-to-Speech
  204. E-Learning Heroes 101
  205. E-Learning Needs Analysis Generator
  206. E-Learning Personality Quiz
  207. E-Learning Scales Infographic
  208. E-Learning Style Guide Template
  209. Easy Spinning Wheel Activity
  210. Eco-Friendly Tabs
  211. Elapsed Time Triggered Lightbox
  212. Elegant Tabs Interaction Template
  213. Employee Conversation Branching Scenario
  214. Employee Engagement Interactive Slider
  215. Employee Health and Wellness
  216. Employee Stories Video Slide
  217. Energy Efficiency Dial Example
  218. Energy Saving Tips Scrolling Panel
  219. English-Language Listening Comprehension Game
  220. Escape The Room
  221. Explore New York City
  222. Explore the Human Body
  223. Faces of Ebola Slider Interaction
  224. Facts Around the World Drag-and-Drop
  225. Fairy Tale Generator
  226. Farm Animal Interaction for Kids
  227. Feelings Slider Template
  228. Fill and No Fill Button Sets
  229. Fill-in-the-Blank Math Example
  230. Find the Objects Template
  231. Fire Safety Attention-Grabber
  232. Flashback Quiz
  233. Flashcard Interaction Templates
  234. Flashcard Self-Assessment
  235. Flashcards With Flip Animation
  236. Flat Design Template
  237. Flexible Quiz Scoring Template
  238. Flip Card Do’s and Don’ts
  239. Flying Butterfly Animation
  240. Font Challenge
  241. Food-Themed Click-and-Reveal
  242. Forklift Operation
  243. Foster Inclusion and Boost Productivity
  244. Fun & Fruity Tabs
  245. Future Predictor
  246. Gagné’s 9 Events of Instruction Interactive Graphic
  247. Gamified 360° Image
  248. Gamified Brain Teasers Template
  249. Gamified Branching Scenario Example
  250. Gamified Drag-and-Drop Quiz
  251. Gamified Meet The Team Interaction Download
  252. Gamified Process Scenario
  253. Gamified Quiz Template With Timer
  254. Gamified Texting Template
  255. Gamified Unconscious Bias Quiz
  256. Genetics FAQs Interaction
  257. German Culture Game
  258. Get to Know Your Site
  259. Getting Started With E-Learning
  260. Glassmorphism Introduction Slide
  261. Glassmorphism Physics Example
  262. Google Primer-Inspired Example
  263. Government Ethics Compliance Training
  264. Government-Themed Example
  265. Gradient Slider
  266. Graphic Design Skills Assessment
  267. Guru Gold Winner: Enter the Ninja
  268. Guru Honorable Mention: Ebola Fatality Rates
  269. Halloween Course Template
  270. Halloween Text Entry Game
  271. Handshake Alternatives Tab Interaction
  272. Hazardous Waste Safety Example
  273. Health Hub
  274. Healthcare Tabs Interaction
  275. Healthy Choices Drag-and-Drop Food Selection Game
  276. Healthy Eating IQ Quiz
  277. Healthy Work-From-Home Habits
  278. Higher-Ed Course Starter
  279. HIPAA Compliance Example
  280. HIPAA for Professionals
  281. Holiday Beverage Recipes
  282. Holiday Traditions Around the World Quiz
  283. Holiday-Themed Gamified Example
  284. House Pet Harmony
  285. Housing Affordability Calculator
  286. How Long Does it Take to Create E-Learning
  287. How to Become a Good Leader
  288. How to Build a Campfire
  289. How to Cook Pasta Marker Interaction
  290. How to Do a Tarot Reading
  291. How To Fight A Bear
  292. How to Make the Perfect Cup of Coffee
  293. How to Make the Perfect Poached Egg
  294. How to Spot Phishing Emails
  295. How to Survive a Tornado Interaction
  296. How to Write a Postcard
  297. How-To Video-Inspired Project
  298. Human Timeline
  299. Hurricane Comparison Drag-and-Drop
  300. Icon Tabs Download
  301. Illustrated Kid Character- Gabrielle
  302. Illustrated Kid Character- Gabrielle at School
  303. Illustrated Kid Character- Gabrielle Holding Props
  304. Image Carousel
  305. Image Gallery Accordion Interaction
  306. Increasing Order Game
  307. Industrial Workplace Safety Template
  308. Infographic Slider Template
  309. Input Learner Name
  310. Interactive 360° Sales Associate Onboarding
  311. Interactive 360° Storytelling Experience
  312. Interactive Bar Graph
  313. Interactive Calendar
  314. Interactive Circle Graph
  315. Interactive Commercial Quiz
  316. Interactive Decision Tree Template
  317. Interactive Dial Matrix
  318. Interactive Guide With Parallax Effect
  319. Interactive Info Map
  320. Interactive Infographic Template
  321. Interactive Infographic Timeline
  322. Interactive Infographics with Sliders
  323. Interactive Jeopardy Quiz
  324. Interactive List
  325. Interactive Map of the USA
  326. Interactive Medical Quiz with Progress Bar
  327. Interactive Menu
  328. Interactive Sushi Menu
  329. Interactive Org Chart of Apple’s Leadership Team
  330. Interactive Photo Collage
  331. Interactive Photo Collage Template
  332. Interactive Resume
  333. Interactive Screenshot
  334. Interactive Storytelling Example
  335. Interactive Tabs Download
  336. Interactive Timeline in Portrait Mode
  337. Interactive Tour de France Quiz
  338. Interactive Training Schedule
  339. Interactive Video Interview
  340. Interactive Video Quiz
  341. Interactive Video Quiz
  342. Interactive Video Quiz for College Lectures
  343. Interactive Video Quiz for E-Learning
  344. Interactive Video Quiz Template
  345. Interactive Video Quizzes
  346. Interactive Video with Pop-Ups
  347. Interactive Writing Practice Template
  348. Interesting Facts about Space and Exploration
  349. International Space Station
  350. Interview Template
  351. Inviting Navigation Design
  352. iPhone Charging Drag-and-Drop
  353. JavaScript Dynamic Ordered List
  354. Jeopardy E-Learning Game Show
  355. Jeopardy-Inspired Game Show Template
  356. Job Interview Branched Scenario
  357. Keep Your Teeth Game
  358. Keyboard Shortcut Bingo
  359. Keyboard Shortcuts
  360. Know Your Fire Extinguisher
  361. L&D Title Generator
  362. Lab Culture Drag-And-Drop
  363. Labeled Graphic Drag-and-Drop Assessment
  364. Language Learning Game
  365. Language Learning Pre-Test
  366. Laptop Click-and-Reveal
  367. Law Enforcement Scenario Starter
  368. Leadership Style Personality Quiz
  369. Learn About English Prepositions
  370. Learn Latin
  371. Learn to Swing a Golf Club
  372. Learning Journal with JavaScript
  373. Learning Quest
  374. Light Mode/Dark Mode Course Template
  375. Lightbox Note-Taking
  376. Lightbox Video Gallery Template
  377. Lightbulb Animation Demo
  378. Mad Libs Love Letter
  379. Magic 8-Ball Quiz
  380. Magnifying Images with Zooming Effects in E-Learning
  381. Make A Pizza Interaction
  382. Managing Pain Interactive Story
  383. Manual Advance Slideshow
  384. Matching Drag-and-Drop Template
  385. Meat Shop
  386. Medical Course Starter Template
  387. Medical Scenario Triage 101
  388. Medical Tabs Interaction
  389. Medical Template Set
  390. Medical-Theme Course Starter Template
  391. Medicine-Themed Progress Bar
  392. Meet the Canaries
  393. Meet the Team Character Tabs
  394. Meet the Team Click-and-Reveal Template
  395. Meet the Team Drag-and-Drop Interaction
  396. Meet The Team Interaction Template
  397. Meet the Team Interactive Org Chart
  398. Meet The Team Template
  399. Meet the Team Video Interaction
  400. Memory Game
  401. Memory Game Template
  402. Menu Tabs Interaction
  403. Mermaid Math
  404. Miniature Golf
  405. Minimalist Button Set
  406. Minimalist Button Showcase
  407. Mobile Menu
  408. Mobile-App Inspired Tabs Navigation
  409. Modern Accordion Template
  410. Modern Animated Flashcards Template
  411. Modern Dial
  412. Modern Rounded-Edges Quiz
  413. Monarch Metamorphosis Dial
  414. Monster Math Multiplication Game
  415. Motion Graphics Timeline
  416. Motion Graphics-Inspired Transitions
  417. Motion Menu
  418. Motion Path Animation for Custom Menu
  419. Mountain Challenge Game
  420. Mountain Summit Challenge
  421. Movie Trivia Game
  422. Moving Circular Menu
  423. Multilingual Course with Text-to-Speech
  424. Multimedia Gallery
  425. Multimedia Tooltips and Callouts
  426. Multiple Choice Quiz with Badge Awards
  427. Music Media Timeline
  428. Music Mood Wheel
  429. My Pet Company Branded Prototype
  430. Name That Fruit Text Entry Download
  431. Name That Star Wars Quote
  432. Name the Yoga Pose Exercise
  433. Nature-Themed Intro Slides
  434. New Employee Orientation Course Template
  435. New Employee Summary Slide
  436. New Student Orientation
  437. Notebook Tabs Interaction Template
  438. Numbered Randomized Question Bank Slides
  439. Office Course Starter Template
  440. Office Safety Training
  441. Office Scavenger Hunt
  442. Office-Themed Example
  443. Office-Themed Tabs Template
  444. Online Meeting Bingo
  445. Open Office Etiquette Personalized Quiz
  446. Opt In/Out Navigation Help Template
  447. Optical Illusion - Drag and Drop Puzzle Game
  448. Ordering Animals Pre-Test
  449. OSHA Summary
  450. Painting-Themed Pre-Assessment
  451. Paper Doll Sliders
  452. Parts of the Body Drag and Drop
  453. Passport Application Interactive Screenshot
  454. Pastel Process Interaction
  455. Pawsonalities
  456. Percent Complete
  457. Percentage Bar Slider Interaction
  458. Performance Support Demo
  459. Personal Spending Plan
  460. Personality Test Template
  461. Personalize E-Learning with Variables and Toggle Buttons
  462. Personalized Construction-Themed Template
  463. Personalized Decision Matrix
  464. Phishing Simulation Example
  465. Photo Slider Interaction
  466. Photo-Based Tabs Interaction
  467. Pit Stop Timer
  468. Pizza Fractions
  469. Pizza Order Fractions
  470. Placement Test Template
  471. Plant Growth Slider Interaction Template
  472. Playful Drag-and-Drop Quiz
  473. Playful Onboarding
  474. Poison Control Phone Simulation
  475. Pop-Out Tabs Interaction Template
  476. Portrait Accordion Interaction
  477. Positive Self-Talk Mad Libs Template
  478. Post-it Style Note Interaction
  479. Post-Roll NEXTCHA Navigation Example
  480. Practice Setting the Table with Drag-and-Drop
  481. Pre-Test Template
  482. Price Check Drag-and-Drop Simulation
  483. Pride Flag Drag and Drop
  484. Printable Customized Schedule
  485. Printable Free-Response Slide Template
  486. Printable Goal-Setting Journal Template
  487. Process Drag-and-Drop Quiz
  488. Process Slider Interaction
  489. Process Tabs Interaction
  490. Puzzle Interaction
  491. Question and Answer Interaction
  492. Quiz Game Show Template
  493. Quote Reel Template
  494. Reach Your Goals the SMART Way
  495. Reading Comprehension Word Scramble Exercise
  496. Rebus Puzzle Game
  497. Redundancy Principle
  498. Reset Drag-and-Drop Incorrect Choices
  499. Review 360 Software Simulation
  500. Revising Bloated Prose
  501. Robot Conveyor Interaction
  502. Room Exploration Interaction
  503. Safe Lifting Slider Interaction
  504. Safety Equipment Drag-and-Drop
  505. Salary Negotiation Script Generator
  506. Save Object State When Resuming
  507. Scenario With Multiple Points of View
  508. Scenario-Based Health & Safety Course
  509. Scoring Basics
  510. Scratch-Off Quiz
  511. Scrolling Cutaway Example
  512. Scrolling Data Set
  513. Scrolling Horizontal Timeline
  514. Scrolling Panels Example
  515. Seasonal Gardening
  516. Selecting School Supplies
  517. Self Health Quiz
  518. Self-Awareness Clean Tabs Interaction
  519. Self-Motivation Scrolling Experience
  520. Semiconductor FAQs Pick One Quiz
  521. Sensitive Employee Data Scenario
  522. Sexual Harassment Compliance Course
  523. Shape-Shifting Animation
  524. Shortcut Keys
  525. Should I Schedule a Meeting Interactive Decision Tree
  526. Simon Interaction
  527. Simple Accordion Interaction Template
  528. Simple Animated Button Set
  529. Simple Animated Timeline with Tooltips by Montse
  530. Simple Button Set
  531. Simple E-Learning Quiz Template
  532. Simple Folder Tabs Interaction
  533. Simple Glossary Template
  534. Simple Motion Graphics Template
  535. Simple Notecard Interaction
  536. Simple Rolling Dice Activity
  537. Simple Tabs Interaction
  538. Simple Tabs Template
  539. Simple Timeline Interaction in E-Learning
  540. Skeleton Reveal
  541. Skyline Tabs Interaction
  542. Sleek Character Study Template
  543. Sleek Custom UI Template
  544. Sleek Glossary
  545. Sleek, Modern Tabs Template
  546. Slide Numbers
  547. Slide Variety Template
  548. Slide-Out Menu
  549. Slide-to-Reveal Interaction Template
  550. Slider Starter Pack
  551. Slider-Controlled Media Gallery
  552. Snakes and Ladders Template
  553. Snow Falling Animation
  554. Soap-A-Sheep Game
  555. Space Quiz
  556. Space-Themed Dial Interaction
  557. Spin the Wheel Interaction
  558. Spin The Wheel Template
  559. Spinning Plates
  560. Spinning Wheel Trivia Game
  561. Sports-Themed Scoreboard Results Slide
  562. Spot the Hazard Interactive Video
  563. Stages of Monarch Butterfly Development
  564. Star Wars Knowledge Check
  565. Star Wars Quiz
  566. Storyboard Template
  567. Storyline 360 and Storyline 3 Classic Player Colors
  568. Storytelling
  569. Storytelling Game
  570. Success Tips for Remote Work
  571. Sugary Drinks
  572. Super Simple Countdown Timers
  573. Super Tabs E-Learning Template
  574. Surgical Mask Best Practices
  575. Swipeable Cards Navigation
  576. Tab Style Button Download
  577. Tabcordion Interaction
  578. Tabcordion with Scrolling Panel
  579. Tabs Interaction with Lightboxed Slides
  580. Tabs Interaction with Scrolling Panel
  581. Tabs Interaction with Video
  582. Tabs Interactions
  583. Tabs Timeline Interaction
  584. Take A Scroll Beneath The Ocean
  585. Task Prioritization Immersive Scenario Template
  586. Team Manager Problem Scenarios
  587. Team Tabs Interaction
  588. Text-to-Speech Soundboard
  589. The Earth's Atmosphere Slider Template
  590. The Golden Age of Comics Interactive Map
  591. The History of Something Interactive Timeline
  592. The Job Interview Branched Scenario
  593. The Leadership Challenge
  594. The World of Bees
  595. Theme Colors
  596. Then-Now Comparison Slider
  597. Tic Tac Toe Template
  598. Tic-Tac-Toe
  599. Time Management Click-and-Reveal Interaction
  600. Time Management Game
  601. Time-Sensitive Navigation Help Template
  602. Timed 360° Treasure Hunt
  603. Timed Quiz Challenge
  604. Timeline of Events
  605. Timer Driving Emergencies
  606. Tips for Using Zoom
  607. Titanic Tabs
  608. Trivia Game Show Quiz Demo
  609. Trivia Game Template
  610. Turn up the Thermostat
  611. Two Truths and One Lie
  612. Ukrainian Text Labels for Storyline 360 Player
  613. Ultra Modern Leadership Template
  614. Unconscious Bias Quiz
  615. Up In The Sky Motion Path Triggers Game
  616. Using Variables to Show Helpful Hints After a Number of Attempts
  617. Vegetable Cutting Techniques
  618. Vertical Slider Navigation
  619. Very Peri Button Set
  620. Video Editing Software Simulation
  621. Video Interview Template
  622. Visual Logic E-Learning Game
  623. Visual Logic Freeform Pick Many Quiz
  624. Visual Progress Meter
  625. Vocabulary Guessing Game
  626. Washing Machine Dial Example
  627. Water Treatment Process Slider Interaction
  628. Welcome to the E-learning Laboratory
  629. Well-Being Question and Answer Form
  630. What Do You Hear
  631. What's Their Role
  632. What’s Your Leadership Style?
  633. Wheel of Fortune-Inspired Game
  634. Wheelchair Securement Training
  635. Where in the World is Carmen Articulato Interactive Map
  636. Which E-Learning Character Are You Quiz
  637. Win a Touring Caravan
  638. Women in Sports Digital Magazine
  639. Word Memo
  640. Word Search Game
  641. Word Soundboard
  642. Work from Home GIF-like Animations
  643. Workplace Violence
  644. Writing Great Copy Exercise
  645. Year of the Rabbit Game
  646. You Sunk My Battleship! Game
  647. Zoom in Map of the World
Updated 2 months ago
Version 5.0
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A list of the examples and downloads that are available on the Discover page. 


