Alexander  Leal
Alexander Leal
Alexander Leal replied to the discussion Line break in headings
"Hi there. I've seen 2 threads where you've asked people to submit a request to have this feature added and those were from 2-3 years ago...."
  • over 5 years ago11/14/18 at 6:54 pm (UTC)
Alexander Leal replied to the discussion Wrapping long title in Resource tab
"Hi. Has there been a solution to this?"
  • over 5 years ago11/14/18 at 6:47 pm (UTC)
Alexander Leal replied to the discussion How to wrap long resource tab item titles?
"Hi. Has the long tab title issue been addressed?  Thanks."
  • over 5 years ago11/14/18 at 6:37 pm (UTC)
Alexander Leal replied to the discussion Embedded Storyline in Rise - doesn't 'play'
"Thanks Leslie!"
  • over 5 years ago10/30/18 at 6:13 pm (UTC)
Alexander Leal replied to the discussion Storyline block does not autoplay in mobile
"Hi Ashley. Yes, I see the play button. What I'm trying to accomplish is create 4 thumbnails that the user can click and then it would ope..."
  • over 5 years ago10/30/18 at 6:10 pm (UTC)
Alexander Leal started a new discussion Storyline block does not autoplay in mobile
"Hi. I attached a SL block on my Rise course and I wanted it autoplay on display. It is fine on desktop but when I preview on mobile, I no..."
  • almost 6 years ago10/18/18 at 3:36 pm (UTC)
Alexander Leal replied to the discussion How to make a URL launch in a new window?
"FYI, Michael Anderson had provided a solution for this. "
  • almost 6 years ago10/18/18 at 1:07 pm (UTC)
Alexander Leal replied to the discussion Embedded Storyline in Rise - doesn't 'play'
"Hi Crystal. How do I get to this settings screen? When I publish to Articulate 360, it is defaulted to "HTML5 Only". Thanks."
  • almost 6 years ago10/18/18 at 12:54 pm (UTC)
Alexander Leal replied to the discussion Having exit URL open in new window
"I am actually attaching the SL module in a Rise course. The code works Michael! Thank you!"
  • almost 6 years ago10/18/18 at 12:25 pm (UTC)
Alexander Leal replied to the discussion Having exit URL open in new window
"Is there a way to make it launch on the same parent window and not on the SL window? TIA"
  • almost 6 years ago10/17/18 at 1:22 pm (UTC)
"After 6 years, any solution for this Hardy? "
  • almost 6 years ago10/16/18 at 11:42 am (UTC)
Alexander Leal replied to the discussion Adding to Variables with each new choice
"This is exactly what I'm looking for Phil. Would you mind sharing the demo file in here? Dropbox is getting blocked by our network. Thanks!"
  • almost 6 years ago10/10/18 at 6:56 pm (UTC)
Alexander Leal replied to the discussion Adding to Variables with each new choice
"Hi Alyssa. I have a checklist where the user can select multiple times. I am hoping to put together the selections in one final list. T..."
  • almost 6 years ago10/10/18 at 2:46 pm (UTC)
"This works! Thank you Michael!"
  • almost 6 years ago10/04/18 at 6:48 pm (UTC)
Alexander Leal replied to the discussion Creating a Customized Learning Plan?
"Any update on this Jenna? I am looking at creating something similar. Thanks!"
  • almost 6 years ago10/03/18 at 6:23 pm (UTC)
"Hi. I am trying this out but the js seem to not fire. Am I missing anything? var player = GetPlayer(); var useremail=player.GetVar('ema..."
  • almost 6 years ago10/03/18 at 6:13 pm (UTC)
Alexander Leal replied to the discussion How to Print Results page?
"I am looking to add the same functionalities to my course. Anyone who might have done it?"
  • almost 6 years ago10/03/18 at 3:03 pm (UTC)
Alexander Leal replied to the discussion Adding strings to a text variable
"Thanks Michael."
  • almost 6 years ago10/03/18 at 3:01 pm (UTC)
Alexander Leal replied to the discussion Rise course' font changes to Times Roman
"Thank you Ashley for summarizing it for me. I've sent this to our LMS administrator. We'll see how it goes!"
  • almost 6 years ago10/03/18 at 2:19 pm (UTC)
Alexander Leal replied to the discussion Rise course' font changes to Times Roman
"Thank you Broderick."
  • almost 6 years ago10/03/18 at 1:27 pm (UTC)
Alexander Leal replied to the discussion How to make a URL launch in a new window?
"Thanks Crystal. I saw this solution in many site. However, I have no idea what file and where to insert it in. Alex "
  • almost 6 years ago10/03/18 at 1:21 pm (UTC)
Alexander Leal started a new discussion Adding strings to a text variable
"Hi. Is it possible to add strings to a text variable? I am trying to create a list based on the users selection. I'm using Articulate 36..."
  • almost 6 years ago10/02/18 at 5:59 pm (UTC)
Alexander Leal replied to the discussion Adding to Variables with each new choice
"Hi Ashley. Is it possible to add strings to a text variable? I am trying to create a list based on the users selection. Thanks."
  • almost 6 years ago10/02/18 at 5:36 pm (UTC)
Alexander Leal started a new discussion How to make a URL launch in a new window?
"Hi. I am working on a project in Rise and I notice that the URLs I add launches in a new tab. Is there a way I can make it launch in a ne..."
  • almost 6 years ago09/28/18 at 2:25 pm (UTC)
Alexander Leal replied to the discussion Renaming Articulate Rise variables
"Hi Alyssa. Changing it on the output file is not an option. Specially when you have 48,000 users taking your course. It would be nice to..."
  • almost 6 years ago09/07/18 at 3:59 pm (UTC)