General E-Learning

  1. Accessible E-Learning Checklist
  2. \n
  3. Audio Recording Script in Word
  4. \n
  5. Basic Project Management Plan in Word
  6. \n
  7. Basic Project Management Timeline in Excel
  8. \n
  9. Basic Screen Reader Commands Quick Reference Guide
  10. \n
  11. Bloom’s Taxonomy Excel Chart
  12. \n
  13. Course Update Spreadsheet
  14. \n
  15. Design Maps for Visual Analysis
  16. \n
  17. E-Learning Course QA Template
  18. \n
  19. E-Learning Post-Course Evaluation Questions
  20. \n
  21. E-Learning Project Estimates Worksheet
  22. \n
  23. E-Learning Project Plan
  24. \n
  25. E-Learning Storyboard
  26. \n
  27. E-Learning: Should You Build It or Buy It? Decision Tool
  28. \n
  29. Free Checklist to Help Subject Matter Experts Curate Existing Training Resources
  30. \n
  31. Free Training Video and Script on Using Proper Pronouns
  32. \n
  33. Needs Analysis Questions
  34. \n
  35. Project Accountability Matrix Template
  36. \n
  37. Project Charter Template
  38. \n
  39. Project Kickoff Questions
  40. \n
  41. QA Test Checklist for Localized Courses
  42. \n
  43. RASCI Chart Template
  44. \n
  45. Simple PowerPoint Storyboard Template
  46. \n
  47. Simple Storyboard Template
  48. \n
  49. Template for a Training Video Treatment
  50. \n
  51. The Scenario Mastery Blueprint
  52. \n
  53. Visual Storyboard Template
  54. \n


  1. 10-Pack of Office Themed Background Images
  2. \n
  3. 12 Blurred Background Images for E-Learning
  4. \n
  5. 12 Warehouse Workers: Free Illustrated Characters
  6. \n
  7. 13 Speech Bubbles (PNG)
  8. \n
  9. 13 Time-Themed Animated GIF Icons
  10. \n
  11. 15 Office Women: Free Illustrated Characters
  12. \n
  13. 24 Multicolor Square Notes
  14. \n
  15. 25 Free Illustrated Characters
  16. \n
  17. 28 Glossy Triangle Icons
  18. \n
  19. 30 Multicolor Memo Notes
  20. \n
  21. 35 Free City Scene Background Images
  22. \n
  23. 43 Gorgeous, Free Nature Images
  24. \n
  25. 44 Free Illustrated Characters in Wheelchairs
  26. \n
  27. 6 Display Boards
  28. \n
  29. 8 Office-Themed Rise Cover Photo GIFs
  30. \n
  31. 8-bit Technology Icons
  32. \n
  33. 99 Blurred Background Images for E-Learning
  34. \n
  35. Alex: Free Illustrated Character
  36. \n
  37. Alexa: Free Illustrated Character
  38. \n
  39. Amelia: Free Illustrated Character
  40. \n
  41. Ava: Free Illustrated Character
  42. \n
  43. Barry: Free Illustrated Character
  44. \n
  45. Brad & Jimmy: Free Illustrated Characters in Wheelchairs
  46. \n
  47. Carl: Free Illustrated Character
  48. \n
  49. Casey: Free Illustrated Character
  50. \n
  51. Chalkboard Background - Black
  52. \n
  53. Color Scheme Design Template
  54. \n
  55. Color Tint and Shade Generator
  56. \n
  57. Colorful Gamification Badges
  58. \n
  59. Colorful Illustrated Character Graphics
  60. \n
  61. Comic Panel Layout-Style Backgrounds
  62. \n
  63. Creative Space Images
  64. \n
  65. Customizable People Icons
  66. \n
  67. Emi: Free Illustrated Character
  68. \n
  69. Emphasis Graphics for Highlighting Text
  70. \n
  71. Eric: Free Illustrated Character
  72. \n
  73. Evelyn: Free Illustrated Character
  74. \n
  75. Farah: Free Illustrated Character
  76. \n
  77. Farm Animal Illustrations
  78. \n
  79. Flat Illustrated Backgrounds
  80. \n
  81. Flat Office Asset Set
  82. \n
  83. Four Businessmen: Free Illustrated Characters
  84. \n
  85. Free Animated Gifs for Header Images
  86. \n
  87. Free Branched Scenario Backgrounds
  88. \n
  89. Free Common Craft-Style Characters
  90. \n
  91. Free Customizable Hospital Graphics
  92. \n
  93. Free Flat Design Character Set
  94. \n
  95. Free Illustrations: 10 Men
  96. \n
  97. Free Illustrations: 12 Characters with Headcover
  98. \n
  99. Free Illustrations: 30+ Comic Scenario Panels
  100. \n
  101. Free Illustrations: 6+ Wheelchair Characters
  102. \n
  103. Free Illustrations: 60 Mature Businessmen Standing & Sitting
  104. \n
  105. Free Illustrations: 85 Diverse Comic Panel Characters
  106. \n
  107. Free Illustrations: Business Meeting
  108. \n
  109. Free Illustrations: Medical Characters Sitting
  110. \n
  111. Free Illustrations: Office People 24 Poses
  112. \n
  113. Free Illustrations: Standing Talking Characters Vol. 1
  114. \n
  115. Free Illustrations: Standing Talking Characters Vol. 2
  116. \n
  117. Free Images for Interactive Scenarios
  118. \n
  119. Free Stock Image Set: Food Pics
  120. \n
  121. Free Stock Image Set: Winter Scenes
  122. \n
  123. Free Stock Image Set: Workspace Images
  124. \n
  125. Friendly Illustrated People
  126. \n
  127. Game Pieces
  128. \n
  129. Halloween-Inspired Character Graphics
  130. \n
  131. Illustrated Character: Al
  132. \n
  133. Jenny: Free Illustrated Character
  134. \n
  135. John: Free Illustrated Character
  136. \n
  137. Julio: Free Illustrated Character
  138. \n
  139. Kimberly: Free Illustrated Character
  140. \n
  141. Line-Style Gamification Badges
  142. \n
  143. Luca: Free Illustrated Character
  144. \n
  145. Lucia: Free Illustrated Character
  146. \n
  147. Lydia: Free Illustrated Character
  148. \n
  149. Maria: Free Illustrated Character
  150. \n
  151. Modern Sunrise Animation
  152. \n
  153. Monsters Graphics Set
  154. \n
  155. More Friendly Illustrated People
  156. \n
  157. Newspaper Graphic
  158. \n
  159. Office Graphics
  160. \n
  161. Page Curl Stickers: v1
  162. \n
  163. Peeling Page Curl Stickers: v3
  164. \n
  165. Peeling Sticker Graphics
  166. \n
  167. People at Computers: Free Character Illustrations
  168. \n
  169. Polaroid Vector Graphics - v1
  170. \n
  171. Rachel: Free Illustrated Character in a Wheelchair
  172. \n
  173. Safety Icons
  174. \n
  175. Sarah: Free Illustrated Character
  176. \n
  177. Slider Switch: Pill Shape w/Dial
  178. \n
  179. Sophisticated Button Set
  180. \n
  181. Spiral Notebook Graphic as Slide Background
  182. \n
  183. Super Clean Icon Set
  184. \n
  185. Teens Chad & Annie: Free 3D Illustrated Characters
  186. \n
  187. Travel Images
  188. \n
  189. Useful Flat Icons
  190. \n
  191. Wanda: Free Illustrated Character
  192. \n


  1. 2018 E-Learning Design Trends
  2. \n
  3. 2021 E-Learning Design Trends
  4. \n
  5. 4 Customizable People Illustrations
  6. \n
  7. 4 Ways to Make the Most of Your Free Trial
  8. \n
  9. Abstract Character
  10. \n
  11. Animal Illustrations
  12. \n
  13. Assorted Matching Icons
  14. \n
  15. Autumn-Themed Template
  16. \n
  17. Badges
  18. \n
  19. Basic Slide Layouts
  20. \n
  21. Blood Pressure Interaction
  22. \n
  23. Board Game Tabs
  24. \n
  25. Business Infographics
  26. \n
  27. Businesswoman Illustration
  28. \n
  29. Businessy People Illustrations
  30. \n
  31. City Tour
  32. \n
  33. Color Pop Template
  34. \n
  35. Cooking With Herbs
  36. \n
  37. Course Dashboard
  38. \n
  39. Customer FAQs Template
  40. \n
  41. Customer Service Do’s and Don’ts Template
  42. \n
  43. Customizable Finance Icons
  44. \n
  45. Customizable Healthcare Icons
  46. \n
  47. Customizable Healthcare Illustrations
  48. \n
  49. Customizable Illustrated Kids
  50. \n
  51. Customizable People Illustrations
  52. \n
  53. Customizable Person Illustration
  54. \n
  55. Device Mock-Up Package
  56. \n
  57. Duotone Meet the Team Template
  58. \n
  59. E-Learning Design Trends 2022
  60. \n
  61. E-Learning Design Trends for 2020
  62. \n
  63. Environmental Awareness-Themed Template
  64. \n
  65. Flat Design Characters
  66. \n
  67. Flat-Style Office Backgrounds
  68. \n
  69. Follow the Timeline
  70. \n
  71. Food Allergy Icon Set
  72. \n
  73. Glossary Template
  74. \n
  75. Harvest Veggie Icons
  76. \n
  77. Hospitality Tabs Template
  78. \n
  79. Image Carousel Template
  80. \n
  81. Images with a Pop of Color
  82. \n
  83. Industrial Workplace Safety-Themed Template
  84. \n
  85. Interactive Infographic Template
  86. \n
  87. Manufacturing Icons
  88. \n
  89. Medical Course Starter E-Learning Template
  90. \n
  91. Modern Circle Charts
  92. \n
  93. More Customizable People Icons
  94. \n
  95. Notebook Tabs Themed Template
  96. \n
  97. Office Graphics
  98. \n
  99. Onboarding Tabs
  100. \n
  101. One-Person Scenario Starter
  102. \n
  103. Personal Finance Basics Template
  104. \n
  105. PowerPoint Storyboard Template
  106. \n
  107. Questions to Ask a Hiring Manager
  108. \n
  109. Realistic Buttons, Toggles, and Switches
  110. \n
  111. Realistic Desktop Interaction
  112. \n
  113. Simple Backgrounds
  114. \n
  115. Simple Office Backgrounds
  116. \n
  117. Simple PowerPoint Storyboard Template
  118. \n
  119. Social Media Robot Illustrations
  120. \n
  121. Speech and Thought Bubbles
  122. \n
  123. Spiral Notebook Tabs Interaction
  124. \n
  125. Supermarket Background Graphics
  126. \n
  127. Tech Objects
  128. \n
  129. Text Message Phone Mock-Up
  130. \n
  131. The History of E-Learning Timeline
  132. \n
  133. Top E-Learning Trends 2023
  134. \n
  135. Vintage Car Illustration
  136. \n
  137. Vintage Tech Illustrations
  138. \n
  139. Workplace Scenario
  140. \n


  1. 1912 Anatomy Quiz
  2. \n
  3. 3 Techniques for Successful Upselling
  4. \n
  5. 5 Different Ways to Present Scenarios
  6. \n
  7. A Collection of TED Talks about Leadership
  8. \n
  9. A Course for Stakeholders on the Review Process
  10. \n
  11. A Quiz to Build Buy-in For More Learning
  12. \n
  13. Airline Innovation 101
  14. \n
  15. An Interactive E-Learning Style Guide
  16. \n
  17. An Introduction to Instructional Design
  18. \n
  19. Animal Sounds Guessing Game
  20. \n
  21. Animated, Scenario-Based E-Learning Design
  22. \n
  23. Applying Adult Learning Principles to E-Learning
  24. \n
  25. Banking Standard Operating Procedures Manual Example
  26. \n
  27. Beer Brewing Process
  28. \n
  29. Black History Month
  30. \n
  31. Branded Portfolio
  32. \n
  33. Calculating Revenues
  34. \n
  35. Can You Talk Your Way Into Higher Pay? Branching Scenario
  36. \n
  37. Card Trick
  38. \n
  39. Class Syllabus One-Pager
  40. \n
  41. Class Syllabus Template
  42. \n
  43. Client-Facing Quarterly Business Report Template
  44. \n
  45. Comics-Inspired Empathy Training
  46. \n
  47. Company Branding Example
  48. \n
  49. Comparing Approaches to Narrated Video
  50. \n
  51. Conflict of Interest Compliance Example
  52. \n
  53. Construction Hazard Checklist Job-Aid
  54. \n
  55. Construction Safety
  56. \n
  57. Continuing Education Course for Teachers
  58. \n
  59. Coping with Stress and Uncertainty During COVID-19
  60. \n
  61. Course for Kids
  62. \n
  63. COVID-19 - The Fight Continues
  64. \n
  65. COVID-19 - What You Need to Know
  66. \n
  67. Crash Course on E-Learning Localization
  68. \n
  69. Creating Social Change - A Guide for Everyday Citizens
  70. \n
  71. Customer Service Interaction
  72. \n
  73. Digital Media Ethics Course
  74. \n
  75. Dog Care Basics
  76. \n
  77. E-Learning Narration Guide
  78. \n
  79. Employee Benefits Guide
  80. \n
  81. Employee Health and Wellness
  82. \n
  83. Fighting Climate Change
  84. \n
  85. Food Allergy Awareness
  86. \n
  87. Food Allergy Basics for the Newly Diagnosed
  88. \n
  89. Food Industry Microlearning
  90. \n
  91. Full Course Example on Driving in France
  92. \n
  93. Glossary of Marketing Terms
  94. \n
  95. Government Ethics Training on Financial Disclosures
  96. \n
  97. Healthy Debate Culture at Work
  98. \n
  99. How to Choose and Combine Instructional Methods
  100. \n
  101. How to Create E-Learning
  102. \n
  103. How To Paint Tabletop Miniatures
  104. \n
  105. How To Process A Return
  106. \n
  107. How to Spot Social Media Bots Microlearning
  108. \n
  109. Hurricane Preparedness Course
  110. \n
  111. Illustrated Landlord Pet Guidelines
  112. \n
  113. Implementing WCAG Guidelines for Instructional Designers
  114. \n
  115. Inclusive Language Guide
  116. \n
  117. Instructions for Learners
  118. \n
  119. Interactive Event Guide
  120. \n
  121. Interactive Group Activity Guide
  122. \n
  123. Interactive Microlearning Infographic
  124. \n
  125. Interactive Ocean Habitat Guide for Kids
  126. \n
  127. Interactive Resume
  128. \n
  129. Interactive Resume Example
  130. \n
  131. Interactive Sales Brochure
  132. \n
  133. Interactive Short Story
  134. \n
  135. Intro to Digital Accessibility for Instructional Designers
  136. \n
  137. Intro to Reading Sheet Music
  138. \n
  139. Job Aid - Using Live Chat
  140. \n
  141. K-12 Education Facts About Blood
  142. \n
  143. Leadership Skills Sketchnote Interaction
  144. \n
  145. Learning Design Kick-Off Guide
  146. \n
  147. Learning Italian
  148. \n
  149. Marine Motion Path Game
  150. \n
  151. Media Company Workplace Harassment Course
  152. \n
  153. Meet the Team
  154. \n
  155. Meet the Team Labeled Graphic Example
  156. \n
  157. Micro-Learning Example
  158. \n
  159. Mocktail Recipes Guide
  160. \n
  161. Name That Breed!
  162. \n
  163. New Employee Onboarding Example
  164. \n
  165. New Employee Orientation
  166. \n
  167. New Manager's Toolkit
  168. \n
  169. Outbreak Investigation
  170. \n
  171. Performance Support Demo
  172. \n
  173. Phishing 101 - What You Need to Know
  174. \n
  175. Plants of the Pacific Northwest
  176. \n
  177. Presentation for a Conference Session on E-Learning Project Management
  178. \n
  179. Product Catalog
  180. \n
  181. Quick Reference Guide
  182. \n
  183. Recycling 101
  184. \n
  185. Resume Template
  186. \n
  187. Retail Microlearning Example
  188. \n
  189. Retail Sales Training
  190. \n
  191. Sales Fundamentals
  192. \n
  193. Software Training Example
  194. \n
  195. Space Travel-Themed Interactive Infographic
  196. \n
  197. Spotting and Managing Burnout
  198. \n
  199. Step-by-Step Guide to Acing the Interview
  200. \n
  201. The Perfect Espresso Martini
  202. \n
  203. Tourism-Themed Example
  204. \n
  205. Training Needs Analysis 101
  206. \n
  207. Training Schedule Example
  208. \n
  209. Transitioning to Remote Work
  210. \n
  211. Unsolved Mystery - The Case of Amelia Earhart
  212. \n
  213. Utilities Company Code of Conduct
  214. \n
  215. Virtual Training Presentation (Full Course Template)
  216. \n
  217. Virtual Training Presentation (Microlearning Template)
  218. \n
  219. Wash Your Hands Course
  220. \n
  221. What You Need to Know About Multi-Device E-Learning
  222. \n
  223. Working Across Cultures
  224. \n
  225. Working with Subject Matter Experts
  226. \n
  227. Workplace Safety 101
  228. \n
  229. Your Kidneys at Work
  230. \n
  231. Rise Cover Photo GIF-Away
  232. \n
  233. Abducted Adventure Game
  234. \n
  235. E-Learning Terms Glossary
  236. \n
  237. Exploring Canada
  238. \n
  239. Facts about the Falls
  240. \n
  241. Four Mindsets Mini-Course
  242. \n
  243. ID Video Compilation
  244. \n
  245. Mars Curiosity Rover
  246. \n
  247. Online Portfolio
  248. \n
  249. Product Info Orientation
  250. \n
  251. Rental Guide
  252. \n
  253. Stating the Problem Interactive Scenario
  254. \n
  255. Stop Asking These Interview Questions
  256. \n
  257. The Story of Coffee
  258. \n


  1. 12 Animated Buttons
  2. \n
  3. 12 Custom Slide Transitions
  4. \n
  5. 12 Steps of Surya Namaskar
  6. \n
  7. 12 Summary Slide Downloads
  8. \n
  9. 2 Truths and a Lie
  10. \n
  11. 3 Interactive Video Examples
  12. \n
  13. 3 Ways to Rotate Objects in E-Learning
  14. \n
  15. 3-Button Tabs Interaction
  16. \n
  17. 360°  Interactive Image Examples
  18. \n
  19. 3D Cube Interaction
  20. \n
  21. 5 Accessible Color Themes
  22. \n
  23. 5 Motion Graphics-Inspired Title Slides
  24. \n
  25. 5-Panel Accordion Interaction
  26. \n
  27. 5-Step Action Interaction
  28. \n
  29. 52 Animated Button Sets
  30. \n
  31. 8-Bit Game-Inspired Example
  32. \n
  33. 8-Bit Style True/False Quiz With Scrolling Panels
  34. \n
  35. A 360° Clinic Cleaning Simulation
  36. \n
  37. A 360° Grand Central Terminal Tour
  38. \n
  39. A 360° Language Immersion Experience
  40. \n
  41. A 360° Tour of U.S. Landmarks
  42. \n
  43. A Bounty Hunter’s Guide to Childcare
  44. \n
  45. A New Way With Vegetables
  46. \n
  47. A Visit to Turkey
  48. \n
  49. A Visual Guide to the Anatomy of Typography
  50. \n
  51. Learn Triggers Software Simulation
  52. \n
  53. Academic Course Starter
  54. \n
  55. Accessible Drag-and-Drop Chat Interaction
  56. \n
  57. Accordion Template
  58. \n
  59. Acronym Glossary
  60. \n
  61. Adaptive Branching Quiz Template
  62. \n
  63. Adaptive Scenario Template
  64. \n
  65. Add the Numbers
  66. \n
  67. Adult Learning Principles Click-and-Reveal
  68. \n
  69. Airline Safety
  70. \n
  71. Airplane Safety Assessment
  72. \n
  73. Alberta's At-Risk Fish
  74. \n
  75. Analysis of Las Meninas
  76. \n
  77. Anatomy Labeled Graphic
  78. \n
  79. Anatomy of a Bicycle
  80. \n
  81. Angry Words Side Scrolling Game
  82. \n
  83. Animated Button Effects
  84. \n
  85. Animated Character Effects
  86. \n
  87. Animated Charts & Graphs
  88. \n
  89. Animated Color Palettes
  90. \n
  91. Animated Cue Ball Progress Meter
  92. \n
  93. Animated Flash Card Microinteraction
  94. \n
  95. Animated Menu Navigation
  96. \n
  97. Animated Notecard Interaction
  98. \n
  99. Animated Share Button
  100. \n
  101. Animated Story Greeting Card
  102. \n
  103. Animated Tabs
  104. \n
  105. Animated Tabs Accordion Interaction
  106. \n
  107. Animated Text Intro
  108. \n
  109. Animated Timeline
  110. \n
  111. Animated Timeline Planner
  112. \n
  113. App-Inspired Menu
  114. \n
  115. Apple-Inspired 360 Degree Slider
  116. \n
  117. Are Your Kids Ready For A Pet?
  118. \n
  119. Around the World Quiz
  120. \n
  121. Arrange the Words
  122. \n
  123. Arrow Swipe Game
  124. \n
  125. Assessment with Progress Bar
  126. \n
  127. Assorted Summary Screens
  128. \n
  129. Atsu-meter
  130. \n
  131. Attention-Grabber for Allergy Course
  132. \n
  133. Attention-Grabber For Course on Sleep
  134. \n
  135. Attention-Grabber for Environmental Course
  136. \n
  137. Audio Editing Software Simulation
  138. \n
  139. Award-Winning Gamified Scenario
  140. \n
  141. Award-Winning Interactive Board Game
  142. \n
  143. Award-Winning Scenario Game
  144. \n
  145. AWS Terminology Prep
  146. \n
  147. Befriending a Monstera Glassmorphism Template
  148. \n
  149. Bingo E-Learning Game
  150. \n
  151. Bingo Game
  152. \n
  153. Birthday Party Game
  154. \n
  155. Blackjack Game
  156. \n
  157. Border Terrier Tab Interaction
  158. \n
  159. Brain Buster
  160. \n
  161. Branched Quiz Template
  162. \n
  163. Branched Scenario Template
  164. \n
  165. Branching Submenus with Icons
  166. \n
  167. Bravehearts Interactive Map
  168. \n
  169. Brooklyn Botanic Garden
  170. \n
  171. Broomstick Brew
  172. \n
  173. Build a Transport
  174. \n
  175. Burnout Self-Assessment
  176. \n
  177. Cake Baking Slider Tutorial
  178. \n
  179. Calculator
  180. \n
  181. Call Center Training Template
  182. \n
  183. Canadian Geography Drag-and-Drop Template
  184. \n
  185. Car Insurance Themed Template
  186. \n
  187. Card Hover Animation
  188. \n
  189. Cards Against Humanity-Inspired Game
  190. \n
  191. Cards for Humanity
  192. \n
  193. Carrie's Color Project
  194. \n
  195. Chameleon Game
  196. \n
  197. Character Selection Dial
  198. \n
  199. Checklist Interaction
  200. \n
  201. Checklist Progress Meter
  202. \n
  203. Choose a Character With a Slider
  204. \n
  205. Choose an Avatar Template
  206. \n
  207. Choose Your E-Learning Character Slider
  208. \n
  209. Choose Your Mad Libs
  210. \n
  211. Christmas-Themed Slider
  212. \n
  213. Chunky Tabs Template
  214. \n
  215. Circular Mobile UI
  216. \n
  217. Circular Webstyle Menu
  218. \n
  219. Clean and Modern Quiz
  220. \n
  221. Clean Resume Template
  222. \n
  223. Click-and-Reveal Accordion Interaction
  224. \n
  225. Click-and-Reveal Grid Template
  226. \n
  227. Click-and-Reveal Template
  228. \n
  229. Cocktail Scroller
  230. \n
  231. Codenames-Inspired Learning Game
  232. \n
  233. Coffee Brew Types Example
  234. \n
  235. Coffee-Themed Personality Quiz
  236. \n
  237. Color Gradient Quiz
  238. \n
  239. Colorful Interactive List
  240. \n
  241. Colorful Quiz Template
  242. \n
  243. Combination Lock Quiz
  244. \n
  245. Comic Book Starter
  246. \n
  247. Comic-Themed Slider Interaction
  248. \n
  249. Comics-Style Communication Branching Scenario
  250. \n
  251. Communication Style Personality Quiz
  252. \n
  253. Company History Carousel
  254. \n
  255. Compare Learner Response with Expert Recommendation Using Variables
  256. \n
  257. Connect the Dots Interaction
  258. \n
  259. Connecting Lines Matching Question
  260. \n
  261. Construction-Themed Course Starter
  262. \n
  263. Contact Lightbox Slide
  264. \n
  265. Corporate Finance 101
  266. \n
  267. Countdown Quiz Game
  268. \n
  269. Course Certificate Template
  270. \n
  271. Course Dashboard Template
  272. \n
  273. Course Exit Slide Template
  274. \n
  275. Course Introduction
  276. \n
  277. Course Player Navigation Help Template
  278. \n
  279. Course Template with Pre-Check and Final Evaluation
  280. \n
  281. Course Template with Two Learning Paths
  282. \n
  283. Create a Meal
  284. \n
  285. Create the Team Interaction
  286. \n
  287. Create Your Avatar Template
  288. \n
  289. Creating a Comfy Work Space
  290. \n
  291. Credit Union Acronyms
  292. \n
  293. Cube's Quest Game
  294. \n
  295. Cupcake Drag and Drop Example
  296. \n
  297. Cupcake Drag-and-Drop Game
  298. \n
  299. Custom Bookmark Menu Using Progress-Tracking Variables
  300. \n
  301. Custom Fill-in-the-Blank Storyline Activity
  302. \n
  303. Custom Glossary Slide
  304. \n
  305. Custom Lightbox Tabs Two Ways
  306. \n
  307. Custom Locked Menu
  308. \n
  309. Custom Menu System
  310. \n
  311. Customer Service Branching Scenario
  312. \n
  313. Customer Service Scenario 1
  314. \n
  315. Customer Service Scenario 2
  316. \n
  317. Customizable Accordion Freebie
  318. \n
  319. Customizable Avatar Set
  320. \n
  321. Customizable Button UI Kit
  322. \n
  323. Customizable Characters With Disabilities
  324. \n
  325. Customizable Course Certificate
  326. \n
  327. Customizable Drag-and-Drop Template
  328. \n
  329. Customizable Glossary
  330. \n
  331. Daily Horoscope
  332. \n
  333. Decorate a Tree Holiday Interaction
  334. \n
  335. Dial H For Help
  336. \n
  337. Dial Infographic
  338. \n
  339. Dial Menu with Icons
  340. \n
  341. Dial-Driven Map Activity
  342. \n
  343. Dials Starter Kit
  344. \n
  345. Dice Quiz Game Template
  346. \n
  347. Disaster Preparedness Course with Attention-Grabber
  348. \n
  349. Do’s and Don'ts Knowledge Check
  350. \n
  351. Do’s and Don’ts Slider Interaction
  352. \n
  353. Do’s and Don’ts Spoke Template
  354. \n
  355. Dog Breed Buttons
  356. \n
  357. Dog Weight
  358. \n
  359. Dog-Themed Jeopardy Template
  360. \n
  361. Donating Blood
  362. \n
  363. Drag-and-Drop Knowledge Check
  364. \n
  365. Drag-and-Drop Game
  366. \n
  367. Drag-and-Drop Text Message Quiz
  368. \n
  369. Drag-and-Drop Activity Template
  370. \n
  371. Drag-and-Drop Animation Effects Template
  372. \n
  373. Drag-and-Drop Interaction
  374. \n
  375. Drag-and-Drop Matching Labels
  376. \n
  377. Drag-and-Drop Meal Planning
  378. \n
  379. Drag-and-Drop Puzzle Interaction
  380. \n
  381. Drag-and-Drop Quote Challenge
  382. \n
  383. Drag-and-Drop RAID Storage Calculator
  384. \n
  385. Drag-and-Drop Scratch and Win Game
  386. \n
  387. Drag-and-Drop Sorting Interaction
  388. \n
  389. Drag-and-Drop States Template
  390. \n
  391. Drag-and-Drop Storage Capacity Calculator
  392. \n
  393. Drag-and-Drop Table Setting Activity
  394. \n
  395. Drag-and-Drop Sequence Template w/ Custom Feedback
  396. \n
  397. Drop Shadow Button UI Set
  398. \n
  399. E-Book FAQs Template
  400. \n
  401. E-Learning Battleship Game Template
  402. \n
  403. E-Learning Challenge Generator
  404. \n
  405. E-Learning Character Soundboard Using Text-to-Speech
  406. \n
  407. E-Learning Heroes 101
  408. \n
  409. E-Learning Needs Analysis Generator
  410. \n
  411. E-Learning Personality Quiz
  412. \n
  413. E-Learning Scales Infographic
  414. \n
  415. E-Learning Style Guide Template
  416. \n
  417. Easy Spinning Wheel Activity
  418. \n
  419. Eco-Friendly Tabs
  420. \n
  421. Elapsed Time Triggered Lightbox
  422. \n
  423. Elegant Tabs Interaction Template
  424. \n
  425. Employee Conversation Branching Scenario
  426. \n
  427. Employee Engagement Interactive Slider
  428. \n
  429. Employee Health and Wellness
  430. \n
  431. Employee Stories Video Slide
  432. \n
  433. Energy Efficiency Dial Example
  434. \n
  435. Energy Saving Tips Scrolling Panel
  436. \n
  437. English-Language Listening Comprehension Game
  438. \n
  439. Escape The Room
  440. \n
  441. Explore New York City
  442. \n
  443. Explore the Human Body
  444. \n
  445. Faces of Ebola Slider Interaction
  446. \n
  447. Facts Around the World Drag-and-Drop
  448. \n
  449. Fairy Tale Generator
  450. \n
  451. Farm Animal Interaction for Kids
  452. \n
  453. Feelings Slider Template
  454. \n
  455. Fill and No Fill Button Sets
  456. \n
  457. Fill-in-the-Blank Math Example
  458. \n
  459. Find the Objects Template
  460. \n
  461. Fire Safety Attention-Grabber
  462. \n
  463. Flashback Quiz
  464. \n
  465. Flashcard Interaction Templates
  466. \n
  467. Flashcard Self-Assessment
  468. \n
  469. Flashcards With Flip Animation
  470. \n
  471. Flat Design Template
  472. \n
  473. Flexible Quiz Scoring Template
  474. \n
  475. Flip Card Do’s and Don’ts
  476. \n
  477. Flying Butterfly Animation
  478. \n
  479. Font Challenge
  480. \n
  481. Food-Themed Click-and-Reveal
  482. \n
  483. Forklift Operation
  484. \n
  485. Foster Inclusion and Boost Productivity
  486. \n
  487. Fun & Fruity Tabs
  488. \n
  489. Future Predictor
  490. \n
  491. Gagné’s 9 Events of Instruction Interactive Graphic
  492. \n
  493. Gamified 360° Image
  494. \n
  495. Gamified Brain Teasers Template
  496. \n
  497. Gamified Branching Scenario Example
  498. \n
  499. Gamified Drag-and-Drop Quiz
  500. \n
  501. Gamified Meet The Team Interaction Download
  502. \n
  503. Gamified Process Scenario
  504. \n
  505. Gamified Quiz Template With Timer
  506. \n
  507. Gamified Texting Template
  508. \n
  509. Gamified Unconscious Bias Quiz
  510. \n
  511. Genetics FAQs Interaction
  512. \n
  513. German Culture Game
  514. \n
  515. Get to Know Your Site
  516. \n
  517. Getting Started With E-Learning
  518. \n
  519. Glassmorphism Introduction Slide
  520. \n
  521. Glassmorphism Physics Example
  522. \n
  523. Google Primer-Inspired Example
  524. \n
  525. Government Ethics Compliance Training
  526. \n
  527. Government-Themed Example
  528. \n
  529. Gradient Slider
  530. \n
  531. Graphic Design Skills Assessment
  532. \n
  533. Guru Gold Winner: Enter the Ninja
  534. \n
  535. Guru Honorable Mention: Ebola Fatality Rates
  536. \n
  537. Halloween Course Template
  538. \n
  539. Halloween Text Entry Game
  540. \n
  541. Handshake Alternatives Tab Interaction
  542. \n
  543. Hazardous Waste Safety Example
  544. \n
  545. Health Hub
  546. \n
  547. Healthcare Tabs Interaction
  548. \n
  549. Healthy Choices Drag-and-Drop Food Selection Game
  550. \n
  551. Healthy Eating IQ Quiz
  552. \n
  553. Healthy Work-From-Home Habits
  554. \n
  555. Higher-Ed Course Starter
  556. \n
  557. HIPAA Compliance Example
  558. \n
  559. HIPAA for Professionals
  560. \n
  561. Holiday Beverage Recipes
  562. \n
  563. Holiday Traditions Around the World Quiz
  564. \n
  565. Holiday-Themed Gamified Example
  566. \n
  567. House Pet Harmony
  568. \n
  569. Housing Affordability Calculator
  570. \n
  571. How Long Does it Take to Create E-Learning
  572. \n
  573. How to Become a Good Leader
  574. \n
  575. How to Build a Campfire
  576. \n
  577. How to Cook Pasta Marker Interaction
  578. \n
  579. How to Do a Tarot Reading
  580. \n
  581. How To Fight A Bear
  582. \n
  583. How to Make the Perfect Cup of Coffee
  584. \n
  585. How to Make the Perfect Poached Egg
  586. \n
  587. How to Spot Phishing Emails
  588. \n
  589. How to Survive a Tornado Interaction
  590. \n
  591. How to Write a Postcard
  592. \n
  593. How-To Video-Inspired Project
  594. \n
  595. Human Timeline
  596. \n
  597. Hurricane Comparison Drag-and-Drop
  598. \n
  599. Icon Tabs Download
  600. \n
  601. Illustrated Kid Character- Gabrielle
  602. \n
  603. Illustrated Kid Character- Gabrielle at School
  604. \n
  605. Illustrated Kid Character- Gabrielle Holding Props
  606. \n
  607. Image Carousel
  608. \n
  609. Image Gallery Accordion Interaction
  610. \n
  611. Increasing Order Game
  612. \n
  613. Industrial Workplace Safety Template
  614. \n
  615. Infographic Slider Template
  616. \n
  617. Input Learner Name
  618. \n
  619. Interactive 360° Sales Associate Onboarding
  620. \n
  621. Interactive 360° Storytelling Experience
  622. \n
  623. Interactive Bar Graph
  624. \n
  625. Interactive Calendar
  626. \n
  627. Interactive Circle Graph
  628. \n
  629. Interactive Commercial Quiz
  630. \n
  631. Interactive Decision Tree Template
  632. \n
  633. Interactive Dial Matrix
  634. \n
  635. Interactive Guide With Parallax Effect
  636. \n
  637. Interactive Info Map
  638. \n
  639. Interactive Infographic Template
  640. \n
  641. Interactive Infographic Timeline
  642. \n
  643. Interactive Infographics with Sliders
  644. \n
  645. Interactive Jeopardy Quiz
  646. \n
  647. Interactive List
  648. \n
  649. Interactive Map of the USA
  650. \n
  651. Interactive Medical Quiz with Progress Bar
  652. \n
  653. Interactive Menu
  654. \n
  655. Interactive Sushi Menu
  656. \n
  657. Interactive Org Chart of Apple’s Leadership Team
  658. \n
  659. Interactive Photo Collage
  660. \n
  661. Interactive Photo Collage Template
  662. \n
  663. Interactive Resume
  664. \n
  665. Interactive Screenshot
  666. \n
  667. Interactive Storytelling Example
  668. \n
  669. Interactive Tabs Download
  670. \n
  671. Interactive Timeline in Portrait Mode
  672. \n
  673. Interactive Tour de France Quiz
  674. \n
  675. Interactive Training Schedule
  676. \n
  677. Interactive Video Interview
  678. \n
  679. Interactive Video Quiz
  680. \n
  681. Interactive Video Quiz
  682. \n
  683. Interactive Video Quiz for College Lectures
  684. \n
  685. Interactive Video Quiz for E-Learning
  686. \n
  687. Interactive Video Quiz Template
  688. \n
  689. Interactive Video Quizzes
  690. \n
  691. Interactive Video with Pop-Ups
  692. \n
  693. Interactive Writing Practice Template
  694. \n
  695. Interesting Facts about Space and Exploration
  696. \n
  697. International Space Station
  698. \n
  699. Interview Template
  700. \n
  701. Inviting Navigation Design
  702. \n
  703. iPhone Charging Drag-and-Drop
  704. \n
  705. JavaScript Dynamic Ordered List
  706. \n
  707. Jeopardy E-Learning Game Show
  708. \n
  709. Jeopardy-Inspired Game Show Template
  710. \n
  711. Job Interview Branched Scenario
  712. \n
  713. Keep Your Teeth Game
  714. \n
  715. Keyboard Shortcut Bingo
  716. \n
  717. Keyboard Shortcuts
  718. \n
  719. Know Your Fire Extinguisher
  720. \n
  721. L&D Title Generator
  722. \n
  723. Lab Culture Drag-And-Drop
  724. \n
  725. Labeled Graphic Drag-and-Drop Assessment
  726. \n
  727. Language Learning Game
  728. \n
  729. Language Learning Pre-Test
  730. \n
  731. Laptop Click-and-Reveal
  732. \n
  733. Law Enforcement Scenario Starter
  734. \n
  735. Leadership Style Personality Quiz
  736. \n
  737. Learn About English Prepositions
  738. \n
  739. Learn Latin
  740. \n
  741. Learn to Swing a Golf Club
  742. \n
  743. Learning Journal with JavaScript
  744. \n
  745. Learning Quest
  746. \n
  747. Light Mode/Dark Mode Course Template
  748. \n
  749. Lightbox Note-Taking
  750. \n
  751. Lightbox Video Gallery Template
  752. \n
  753. Lightbulb Animation Demo
  754. \n
  755. Mad Libs Love Letter
  756. \n
  757. Magic 8-Ball Quiz
  758. \n
  759. Magnifying Images with Zooming Effects in E-Learning
  760. \n
  761. Make A Pizza Interaction
  762. \n
  763. Managing Pain Interactive Story
  764. \n
  765. Manual Advance Slideshow
  766. \n
  767. Matching Drag-and-Drop Template
  768. \n
  769. Meat Shop
  770. \n
  771. Medical Course Starter Template
  772. \n
  773. Medical Scenario Triage 101
  774. \n
  775. Medical Tabs Interaction
  776. \n
  777. Medical Template Set
  778. \n
  779. Medical-Theme Course Starter Template
  780. \n
  781. Medicine-Themed Progress Bar
  782. \n
  783. Meet the Canaries
  784. \n
  785. Meet the Team Character Tabs
  786. \n
  787. Meet the Team Click-and-Reveal Template
  788. \n
  789. Meet the Team Drag-and-Drop Interaction
  790. \n
  791. Meet The Team Interaction Template
  792. \n
  793. Meet the Team Interactive Org Chart
  794. \n
  795. Meet The Team Template
  796. \n
  797. Meet the Team Video Interaction
  798. \n
  799. Memory Game
  800. \n
  801. Memory Game Template
  802. \n
  803. Menu Tabs Interaction
  804. \n
  805. Mermaid Math
  806. \n
  807. Miniature Golf
  808. \n
  809. Minimalist Button Set
  810. \n
  811. Minimalist Button Showcase
  812. \n
  813. Mobile Menu
  814. \n
  815. Mobile-App Inspired Tabs Navigation
  816. \n
  817. Modern Accordion Template
  818. \n
  819. Modern Animated Flashcards Template
  820. \n
  821. Modern Dial
  822. \n
  823. Modern Rounded-Edges Quiz
  824. \n
  825. Monarch Metamorphosis Dial
  826. \n
  827. Monster Math Multiplication Game
  828. \n
  829. Motion Graphics Timeline
  830. \n
  831. Motion Graphics-Inspired Transitions
  832. \n
  833. Motion Menu
  834. \n
  835. Motion Path Animation for Custom Menu
  836. \n
  837. Mountain Challenge Game
  838. \n
  839. Mountain Summit Challenge
  840. \n
  841. Movie Trivia Game
  842. \n
  843. Moving Circular Menu
  844. \n
  845. Multilingual Course with Text-to-Speech
  846. \n
  847. Multimedia Gallery
  848. \n
  849. Multimedia Tooltips and Callouts
  850. \n
  851. Multiple Choice Quiz with Badge Awards
  852. \n
  853. Music Media Timeline
  854. \n
  855. Music Mood Wheel
  856. \n
  857. My Pet Company Branded Prototype
  858. \n
  859. Name That Fruit Text Entry Download
  860. \n
  861. Name That Star Wars Quote
  862. \n
  863. Name the Yoga Pose Exercise
  864. \n
  865. Nature-Themed Intro Slides
  866. \n
  867. New Employee Orientation Course Template
  868. \n
  869. New Employee Summary Slide
  870. \n
  871. New Student Orientation
  872. \n
  873. Notebook Tabs Interaction Template
  874. \n
  875. Numbered Randomized Question Bank Slides
  876. \n
  877. Office Course Starter Template
  878. \n
  879. Office Safety Training
  880. \n
  881. Office Scavenger Hunt
  882. \n
  883. Office-Themed Example
  884. \n
  885. Office-Themed Tabs Template
  886. \n
  887. Online Meeting Bingo
  888. \n
  889. Open Office Etiquette Personalized Quiz
  890. \n
  891. Opt In/Out Navigation Help Template
  892. \n
  893. Optical Illusion - Drag and Drop Puzzle Game
  894. \n
  895. Ordering Animals Pre-Test
  896. \n
  897. OSHA Summary
  898. \n
  899. Painting-Themed Pre-Assessment
  900. \n
  901. Paper Doll Sliders
  902. \n
  903. Parts of the Body Drag and Drop
  904. \n
  905. Passport Application Interactive Screenshot
  906. \n
  907. Pastel Process Interaction
  908. \n
  909. Pawsonalities
  910. \n
  911. Percent Complete
  912. \n
  913. Percentage Bar Slider Interaction
  914. \n
  915. Performance Support Demo
  916. \n
  917. Personal Spending Plan
  918. \n
  919. Personality Test Template
  920. \n
  921. Personalize E-Learning with Variables and Toggle Buttons
  922. \n
  923. Personalized Construction-Themed Template
  924. \n
  925. Personalized Decision Matrix
  926. \n
  927. Phishing Simulation Example
  928. \n
  929. Photo Slider Interaction
  930. \n
  931. Photo-Based Tabs Interaction
  932. \n
  933. Pit Stop Timer
  934. \n
  935. Pizza Fractions
  936. \n
  937. Pizza Order Fractions
  938. \n
  939. Placement Test Template
  940. \n
  941. Plant Growth Slider Interaction Template
  942. \n
  943. Playful Drag-and-Drop Quiz
  944. \n
  945. Playful Onboarding
  946. \n
  947. Poison Control Phone Simulation
  948. \n
  949. Pop-Out Tabs Interaction Template
  950. \n
  951. Portrait Accordion Interaction
  952. \n
  953. Positive Self-Talk Mad Libs Template
  954. \n
  955. Post-it Style Note Interaction
  956. \n
  957. Post-Roll NEXTCHA Navigation Example
  958. \n
  959. Practice Setting the Table with Drag-and-Drop
  960. \n
  961. Pre-Test Template
  962. \n
  963. Price Check Drag-and-Drop Simulation
  964. \n
  965. Pride Flag Drag and Drop
  966. \n
  967. Printable Customized Schedule
  968. \n
  969. Printable Free-Response Slide Template
  970. \n
  971. Printable Goal-Setting Journal Template
  972. \n
  973. Process Drag-and-Drop Quiz
  974. \n
  975. Process Slider Interaction
  976. \n
  977. Process Tabs Interaction
  978. \n
  979. Puzzle Interaction
  980. \n
  981. Question and Answer Interaction
  982. \n
  983. Quiz Game Show Template
  984. \n
  985. Quote Reel Template
  986. \n
  987. Reach Your Goals the SMART Way
  988. \n
  989. Reading Comprehension Word Scramble Exercise
  990. \n
  991. Rebus Puzzle Game
  992. \n
  993. Redundancy Principle
  994. \n
  995. Reset Drag-and-Drop Incorrect Choices
  996. \n
  997. Review 360 Software Simulation
  998. \n
  999. Revising Bloated Prose
  1000. \n
  1001. Robot Conveyor Interaction
  1002. \n
  1003. Room Exploration Interaction
  1004. \n
  1005. Safe Lifting Slider Interaction
  1006. \n
  1007. Safety Equipment Drag-and-Drop
  1008. \n
  1009. Salary Negotiation Script Generator
  1010. \n
  1011. Save Object State When Resuming
  1012. \n
  1013. Scenario With Multiple Points of View
  1014. \n
  1015. Scenario-Based Health & Safety Course
  1016. \n
  1017. Scoring Basics
  1018. \n
  1019. Scratch-Off Quiz
  1020. \n
  1021. Scrolling Cutaway Example
  1022. \n
  1023. Scrolling Data Set
  1024. \n
  1025. Scrolling Horizontal Timeline
  1026. \n
  1027. Scrolling Panels Example
  1028. \n
  1029. Seasonal Gardening
  1030. \n
  1031. Selecting School Supplies
  1032. \n
  1033. Self Health Quiz
  1034. \n
  1035. Self-Awareness Clean Tabs Interaction
  1036. \n
  1037. Self-Motivation Scrolling Experience
  1038. \n
  1039. Semiconductor FAQs Pick One Quiz
  1040. \n
  1041. Sensitive Employee Data Scenario
  1042. \n
  1043. Sexual Harassment Compliance Course
  1044. \n
  1045. Shape-Shifting Animation
  1046. \n
  1047. Shortcut Keys
  1048. \n
  1049. Should I Schedule a Meeting Interactive Decision Tree
  1050. \n
  1051. Simon Interaction
  1052. \n
  1053. Simple Accordion Interaction Template
  1054. \n
  1055. Simple Animated Button Set
  1056. \n
  1057. Simple Animated Timeline with Tooltips by Montse
  1058. \n
  1059. Simple Button Set
  1060. \n
  1061. Simple E-Learning Quiz Template
  1062. \n
  1063. Simple Folder Tabs Interaction
  1064. \n
  1065. Simple Glossary Template
  1066. \n
  1067. Simple Motion Graphics Template
  1068. \n
  1069. Simple Notecard Interaction
  1070. \n
  1071. Simple Rolling Dice Activity
  1072. \n
  1073. Simple Tabs Interaction
  1074. \n
  1075. Simple Tabs Template
  1076. \n
  1077. Simple Timeline Interaction in E-Learning
  1078. \n
  1079. Skeleton Reveal
  1080. \n
  1081. Skyline Tabs Interaction
  1082. \n
  1083. Sleek Character Study Template
  1084. \n
  1085. Sleek Custom UI Template
  1086. \n
  1087. Sleek Glossary
  1088. \n
  1089. Sleek, Modern Tabs Template
  1090. \n
  1091. Slide Numbers
  1092. \n
  1093. Slide Variety Template
  1094. \n
  1095. Slide-Out Menu
  1096. \n
  1097. Slide-to-Reveal Interaction Template
  1098. \n
  1099. Slider Starter Pack
  1100. \n
  1101. Slider-Controlled Media Gallery
  1102. \n
  1103. Snakes and Ladders Template
  1104. \n
  1105. Snow Falling Animation
  1106. \n
  1107. Soap-A-Sheep Game
  1108. \n
  1109. Space Quiz
  1110. \n
  1111. Space-Themed Dial Interaction
  1112. \n
  1113. Spin the Wheel Interaction
  1114. \n
  1115. Spin The Wheel Template
  1116. \n
  1117. Spinning Plates
  1118. \n
  1119. Spinning Wheel Trivia Game
  1120. \n
  1121. Sports-Themed Scoreboard Results Slide
  1122. \n
  1123. Spot the Hazard Interactive Video
  1124. \n
  1125. Stages of Monarch Butterfly Development
  1126. \n
  1127. Star Wars Knowledge Check
  1128. \n
  1129. Star Wars Quiz
  1130. \n
  1131. Storyboard Template
  1132. \n
  1133. Storyline 360 and Storyline 3 Classic Player Colors
  1134. \n
  1135. Storytelling
  1136. \n
  1137. Storytelling Game
  1138. \n
  1139. Success Tips for Remote Work
  1140. \n
  1141. Sugary Drinks
  1142. \n
  1143. Super Simple Countdown Timers
  1144. \n
  1145. Super Tabs E-Learning Template
  1146. \n
  1147. Surgical Mask Best Practices
  1148. \n
  1149. Swipeable Cards Navigation
  1150. \n
  1151. Tab Style Button Download
  1152. \n
  1153. Tabcordion Interaction
  1154. \n
  1155. Tabcordion with Scrolling Panel
  1156. \n
  1157. Tabs Interaction with Lightboxed Slides
  1158. \n
  1159. Tabs Interaction with Scrolling Panel
  1160. \n
  1161. Tabs Interaction with Video
  1162. \n
  1163. Tabs Interactions
  1164. \n
  1165. Tabs Timeline Interaction
  1166. \n
  1167. Take A Scroll Beneath The Ocean
  1168. \n
  1169. Task Prioritization Immersive Scenario Template
  1170. \n
  1171. Team Manager Problem Scenarios
  1172. \n
  1173. Team Tabs Interaction
  1174. \n
  1175. Text-to-Speech Soundboard
  1176. \n
  1177. The Earth's Atmosphere Slider Template
  1178. \n
  1179. The Golden Age of Comics Interactive Map
  1180. \n
  1181. The History of Something Interactive Timeline
  1182. \n
  1183. The Job Interview Branched Scenario
  1184. \n
  1185. The Leadership Challenge
  1186. \n
  1187. The World of Bees
  1188. \n
  1189. Theme Colors
  1190. \n
  1191. Then-Now Comparison Slider
  1192. \n
  1193. Tic Tac Toe Template
  1194. \n
  1195. Tic-Tac-Toe
  1196. \n
  1197. Time Management Click-and-Reveal Interaction
  1198. \n
  1199. Time Management Game
  1200. \n
  1201. Time-Sensitive Navigation Help Template
  1202. \n
  1203. Timed 360° Treasure Hunt
  1204. \n
  1205. Timed Quiz Challenge
  1206. \n
  1207. Timeline of Events
  1208. \n
  1209. Timer Driving Emergencies
  1210. \n
  1211. Tips for Using Zoom
  1212. \n
  1213. Titanic Tabs
  1214. \n
  1215. Trivia Game Show Quiz Demo
  1216. \n
  1217. Trivia Game Template
  1218. \n
  1219. Turn up the Thermostat
  1220. \n
  1221. Two Truths and One Lie
  1222. \n
  1223. Ukrainian Text Labels for Storyline 360 Player
  1224. \n
  1225. Ultra Modern Leadership Template
  1226. \n
  1227. Unconscious Bias Quiz
  1228. \n
  1229. Up In The Sky Motion Path Triggers Game
  1230. \n
  1231. Using Variables to Show Helpful Hints After a Number of Attempts
  1232. \n
  1233. Vegetable Cutting Techniques
  1234. \n
  1235. Vertical Slider Navigation
  1236. \n
  1237. Very Peri Button Set
  1238. \n
  1239. Video Editing Software Simulation
  1240. \n
  1241. Video Interview Template
  1242. \n
  1243. Visual Logic E-Learning Game
  1244. \n
  1245. Visual Logic Freeform Pick Many Quiz
  1246. \n
  1247. Visual Progress Meter
  1248. \n
  1249. Vocabulary Guessing Game
  1250. \n
  1251. Washing Machine Dial Example
  1252. \n
  1253. Water Treatment Process Slider Interaction
  1254. \n
  1255. Welcome to the E-learning Laboratory
  1256. \n
  1257. Well-Being Question and Answer Form
  1258. \n
  1259. What Do You Hear
  1260. \n
  1261. What's Their Role
  1262. \n
  1263. What’s Your Leadership Style?
  1264. \n
  1265. Wheel of Fortune-Inspired Game
  1266. \n
  1267. Wheelchair Securement Training
  1268. \n
  1269. Where in the World is Carmen Articulato Interactive Map
  1270. \n
  1271. Which E-Learning Character Are You Quiz
  1272. \n
  1273. Win a Touring Caravan
  1274. \n
  1275. Women in Sports Digital Magazine
  1276. \n
  1277. Word Memo
  1278. \n
  1279. Word Search Game
  1280. \n
  1281. Word Soundboard
  1282. \n
  1283. Work from Home GIF-like Animations
  1284. \n
  1285. Workplace Violence
  1286. \n
  1287. Writing Great Copy Exercise
  1288. \n
  1289. Year of the Rabbit Game
  1290. \n
  1291. You Sunk My Battleship! Game
  1292. \n
  1293. Zoom in Map of the World
  1294. \n

General E-Learning

  1. Accessible E-Learning Checklist
  2. \n
  3. Audio Recording Script in Word
  4. \n
  5. Basic Project Management Plan in Word
  6. \n
  7. Basic Project Management Timeline in Excel
  8. \n
  9. Basic Screen Reader Commands Quick Reference Guide
  10. \n
  11. Bloom’s Taxonomy Excel Chart
  12. \n
  13. Course Update Spreadsheet
  14. \n
  15. Design Maps for Visual Analysis
  16. \n
  17. E-Learning Course QA Template
  18. \n
  19. E-Learning Post-Course Evaluation Questions
  20. \n
  21. E-Learning Project Estimates Worksheet
  22. \n
  23. E-Learning Project Plan
  24. \n
  25. E-Learning Storyboard
  26. \n
  27. E-Learning: Should You Build It or Buy It? Decision Tool
  28. \n
  29. Free Checklist to Help Subject Matter Experts Curate Existing Training Resources
  30. \n
  31. Free Training Video and Script on Using Proper Pronouns
  32. \n
  33. Needs Analysis Questions
  34. \n
  35. Project Accountability Matrix Template
  36. \n
  37. Project Charter Template
  38. \n
  39. Project Kickoff Questions
  40. \n
  41. QA Test Checklist for Localized Courses
  42. \n
  43. RASCI Chart Template
  44. \n
  45. Simple PowerPoint Storyboard Template
  46. \n
  47. Simple Storyboard Template
  48. \n
  49. Template for a Training Video Treatment
  50. \n
  51. The Scenario Mastery Blueprint
  52. \n
  53. Visual Storyboard Template
  54. \n


  1. 10-Pack of Office Themed Background Images
  2. \n
  3. 12 Blurred Background Images for E-Learning
  4. \n
  5. 12 Warehouse Workers: Free Illustrated Characters
  6. \n
  7. 13 Speech Bubbles (PNG)
  8. \n
  9. 13 Time-Themed Animated GIF Icons
  10. \n
  11. 15 Office Women: Free Illustrated Characters
  12. \n
  13. 24 Multicolor Square Notes
  14. \n
  15. 25 Free Illustrated Characters
  16. \n
  17. 28 Glossy Triangle Icons
  18. \n
  19. 30 Multicolor Memo Notes
  20. \n
  21. 35 Free City Scene Background Images
  22. \n
  23. 43 Gorgeous, Free Nature Images
  24. \n
  25. 44 Free Illustrated Characters in Wheelchairs
  26. \n
  27. 6 Display Boards
  28. \n
  29. 8 Office-Themed Rise Cover Photo GIFs
  30. \n
  31. 8-bit Technology Icons
  32. \n
  33. 99 Blurred Background Images for E-Learning
  34. \n
  35. Alex: Free Illustrated Character
  36. \n
  37. Alexa: Free Illustrated Character
  38. \n
  39. Amelia: Free Illustrated Character
  40. \n
  41. Ava: Free Illustrated Character
  42. \n
  43. Barry: Free Illustrated Character
  44. \n
  45. Brad & Jimmy: Free Illustrated Characters in Wheelchairs
  46. \n
  47. Carl: Free Illustrated Character
  48. \n
  49. Casey: Free Illustrated Character
  50. \n
  51. Chalkboard Background - Black
  52. \n
  53. Color Scheme Design Template
  54. \n
  55. Color Tint and Shade Generator
  56. \n
  57. Colorful Gamification Badges
  58. \n
  59. Colorful Illustrated Character Graphics
  60. \n
  61. Comic Panel Layout-Style Backgrounds
  62. \n
  63. Creative Space Images
  64. \n
  65. Customizable People Icons
  66. \n
  67. Emi: Free Illustrated Character
  68. \n
  69. Emphasis Graphics for Highlighting Text
  70. \n
  71. Eric: Free Illustrated Character
  72. \n
  73. Evelyn: Free Illustrated Character
  74. \n
  75. Farah: Free Illustrated Character
  76. \n
  77. Farm Animal Illustrations
  78. \n
  79. Flat Illustrated Backgrounds
  80. \n
  81. Flat Office Asset Set
  82. \n
  83. Four Businessmen: Free Illustrated Characters
  84. \n
  85. Free Animated Gifs for Header Images
  86. \n
  87. Free Branched Scenario Backgrounds
  88. \n
  89. Free Common Craft-Style Characters
  90. \n
  91. Free Customizable Hospital Graphics
  92. \n
  93. Free Flat Design Character Set
  94. \n
  95. Free Illustrations: 10 Men
  96. \n
  97. Free Illustrations: 12 Characters with Headcover
  98. \n
  99. Free Illustrations: 30+ Comic Scenario Panels
  100. \n
  101. Free Illustrations: 6+ Wheelchair Characters
  102. \n
  103. Free Illustrations: 60 Mature Businessmen Standing & Sitting
  104. \n
  105. Free Illustrations: 85 Diverse Comic Panel Characters
  106. \n
  107. Free Illustrations: Business Meeting
  108. \n
  109. Free Illustrations: Medical Characters Sitting
  110. \n
  111. Free Illustrations: Office People 24 Poses
  112. \n
  113. Free Illustrations: Standing Talking Characters Vol. 1
  114. \n
  115. Free Illustrations: Standing Talking Characters Vol. 2
  116. \n
  117. Free Images for Interactive Scenarios
  118. \n
  119. Free Stock Image Set: Food Pics
  120. \n
  121. Free Stock Image Set: Winter Scenes
  122. \n
  123. Free Stock Image Set: Workspace Images
  124. \n
  125. Friendly Illustrated People
  126. \n
  127. Game Pieces
  128. \n
  129. Halloween-Inspired Character Graphics
  130. \n
  131. Illustrated Character: Al
  132. \n
  133. Jenny: Free Illustrated Character
  134. \n
  135. John: Free Illustrated Character
  136. \n
  137. Julio: Free Illustrated Character
  138. \n
  139. Kimberly: Free Illustrated Character
  140. \n
  141. Line-Style Gamification Badges
  142. \n
  143. Luca: Free Illustrated Character
  144. \n
  145. Lucia: Free Illustrated Character
  146. \n
  147. Lydia: Free Illustrated Character
  148. \n
  149. Maria: Free Illustrated Character
  150. \n
  151. Modern Sunrise Animation
  152. \n
  153. Monsters Graphics Set
  154. \n
  155. More Friendly Illustrated People
  156. \n
  157. Newspaper Graphic
  158. \n
  159. Office Graphics
  160. \n
  161. Page Curl Stickers: v1
  162. \n
  163. Peeling Page Curl Stickers: v3
  164. \n
  165. Peeling Sticker Graphics
  166. \n
  167. People at Computers: Free Character Illustrations
  168. \n
  169. Polaroid Vector Graphics - v1
  170. \n
  171. Rachel: Free Illustrated Character in a Wheelchair
  172. \n
  173. Safety Icons
  174. \n
  175. Sarah: Free Illustrated Character
  176. \n
  177. Slider Switch: Pill Shape w/Dial
  178. \n
  179. Sophisticated Button Set
  180. \n
  181. Spiral Notebook Graphic as Slide Background
  182. \n
  183. Super Clean Icon Set
  184. \n
  185. Teens Chad & Annie: Free 3D Illustrated Characters
  186. \n
  187. Travel Images
  188. \n
  189. Useful Flat Icons
  190. \n
  191. Wanda: Free Illustrated Character
  192. \n


  1. 2018 E-Learning Design Trends
  2. \n
  3. 2021 E-Learning Design Trends
  4. \n
  5. 4 Customizable People Illustrations
  6. \n
  7. 4 Ways to Make the Most of Your Free Trial
  8. \n
  9. Abstract Character
  10. \n
  11. Animal Illustrations
  12. \n
  13. Assorted Matching Icons
  14. \n
  15. Autumn-Themed Template
  16. \n
  17. Badges
  18. \n
  19. Basic Slide Layouts
  20. \n
  21. Blood Pressure Interaction
  22. \n
  23. Board Game Tabs
  24. \n
  25. Business Infographics
  26. \n
  27. Businesswoman Illustration
  28. \n
  29. Businessy People Illustrations
  30. \n
  31. City Tour
  32. \n
  33. Color Pop Template
  34. \n
  35. Cooking With Herbs
  36. \n
  37. Course Dashboard
  38. \n
  39. Customer FAQs Template
  40. \n
  41. Customer Service Do’s and Don’ts Template
  42. \n
  43. Customizable Finance Icons
  44. \n
  45. Customizable Healthcare Icons
  46. \n
  47. Customizable Healthcare Illustrations
  48. \n
  49. Customizable Illustrated Kids
  50. \n
  51. Customizable People Illustrations
  52. \n
  53. Customizable Person Illustration
  54. \n
  55. Device Mock-Up Package
  56. \n
  57. Duotone Meet the Team Template
  58. \n
  59. E-Learning Design Trends 2022
  60. \n
  61. E-Learning Design Trends for 2020
  62. \n
  63. Environmental Awareness-Themed Template
  64. \n
  65. Flat Design Characters
  66. \n
  67. Flat-Style Office Backgrounds
  68. \n
  69. Follow the Timeline
  70. \n
  71. Food Allergy Icon Set
  72. \n
  73. Glossary Template
  74. \n
  75. Harvest Veggie Icons
  76. \n
  77. Hospitality Tabs Template
  78. \n
  79. Image Carousel Template
  80. \n
  81. Images with a Pop of Color
  82. \n
  83. Industrial Workplace Safety-Themed Template
  84. \n
  85. Interactive Infographic Template
  86. \n
  87. Manufacturing Icons
  88. \n
  89. Medical Course Starter E-Learning Template
  90. \n
  91. Modern Circle Charts
  92. \n
  93. More Customizable People Icons
  94. \n
  95. Notebook Tabs Themed Template
  96. \n
  97. Office Graphics
  98. \n
  99. Onboarding Tabs
  100. \n
  101. One-Person Scenario Starter
  102. \n
  103. Personal Finance Basics Template
  104. \n
  105. PowerPoint Storyboard Template
  106. \n
  107. Questions to Ask a Hiring Manager
  108. \n
  109. Realistic Buttons, Toggles, and Switches
  110. \n
  111. Realistic Desktop Interaction
  112. \n
  113. Simple Backgrounds
  114. \n
  115. Simple Office Backgrounds
  116. \n
  117. Simple PowerPoint Storyboard Template
  118. \n
  119. Social Media Robot Illustrations
  120. \n
  121. Speech and Thought Bubbles
  122. \n
  123. Spiral Notebook Tabs Interaction
  124. \n
  125. Supermarket Background Graphics
  126. \n
  127. Tech Objects
  128. \n
  129. Text Message Phone Mock-Up
  130. \n
  131. The History of E-Learning Timeline
  132. \n
  133. Top E-Learning Trends 2023
  134. \n
  135. Vintage Car Illustration
  136. \n
  137. Vintage Tech Illustrations
  138. \n
  139. Workplace Scenario
  140. \n


  1. 1912 Anatomy Quiz
  2. \n
  3. 3 Techniques for Successful Upselling
  4. \n
  5. 5 Different Ways to Present Scenarios
  6. \n
  7. A Collection of TED Talks about Leadership
  8. \n
  9. A Course for Stakeholders on the Review Process
  10. \n
  11. A Quiz to Build Buy-in For More Learning
  12. \n
  13. Airline Innovation 101
  14. \n
  15. An Interactive E-Learning Style Guide
  16. \n
  17. An Introduction to Instructional Design
  18. \n
  19. Animal Sounds Guessing Game
  20. \n
  21. Animated, Scenario-Based E-Learning Design
  22. \n
  23. Applying Adult Learning Principles to E-Learning
  24. \n
  25. Banking Standard Operating Procedures Manual Example
  26. \n
  27. Beer Brewing Process
  28. \n
  29. Black History Month
  30. \n
  31. Branded Portfolio
  32. \n
  33. Calculating Revenues
  34. \n
  35. Can You Talk Your Way Into Higher Pay? Branching Scenario
  36. \n
  37. Card Trick
  38. \n
  39. Class Syllabus One-Pager
  40. \n
  41. Class Syllabus Template
  42. \n
  43. Client-Facing Quarterly Business Report Template
  44. \n
  45. Comics-Inspired Empathy Training
  46. \n
  47. Company Branding Example
  48. \n
  49. Comparing Approaches to Narrated Video
  50. \n
  51. Conflict of Interest Compliance Example
  52. \n
  53. Construction Hazard Checklist Job-Aid
  54. \n
  55. Construction Safety
  56. \n
  57. Continuing Education Course for Teachers
  58. \n
  59. Coping with Stress and Uncertainty During COVID-19
  60. \n
  61. Course for Kids
  62. \n
  63. COVID-19 - The Fight Continues
  64. \n
  65. COVID-19 - What You Need to Know
  66. \n
  67. Crash Course on E-Learning Localization
  68. \n
  69. Creating Social Change - A Guide for Everyday Citizens
  70. \n
  71. Customer Service Interaction
  72. \n
  73. Digital Media Ethics Course
  74. \n
  75. Dog Care Basics
  76. \n
  77. E-Learning Narration Guide
  78. \n
  79. Employee Benefits Guide
  80. \n
  81. Employee Health and Wellness
  82. \n
  83. Fighting Climate Change
  84. \n
  85. Food Allergy Awareness
  86. \n
  87. Food Allergy Basics for the Newly Diagnosed
  88. \n
  89. Food Industry Microlearning
  90. \n
  91. Full Course Example on Driving in France
  92. \n
  93. Glossary of Marketing Terms
  94. \n
  95. Government Ethics Training on Financial Disclosures
  96. \n
  97. Healthy Debate Culture at Work
  98. \n
  99. How to Choose and Combine Instructional Methods
  100. \n
  101. How to Create E-Learning
  102. \n
  103. How To Paint Tabletop Miniatures
  104. \n
  105. How To Process A Return
  106. \n
  107. How to Spot Social Media Bots Microlearning
  108. \n
  109. Hurricane Preparedness Course
  110. \n
  111. Illustrated Landlord Pet Guidelines
  112. \n
  113. Implementing WCAG Guidelines for Instructional Designers
  114. \n
  115. Inclusive Language Guide
  116. \n
  117. Instructions for Learners
  118. \n
  119. Interactive Event Guide
  120. \n
  121. Interactive Group Activity Guide
  122. \n
  123. Interactive Microlearning Infographic
  124. \n
  125. Interactive Ocean Habitat Guide for Kids
  126. \n
  127. Interactive Resume
  128. \n
  129. Interactive Resume Example
  130. \n
  131. Interactive Sales Brochure
  132. \n
  133. Interactive Short Story
  134. \n
  135. Intro to Digital Accessibility for Instructional Designers
  136. \n
  137. Intro to Reading Sheet Music
  138. \n
  139. Job Aid - Using Live Chat
  140. \n
  141. K-12 Education Facts About Blood
  142. \n
  143. Leadership Skills Sketchnote Interaction
  144. \n
  145. Learning Design Kick-Off Guide
  146. \n
  147. Learning Italian
  148. \n
  149. Marine Motion Path Game
  150. \n
  151. Media Company Workplace Harassment Course
  152. \n
  153. Meet the Team
  154. \n
  155. Meet the Team Labeled Graphic Example
  156. \n
  157. Micro-Learning Example
  158. \n
  159. Mocktail Recipes Guide
  160. \n
  161. Name That Breed!
  162. \n
  163. New Employee Onboarding Example
  164. \n
  165. New Employee Orientation
  166. \n
  167. New Manager's Toolkit
  168. \n
  169. Outbreak Investigation
  170. \n
  171. Performance Support Demo
  172. \n
  173. Phishing 101 - What You Need to Know
  174. \n
  175. Plants of the Pacific Northwest
  176. \n
  177. Presentation for a Conference Session on E-Learning Project Management
  178. \n
  179. Product Catalog
  180. \n
  181. Quick Reference Guide
  182. \n
  183. Recycling 101
  184. \n
  185. Resume Template
  186. \n
  187. Retail Microlearning Example
  188. \n
  189. Retail Sales Training
  190. \n
  191. Sales Fundamentals
  192. \n
  193. Software Training Example
  194. \n
  195. Space Travel-Themed Interactive Infographic
  196. \n
  197. Spotting and Managing Burnout
  198. \n
  199. Step-by-Step Guide to Acing the Interview
  200. \n
  201. The Perfect Espresso Martini
  202. \n
  203. Tourism-Themed Example
  204. \n
  205. Training Needs Analysis 101
  206. \n
  207. Training Schedule Example
  208. \n
  209. Transitioning to Remote Work
  210. \n
  211. Unsolved Mystery - The Case of Amelia Earhart
  212. \n
  213. Utilities Company Code of Conduct
  214. \n
  215. Virtual Training Presentation (Full Course Template)
  216. \n
  217. Virtual Training Presentation (Microlearning Template)
  218. \n
  219. Wash Your Hands Course
  220. \n
  221. What You Need to Know About Multi-Device E-Learning
  222. \n
  223. Working Across Cultures
  224. \n
  225. Working with Subject Matter Experts
  226. \n
  227. Workplace Safety 101
  228. \n
  229. Your Kidneys at Work
  230. \n
  231. Rise Cover Photo GIF-Away
  232. \n
  233. Abducted Adventure Game
  234. \n
  235. E-Learning Terms Glossary
  236. \n
  237. Exploring Canada
  238. \n
  239. Facts about the Falls
  240. \n
  241. Four Mindsets Mini-Course
  242. \n
  243. ID Video Compilation
  244. \n
  245. Mars Curiosity Rover
  246. \n
  247. Online Portfolio
  248. \n
  249. Product Info Orientation
  250. \n
  251. Rental Guide
  252. \n
  253. Stating the Problem Interactive Scenario
  254. \n
  255. Stop Asking These Interview Questions
  256. \n
  257. The Story of Coffee
  258. \n


  1. 12 Animated Buttons
  2. \n
  3. 12 Custom Slide Transitions
  4. \n
  5. 12 Steps of Surya Namaskar
  6. \n
  7. 12 Summary Slide Downloads
  8. \n
  9. 2 Truths and a Lie
  10. \n
  11. 3 Interactive Video Examples
  12. \n
  13. 3 Ways to Rotate Objects in E-Learning
  14. \n
  15. 3-Button Tabs Interaction
  16. \n
  17. 360°  Interactive Image Examples
  18. \n
  19. 3D Cube Interaction
  20. \n
  21. 5 Accessible Color Themes
  22. \n
  23. 5 Motion Graphics-Inspired Title Slides
  24. \n
  25. 5-Panel Accordion Interaction
  26. \n
  27. 5-Step Action Interaction
  28. \n
  29. 52 Animated Button Sets
  30. \n
  31. 8-Bit Game-Inspired Example
  32. \n
  33. 8-Bit Style True/False Quiz With Scrolling Panels
  34. \n
  35. A 360° Clinic Cleaning Simulation
  36. \n
  37. A 360° Grand Central Terminal Tour
  38. \n
  39. A 360° Language Immersion Experience
  40. \n
  41. A 360° Tour of U.S. Landmarks
  42. \n
  43. A Bounty Hunter’s Guide to Childcare
  44. \n
  45. A New Way With Vegetables
  46. \n
  47. A Visit to Turkey
  48. \n
  49. A Visual Guide to the Anatomy of Typography
  50. \n
  51. Learn Triggers Software Simulation
  52. \n
  53. Academic Course Starter
  54. \n
  55. Accessible Drag-and-Drop Chat Interaction
  56. \n
  57. Accordion Template
  58. \n
  59. Acronym Glossary
  60. \n
  61. Adaptive Branching Quiz Template
  62. \n
  63. Adaptive Scenario Template
  64. \n
  65. Add the Numbers
  66. \n
  67. Adult Learning Principles Click-and-Reveal
  68. \n
  69. Airline Safety
  70. \n
  71. Airplane Safety Assessment
  72. \n
  73. Alberta's At-Risk Fish
  74. \n
  75. Analysis of Las Meninas
  76. \n
  77. Anatomy Labeled Graphic
  78. \n
  79. Anatomy of a Bicycle
  80. \n
  81. Angry Words Side Scrolling Game
  82. \n
  83. Animated Button Effects
  84. \n
  85. Animated Character Effects
  86. \n
  87. Animated Charts & Graphs
  88. \n
  89. Animated Color Palettes
  90. \n
  91. Animated Cue Ball Progress Meter
  92. \n
  93. Animated Flash Card Microinteraction
  94. \n
  95. Animated Menu Navigation
  96. \n
  97. Animated Notecard Interaction
  98. \n
  99. Animated Share Button
  100. \n
  101. Animated Story Greeting Card
  102. \n
  103. Animated Tabs
  104. \n
  105. Animated Tabs Accordion Interaction
  106. \n
  107. Animated Text Intro
  108. \n
  109. Animated Timeline
  110. \n
  111. Animated Timeline Planner
  112. \n
  113. App-Inspired Menu
  114. \n
  115. Apple-Inspired 360 Degree Slider
  116. \n
  117. Are Your Kids Ready For A Pet?
  118. \n
  119. Around the World Quiz
  120. \n
  121. Arrange the Words
  122. \n
  123. Arrow Swipe Game
  124. \n
  125. Assessment with Progress Bar
  126. \n
  127. Assorted Summary Screens
  128. \n
  129. Atsu-meter
  130. \n
  131. Attention-Grabber for Allergy Course
  132. \n
  133. Attention-Grabber For Course on Sleep
  134. \n
  135. Attention-Grabber for Environmental Course
  136. \n
  137. Audio Editing Software Simulation
  138. \n
  139. Award-Winning Gamified Scenario
  140. \n
  141. Award-Winning Interactive Board Game
  142. \n
  143. Award-Winning Scenario Game
  144. \n
  145. AWS Terminology Prep
  146. \n
  147. Befriending a Monstera Glassmorphism Template
  148. \n
  149. Bingo E-Learning Game
  150. \n
  151. Bingo Game
  152. \n
  153. Birthday Party Game
  154. \n
  155. Blackjack Game
  156. \n
  157. Border Terrier Tab Interaction
  158. \n
  159. Brain Buster
  160. \n
  161. Branched Quiz Template
  162. \n
  163. Branched Scenario Template
  164. \n
  165. Branching Submenus with Icons
  166. \n
  167. Bravehearts Interactive Map
  168. \n
  169. Brooklyn Botanic Garden
  170. \n
  171. Broomstick Brew
  172. \n
  173. Build a Transport
  174. \n
  175. Burnout Self-Assessment
  176. \n
  177. Cake Baking Slider Tutorial
  178. \n
  179. Calculator
  180. \n
  181. Call Center Training Template
  182. \n
  183. Canadian Geography Drag-and-Drop Template
  184. \n
  185. Car Insurance Themed Template
  186. \n
  187. Card Hover Animation
  188. \n
  189. Cards Against Humanity-Inspired Game
  190. \n
  191. Cards for Humanity
  192. \n
  193. Carrie's Color Project
  194. \n
  195. Chameleon Game
  196. \n
  197. Character Selection Dial
  198. \n
  199. Checklist Interaction
  200. \n
  201. Checklist Progress Meter
  202. \n
  203. Choose a Character With a Slider
  204. \n
  205. Choose an Avatar Template
  206. \n
  207. Choose Your E-Learning Character Slider
  208. \n
  209. Choose Your Mad Libs
  210. \n
  211. Christmas-Themed Slider
  212. \n
  213. Chunky Tabs Template
  214. \n
  215. Circular Mobile UI
  216. \n
  217. Circular Webstyle Menu
  218. \n
  219. Clean and Modern Quiz
  220. \n
  221. Clean Resume Template
  222. \n
  223. Click-and-Reveal Accordion Interaction
  224. \n
  225. Click-and-Reveal Grid Template
  226. \n
  227. Click-and-Reveal Template
  228. \n
  229. Cocktail Scroller
  230. \n
  231. Codenames-Inspired Learning Game
  232. \n
  233. Coffee Brew Types Example
  234. \n
  235. Coffee-Themed Personality Quiz
  236. \n
  237. Color Gradient Quiz
  238. \n
  239. Colorful Interactive List
  240. \n
  241. Colorful Quiz Template
  242. \n
  243. Combination Lock Quiz
  244. \n
  245. Comic Book Starter
  246. \n
  247. Comic-Themed Slider Interaction
  248. \n
  249. Comics-Style Communication Branching Scenario
  250. \n
  251. Communication Style Personality Quiz
  252. \n
  253. Company History Carousel
  254. \n
  255. Compare Learner Response with Expert Recommendation Using Variables
  256. \n
  257. Connect the Dots Interaction
  258. \n
  259. Connecting Lines Matching Question
  260. \n
  261. Construction-Themed Course Starter
  262. \n
  263. Contact Lightbox Slide
  264. \n
  265. Corporate Finance 101
  266. \n
  267. Countdown Quiz Game
  268. \n
  269. Course Certificate Template
  270. \n
  271. Course Dashboard Template
  272. \n
  273. Course Exit Slide Template
  274. \n
  275. Course Introduction
  276. \n
  277. Course Player Navigation Help Template
  278. \n
  279. Course Template with Pre-Check and Final Evaluation
  280. \n
  281. Course Template with Two Learning Paths
  282. \n
  283. Create a Meal
  284. \n
  285. Create the Team Interaction
  286. \n
  287. Create Your Avatar Template
  288. \n
  289. Creating a Comfy Work Space
  290. \n
  291. Credit Union Acronyms
  292. \n
  293. Cube's Quest Game
  294. \n
  295. Cupcake Drag and Drop Example
  296. \n
  297. Cupcake Drag-and-Drop Game
  298. \n
  299. Custom Bookmark Menu Using Progress-Tracking Variables
  300. \n
  301. Custom Fill-in-the-Blank Storyline Activity
  302. \n
  303. Custom Glossary Slide
  304. \n
  305. Custom Lightbox Tabs Two Ways
  306. \n
  307. Custom Locked Menu
  308. \n
  309. Custom Menu System
  310. \n
  311. Customer Service Branching Scenario
  312. \n
  313. Customer Service Scenario 1
  314. \n
  315. Customer Service Scenario 2
  316. \n
  317. Customizable Accordion Freebie
  318. \n
  319. Customizable Avatar Set
  320. \n
  321. Customizable Button UI Kit
  322. \n
  323. Customizable Characters With Disabilities
  324. \n
  325. Customizable Course Certificate
  326. \n
  327. Customizable Drag-and-Drop Template
  328. \n
  329. Customizable Glossary
  330. \n
  331. Daily Horoscope
  332. \n
  333. Decorate a Tree Holiday Interaction
  334. \n
  335. Dial H For Help
  336. \n
  337. Dial Infographic
  338. \n
  339. Dial Menu with Icons
  340. \n
  341. Dial-Driven Map Activity
  342. \n
  343. Dials Starter Kit
  344. \n
  345. Dice Quiz Game Template
  346. \n
  347. Disaster Preparedness Course with Attention-Grabber
  348. \n
  349. Do’s and Don'ts Knowledge Check
  350. \n
  351. Do’s and Don’ts Slider Interaction
  352. \n
  353. Do’s and Don’ts Spoke Template
  354. \n
  355. Dog Breed Buttons
  356. \n
  357. Dog Weight
  358. \n
  359. Dog-Themed Jeopardy Template
  360. \n
  361. Donating Blood
  362. \n
  363. Drag-and-Drop Knowledge Check
  364. \n
  365. Drag-and-Drop Game
  366. \n
  367. Drag-and-Drop Text Message Quiz
  368. \n
  369. Drag-and-Drop Activity Template
  370. \n
  371. Drag-and-Drop Animation Effects Template
  372. \n
  373. Drag-and-Drop Interaction
  374. \n
  375. Drag-and-Drop Matching Labels
  376. \n
  377. Drag-and-Drop Meal Planning
  378. \n
  379. Drag-and-Drop Puzzle Interaction
  380. \n
  381. Drag-and-Drop Quote Challenge
  382. \n
  383. Drag-and-Drop RAID Storage Calculator
  384. \n
  385. Drag-and-Drop Scratch and Win Game
  386. \n
  387. Drag-and-Drop Sorting Interaction
  388. \n
  389. Drag-and-Drop States Template
  390. \n
  391. Drag-and-Drop Storage Capacity Calculator
  392. \n
  393. Drag-and-Drop Table Setting Activity
  394. \n
  395. Drag-and-Drop Sequence Template w/ Custom Feedback
  396. \n
  397. Drop Shadow Button UI Set
  398. \n
  399. E-Book FAQs Template
  400. \n
  401. E-Learning Battleship Game Template
  402. \n
  403. E-Learning Challenge Generator
  404. \n
  405. E-Learning Character Soundboard Using Text-to-Speech
  406. \n
  407. E-Learning Heroes 101
  408. \n
  409. E-Learning Needs Analysis Generator
  410. \n
  411. E-Learning Personality Quiz
  412. \n
  413. E-Learning Scales Infographic
  414. \n
  415. E-Learning Style Guide Template
  416. \n
  417. Easy Spinning Wheel Activity
  418. \n
  419. Eco-Friendly Tabs
  420. \n
  421. Elapsed Time Triggered Lightbox
  422. \n
  423. Elegant Tabs Interaction Template
  424. \n
  425. Employee Conversation Branching Scenario
  426. \n
  427. Employee Engagement Interactive Slider
  428. \n
  429. Employee Health and Wellness
  430. \n
  431. Employee Stories Video Slide
  432. \n
  433. Energy Efficiency Dial Example
  434. \n
  435. Energy Saving Tips Scrolling Panel
  436. \n
  437. English-Language Listening Comprehension Game
  438. \n
  439. Escape The Room
  440. \n
  441. Explore New York City
  442. \n
  443. Explore the Human Body
  444. \n
  445. Faces of Ebola Slider Interaction
  446. \n
  447. Facts Around the World Drag-and-Drop
  448. \n
  449. Fairy Tale Generator
  450. \n
  451. Farm Animal Interaction for Kids
  452. \n
  453. Feelings Slider Template
  454. \n
  455. Fill and No Fill Button Sets
  456. \n
  457. Fill-in-the-Blank Math Example
  458. \n
  459. Find the Objects Template
  460. \n
  461. Fire Safety Attention-Grabber
  462. \n
  463. Flashback Quiz
  464. \n
  465. Flashcard Interaction Templates
  466. \n
  467. Flashcard Self-Assessment
  468. \n
  469. Flashcards With Flip Animation
  470. \n
  471. Flat Design Template
  472. \n
  473. Flexible Quiz Scoring Template
  474. \n
  475. Flip Card Do’s and Don’ts
  476. \n
  477. Flying Butterfly Animation
  478. \n
  479. Font Challenge
  480. \n
  481. Food-Themed Click-and-Reveal
  482. \n
  483. Forklift Operation
  484. \n
  485. Foster Inclusion and Boost Productivity
  486. \n
  487. Fun & Fruity Tabs
  488. \n
  489. Future Predictor
  490. \n
  491. Gagné’s 9 Events of Instruction Interactive Graphic
  492. \n
  493. Gamified 360° Image
  494. \n
  495. Gamified Brain Teasers Template
  496. \n
  497. Gamified Branching Scenario Example
  498. \n
  499. Gamified Drag-and-Drop Quiz
  500. \n
  501. Gamified Meet The Team Interaction Download
  502. \n
  503. Gamified Process Scenario
  504. \n
  505. Gamified Quiz Template With Timer
  506. \n
  507. Gamified Texting Template
  508. \n
  509. Gamified Unconscious Bias Quiz
  510. \n
  511. Genetics FAQs Interaction
  512. \n
  513. German Culture Game
  514. \n
  515. Get to Know Your Site
  516. \n
  517. Getting Started With E-Learning
  518. \n
  519. Glassmorphism Introduction Slide
  520. \n
  521. Glassmorphism Physics Example
  522. \n
  523. Google Primer-Inspired Example
  524. \n
  525. Government Ethics Compliance Training
  526. \n
  527. Government-Themed Example
  528. \n
  529. Gradient Slider
  530. \n
  531. Graphic Design Skills Assessment
  532. \n
  533. Guru Gold Winner: Enter the Ninja
  534. \n
  535. Guru Honorable Mention: Ebola Fatality Rates
  536. \n
  537. Halloween Course Template
  538. \n
  539. Halloween Text Entry Game
  540. \n
  541. Handshake Alternatives Tab Interaction
  542. \n
  543. Hazardous Waste Safety Example
  544. \n
  545. Health Hub
  546. \n
  547. Healthcare Tabs Interaction
  548. \n
  549. Healthy Choices Drag-and-Drop Food Selection Game
  550. \n
  551. Healthy Eating IQ Quiz
  552. \n
  553. Healthy Work-From-Home Habits
  554. \n
  555. Higher-Ed Course Starter
  556. \n
  557. HIPAA Compliance Example
  558. \n
  559. HIPAA for Professionals
  560. \n
  561. Holiday Beverage Recipes
  562. \n
  563. Holiday Traditions Around the World Quiz
  564. \n
  565. Holiday-Themed Gamified Example
  566. \n
  567. House Pet Harmony
  568. \n
  569. Housing Affordability Calculator
  570. \n
  571. How Long Does it Take to Create E-Learning
  572. \n
  573. How to Become a Good Leader
  574. \n
  575. How to Build a Campfire
  576. \n
  577. How to Cook Pasta Marker Interaction
  578. \n
  579. How to Do a Tarot Reading
  580. \n
  581. How To Fight A Bear
  582. \n
  583. How to Make the Perfect Cup of Coffee
  584. \n
  585. How to Make the Perfect Poached Egg
  586. \n
  587. How to Spot Phishing Emails
  588. \n
  589. How to Survive a Tornado Interaction
  590. \n
  591. How to Write a Postcard
  592. \n
  593. How-To Video-Inspired Project
  594. \n
  595. Human Timeline
  596. \n
  597. Hurricane Comparison Drag-and-Drop
  598. \n
  599. Icon Tabs Download
  600. \n
  601. Illustrated Kid Character- Gabrielle
  602. \n
  603. Illustrated Kid Character- Gabrielle at School
  604. \n
  605. Illustrated Kid Character- Gabrielle Holding Props
  606. \n
  607. Image Carousel
  608. \n
  609. Image Gallery Accordion Interaction
  610. \n
  611. Increasing Order Game
  612. \n
  613. Industrial Workplace Safety Template
  614. \n
  615. Infographic Slider Template
  616. \n
  617. Input Learner Name
  618. \n
  619. Interactive 360° Sales Associate Onboarding
  620. \n
  621. Interactive 360° Storytelling Experience
  622. \n
  623. Interactive Bar Graph
  624. \n
  625. Interactive Calendar
  626. \n
  627. Interactive Circle Graph
  628. \n
  629. Interactive Commercial Quiz
  630. \n
  631. Interactive Decision Tree Template
  632. \n
  633. Interactive Dial Matrix
  634. \n
  635. Interactive Guide With Parallax Effect
  636. \n
  637. Interactive Info Map
  638. \n
  639. Interactive Infographic Template
  640. \n
  641. Interactive Infographic Timeline
  642. \n
  643. Interactive Infographics with Sliders
  644. \n
  645. Interactive Jeopardy Quiz
  646. \n
  647. Interactive List
  648. \n
  649. Interactive Map of the USA
  650. \n
  651. Interactive Medical Quiz with Progress Bar
  652. \n
  653. Interactive Menu
  654. \n
  655. Interactive Sushi Menu
  656. \n
  657. Interactive Org Chart of Apple’s Leadership Team
  658. \n
  659. Interactive Photo Collage
  660. \n
  661. Interactive Photo Collage Template
  662. \n
  663. Interactive Resume
  664. \n
  665. Interactive Screenshot
  666. \n
  667. Interactive Storytelling Example
  668. \n
  669. Interactive Tabs Download
  670. \n
  671. Interactive Timeline in Portrait Mode
  672. \n
  673. Interactive Tour de France Quiz
  674. \n
  675. Interactive Training Schedule
  676. \n
  677. Interactive Video Interview
  678. \n
  679. Interactive Video Quiz
  680. \n
  681. Interactive Video Quiz
  682. \n
  683. Interactive Video Quiz for College Lectures
  684. \n
  685. Interactive Video Quiz for E-Learning
  686. \n
  687. Interactive Video Quiz Template
  688. \n
  689. Interactive Video Quizzes
  690. \n
  691. Interactive Video with Pop-Ups
  692. \n
  693. Interactive Writing Practice Template
  694. \n
  695. Interesting Facts about Space and Exploration
  696. \n
  697. International Space Station
  698. \n
  699. Interview Template
  700. \n
  701. Inviting Navigation Design
  702. \n
  703. iPhone Charging Drag-and-Drop
  704. \n
  705. JavaScript Dynamic Ordered List
  706. \n
  707. Jeopardy E-Learning Game Show
  708. \n
  709. Jeopardy-Inspired Game Show Template
  710. \n
  711. Job Interview Branched Scenario
  712. \n
  713. Keep Your Teeth Game
  714. \n
  715. Keyboard Shortcut Bingo
  716. \n
  717. Keyboard Shortcuts
  718. \n
  719. Know Your Fire Extinguisher
  720. \n
  721. L&D Title Generator
  722. \n
  723. Lab Culture Drag-And-Drop
  724. \n
  725. Labeled Graphic Drag-and-Drop Assessment
  726. \n
  727. Language Learning Game
  728. \n
  729. Language Learning Pre-Test
  730. \n
  731. Laptop Click-and-Reveal
  732. \n
  733. Law Enforcement Scenario Starter
  734. \n
  735. Leadership Style Personality Quiz
  736. \n
  737. Learn About English Prepositions
  738. \n
  739. Learn Latin
  740. \n
  741. Learn to Swing a Golf Club
  742. \n
  743. Learning Journal with JavaScript
  744. \n
  745. Learning Quest
  746. \n
  747. Light Mode/Dark Mode Course Template
  748. \n
  749. Lightbox Note-Taking
  750. \n
  751. Lightbox Video Gallery Template
  752. \n
  753. Lightbulb Animation Demo
  754. \n
  755. Mad Libs Love Letter
  756. \n
  757. Magic 8-Ball Quiz
  758. \n
  759. Magnifying Images with Zooming Effects in E-Learning
  760. \n
  761. Make A Pizza Interaction
  762. \n
  763. Managing Pain Interactive Story
  764. \n
  765. Manual Advance Slideshow
  766. \n
  767. Matching Drag-and-Drop Template
  768. \n
  769. Meat Shop
  770. \n
  771. Medical Course Starter Template
  772. \n
  773. Medical Scenario Triage 101
  774. \n
  775. Medical Tabs Interaction
  776. \n
  777. Medical Template Set
  778. \n
  779. Medical-Theme Course Starter Template
  780. \n
  781. Medicine-Themed Progress Bar
  782. \n
  783. Meet the Canaries
  784. \n
  785. Meet the Team Character Tabs
  786. \n
  787. Meet the Team Click-and-Reveal Template
  788. \n
  789. Meet the Team Drag-and-Drop Interaction
  790. \n
  791. Meet The Team Interaction Template
  792. \n
  793. Meet the Team Interactive Org Chart
  794. \n
  795. Meet The Team Template
  796. \n
  797. Meet the Team Video Interaction
  798. \n
  799. Memory Game
  800. \n
  801. Memory Game Template
  802. \n
  803. Menu Tabs Interaction
  804. \n
  805. Mermaid Math
  806. \n
  807. Miniature Golf
  808. \n
  809. Minimalist Button Set
  810. \n
  811. Minimalist Button Showcase
  812. \n
  813. Mobile Menu
  814. \n
  815. Mobile-App Inspired Tabs Navigation
  816. \n
  817. Modern Accordion Template
  818. \n
  819. Modern Animated Flashcards Template
  820. \n
  821. Modern Dial
  822. \n
  823. Modern Rounded-Edges Quiz
  824. \n
  825. Monarch Metamorphosis Dial
  826. \n
  827. Monster Math Multiplication Game
  828. \n
  829. Motion Graphics Timeline
  830. \n
  831. Motion Graphics-Inspired Transitions
  832. \n
  833. Motion Menu
  834. \n
  835. Motion Path Animation for Custom Menu
  836. \n
  837. Mountain Challenge Game
  838. \n
  839. Mountain Summit Challenge
  840. \n
  841. Movie Trivia Game
  842. \n
  843. Moving Circular Menu
  844. \n
  845. Multilingual Course with Text-to-Speech
  846. \n
  847. Multimedia Gallery
  848. \n
  849. Multimedia Tooltips and Callouts
  850. \n
  851. Multiple Choice Quiz with Badge Awards
  852. \n
  853. Music Media Timeline
  854. \n
  855. Music Mood Wheel
  856. \n
  857. My Pet Company Branded Prototype
  858. \n
  859. Name That Fruit Text Entry Download
  860. \n
  861. Name That Star Wars Quote
  862. \n
  863. Name the Yoga Pose Exercise
  864. \n
  865. Nature-Themed Intro Slides
  866. \n
  867. New Employee Orientation Course Template
  868. \n
  869. New Employee Summary Slide
  870. \n
  871. New Student Orientation
  872. \n
  873. Notebook Tabs Interaction Template
  874. \n
  875. Numbered Randomized Question Bank Slides
  876. \n
  877. Office Course Starter Template
  878. \n
  879. Office Safety Training
  880. \n
  881. Office Scavenger Hunt
  882. \n
  883. Office-Themed Example
  884. \n
  885. Office-Themed Tabs Template
  886. \n
  887. Online Meeting Bingo
  888. \n
  889. Open Office Etiquette Personalized Quiz
  890. \n
  891. Opt In/Out Navigation Help Template
  892. \n
  893. Optical Illusion - Drag and Drop Puzzle Game
  894. \n
  895. Ordering Animals Pre-Test
  896. \n
  897. OSHA Summary
  898. \n
  899. Painting-Themed Pre-Assessment
  900. \n
  901. Paper Doll Sliders
  902. \n
  903. Parts of the Body Drag and Drop
  904. \n
  905. Passport Application Interactive Screenshot
  906. \n
  907. Pastel Process Interaction
  908. \n
  909. Pawsonalities
  910. \n
  911. Percent Complete
  912. \n
  913. Percentage Bar Slider Interaction
  914. \n
  915. Performance Support Demo
  916. \n
  917. Personal Spending Plan
  918. \n
  919. Personality Test Template
  920. \n
  921. Personalize E-Learning with Variables and Toggle Buttons
  922. \n
  923. Personalized Construction-Themed Template
  924. \n
  925. Personalized Decision Matrix
  926. \n
  927. Phishing Simulation Example
  928. \n
  929. Photo Slider Interaction
  930. \n
  931. Photo-Based Tabs Interaction
  932. \n
  933. Pit Stop Timer
  934. \n
  935. Pizza Fractions
  936. \n
  937. Pizza Order Fractions
  938. \n
  939. Placement Test Template
  940. \n
  941. Plant Growth Slider Interaction Template
  942. \n
  943. Playful Drag-and-Drop Quiz
  944. \n
  945. Playful Onboarding
  946. \n
  947. Poison Control Phone Simulation
  948. \n
  949. Pop-Out Tabs Interaction Template
  950. \n
  951. Portrait Accordion Interaction
  952. \n
  953. Positive Self-Talk Mad Libs Template
  954. \n
  955. Post-it Style Note Interaction
  956. \n
  957. Post-Roll NEXTCHA Navigation Example
  958. \n
  959. Practice Setting the Table with Drag-and-Drop
  960. \n
  961. Pre-Test Template
  962. \n
  963. Price Check Drag-and-Drop Simulation
  964. \n
  965. Pride Flag Drag and Drop
  966. \n
  967. Printable Customized Schedule
  968. \n
  969. Printable Free-Response Slide Template
  970. \n
  971. Printable Goal-Setting Journal Template
  972. \n
  973. Process Drag-and-Drop Quiz
  974. \n
  975. Process Slider Interaction
  976. \n
  977. Process Tabs Interaction
  978. \n
  979. Puzzle Interaction
  980. \n
  981. Question and Answer Interaction
  982. \n
  983. Quiz Game Show Template
  984. \n
  985. Quote Reel Template
  986. \n
  987. Reach Your Goals the SMART Way
  988. \n
  989. Reading Comprehension Word Scramble Exercise
  990. \n
  991. Rebus Puzzle Game
  992. \n
  993. Redundancy Principle
  994. \n
  995. Reset Drag-and-Drop Incorrect Choices
  996. \n
  997. Review 360 Software Simulation
  998. \n
  999. Revising Bloated Prose
  1000. \n
  1001. Robot Conveyor Interaction
  1002. \n
  1003. Room Exploration Interaction
  1004. \n
  1005. Safe Lifting Slider Interaction
  1006. \n
  1007. Safety Equipment Drag-and-Drop
  1008. \n
  1009. Salary Negotiation Script Generator
  1010. \n
  1011. Save Object State When Resuming
  1012. \n
  1013. Scenario With Multiple Points of View
  1014. \n
  1015. Scenario-Based Health & Safety Course
  1016. \n
  1017. Scoring Basics
  1018. \n
  1019. Scratch-Off Quiz
  1020. \n
  1021. Scrolling Cutaway Example
  1022. \n
  1023. Scrolling Data Set
  1024. \n
  1025. Scrolling Horizontal Timeline
  1026. \n
  1027. Scrolling Panels Example
  1028. \n
  1029. Seasonal Gardening
  1030. \n
  1031. Selecting School Supplies
  1032. \n
  1033. Self Health Quiz
  1034. \n
  1035. Self-Awareness Clean Tabs Interaction
  1036. \n
  1037. Self-Motivation Scrolling Experience
  1038. \n
  1039. Semiconductor FAQs Pick One Quiz
  1040. \n
  1041. Sensitive Employee Data Scenario
  1042. \n
  1043. Sexual Harassment Compliance Course
  1044. \n
  1045. Shape-Shifting Animation
  1046. \n
  1047. Shortcut Keys
  1048. \n
  1049. Should I Schedule a Meeting Interactive Decision Tree
  1050. \n
  1051. Simon Interaction
  1052. \n
  1053. Simple Accordion Interaction Template
  1054. \n
  1055. Simple Animated Button Set
  1056. \n
  1057. Simple Animated Timeline with Tooltips by Montse
  1058. \n
  1059. Simple Button Set
  1060. \n
  1061. Simple E-Learning Quiz Template
  1062. \n
  1063. Simple Folder Tabs Interaction
  1064. \n
  1065. Simple Glossary Template
  1066. \n
  1067. Simple Motion Graphics Template
  1068. \n
  1069. Simple Notecard Interaction
  1070. \n
  1071. Simple Rolling Dice Activity
  1072. \n
  1073. Simple Tabs Interaction
  1074. \n
  1075. Simple Tabs Template
  1076. \n
  1077. Simple Timeline Interaction in E-Learning
  1078. \n
  1079. Skeleton Reveal
  1080. \n
  1081. Skyline Tabs Interaction
  1082. \n
  1083. Sleek Character Study Template
  1084. \n
  1085. Sleek Custom UI Template
  1086. \n
  1087. Sleek Glossary
  1088. \n
  1089. Sleek, Modern Tabs Template
  1090. \n
  1091. Slide Numbers
  1092. \n
  1093. Slide Variety Template
  1094. \n
  1095. Slide-Out Menu
  1096. \n
  1097. Slide-to-Reveal Interaction Template
  1098. \n
  1099. Slider Starter Pack
  1100. \n
  1101. Slider-Controlled Media Gallery
  1102. \n
  1103. Snakes and Ladders Template
  1104. \n
  1105. Snow Falling Animation
  1106. \n
  1107. Soap-A-Sheep Game
  1108. \n
  1109. Space Quiz
  1110. \n
  1111. Space-Themed Dial Interaction
  1112. \n
  1113. Spin the Wheel Interaction
  1114. \n
  1115. Spin The Wheel Template
  1116. \n
  1117. Spinning Plates
  1118. \n
  1119. Spinning Wheel Trivia Game
  1120. \n
  1121. Sports-Themed Scoreboard Results Slide
  1122. \n
  1123. Spot the Hazard Interactive Video
  1124. \n
  1125. Stages of Monarch Butterfly Development
  1126. \n
  1127. Star Wars Knowledge Check
  1128. \n
  1129. Star Wars Quiz
  1130. \n
  1131. Storyboard Template
  1132. \n
  1133. Storyline 360 and Storyline 3 Classic Player Colors
  1134. \n
  1135. Storytelling
  1136. \n
  1137. Storytelling Game
  1138. \n
  1139. Success Tips for Remote Work
  1140. \n
  1141. Sugary Drinks
  1142. \n
  1143. Super Simple Countdown Timers
  1144. \n
  1145. Super Tabs E-Learning Template
  1146. \n
  1147. Surgical Mask Best Practices
  1148. \n
  1149. Swipeable Cards Navigation
  1150. \n
  1151. Tab Style Button Download
  1152. \n
  1153. Tabcordion Interaction
  1154. \n
  1155. Tabcordion with Scrolling Panel
  1156. \n
  1157. Tabs Interaction with Lightboxed Slides
  1158. \n
  1159. Tabs Interaction with Scrolling Panel
  1160. \n
  1161. Tabs Interaction with Video
  1162. \n
  1163. Tabs Interactions
  1164. \n
  1165. Tabs Timeline Interaction
  1166. \n
  1167. Take A Scroll Beneath The Ocean
  1168. \n
  1169. Task Prioritization Immersive Scenario Template
  1170. \n
  1171. Team Manager Problem Scenarios
  1172. \n
  1173. Team Tabs Interaction
  1174. \n
  1175. Text-to-Speech Soundboard
  1176. \n
  1177. The Earth's Atmosphere Slider Template
  1178. \n
  1179. The Golden Age of Comics Interactive Map
  1180. \n
  1181. The History of Something Interactive Timeline
  1182. \n
  1183. The Job Interview Branched Scenario
  1184. \n
  1185. The Leadership Challenge
  1186. \n
  1187. The World of Bees
  1188. \n
  1189. Theme Colors
  1190. \n
  1191. Then-Now Comparison Slider
  1192. \n
  1193. Tic Tac Toe Template
  1194. \n
  1195. Tic-Tac-Toe
  1196. \n
  1197. Time Management Click-and-Reveal Interaction
  1198. \n
  1199. Time Management Game
  1200. \n
  1201. Time-Sensitive Navigation Help Template
  1202. \n
  1203. Timed 360° Treasure Hunt
  1204. \n
  1205. Timed Quiz Challenge
  1206. \n
  1207. Timeline of Events
  1208. \n
  1209. Timer Driving Emergencies
  1210. \n
  1211. Tips for Using Zoom
  1212. \n
  1213. Titanic Tabs
  1214. \n
  1215. Trivia Game Show Quiz Demo
  1216. \n
  1217. Trivia Game Template
  1218. \n
  1219. Turn up the Thermostat
  1220. \n
  1221. Two Truths and One Lie
  1222. \n
  1223. Ukrainian Text Labels for Storyline 360 Player
  1224. \n
  1225. Ultra Modern Leadership Template
  1226. \n
  1227. Unconscious Bias Quiz
  1228. \n
  1229. Up In The Sky Motion Path Triggers Game
  1230. \n
  1231. Using Variables to Show Helpful Hints After a Number of Attempts
  1232. \n
  1233. Vegetable Cutting Techniques
  1234. \n
  1235. Vertical Slider Navigation
  1236. \n
  1237. Very Peri Button Set
  1238. \n
  1239. Video Editing Software Simulation
  1240. \n
  1241. Video Interview Template
  1242. \n
  1243. Visual Logic E-Learning Game
  1244. \n
  1245. Visual Logic Freeform Pick Many Quiz
  1246. \n
  1247. Visual Progress Meter
  1248. \n
  1249. Vocabulary Guessing Game
  1250. \n
  1251. Washing Machine Dial Example
  1252. \n
  1253. Water Treatment Process Slider Interaction
  1254. \n
  1255. Welcome to the E-learning Laboratory
  1256. \n
  1257. Well-Being Question and Answer Form
  1258. \n
  1259. What Do You Hear
  1260. \n
  1261. What's Their Role
  1262. \n
  1263. What’s Your Leadership Style?
  1264. \n
  1265. Wheel of Fortune-Inspired Game
  1266. \n
  1267. Wheelchair Securement Training
  1268. \n
  1269. Where in the World is Carmen Articulato Interactive Map
  1270. \n
  1271. Which E-Learning Character Are You Quiz
  1272. \n
  1273. Win a Touring Caravan
  1274. \n
  1275. Women in Sports Digital Magazine
  1276. \n
  1277. Word Memo
  1278. \n
  1279. Word Search Game
  1280. \n
  1281. Word Soundboard
  1282. \n
  1283. Work from Home GIF-like Animations
  1284. \n
  1285. Workplace Violence
  1286. \n
  1287. Writing Great Copy Exercise
  1288. \n
  1289. Year of the Rabbit Game
  1290. \n
  1291. You Sunk My Battleship! Game
  1292. \n
  1293. Zoom in Map of the World
  1294. \n
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A list of the examples and downloads that are available on the Discover page. 

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