Dave Cox
Dave Cox
Dave Cox replied to the discussion triggering an exit layer
"Hi Mary, Sure popping up a layer with additional options is pretty easy to do. If you can post your project, I'm sure someone here can he..."
  • over 3 years ago12/20/20 at 2:19 pm (UTC)
Dave Cox replied to the discussion triggering an exit layer
"Hi Mary, I assume that you are trying to close the course browser with the exit button? If you are publishing this course for the web, or..."
  • over 3 years ago12/19/20 at 9:36 pm (UTC)
"Hi Lerissa, What you are describing is a logic flow chart. Programmers use these all of the time. Here is a simple example that I quickly..."
  • over 3 years ago12/19/20 at 8:31 pm (UTC)
"Hi Perinda Yes, you can do that. The hard part is getting the year into a variable. To do that, create a text variable. I called mi..."
  • over 3 years ago12/17/20 at 11:49 pm (UTC)
"Hi Jennifer, I suspect that your project is using Javascript. (Java is a different language.) The Javascript date object returns a ..."
  • over 3 years ago12/17/20 at 10:52 pm (UTC)
"Hi Jennifer, I've found that sometimes minimizing the windows of all other applications running on my PC can help. There cert..."
  • over 3 years ago12/15/20 at 1:26 pm (UTC)
Dave Cox replied to the discussion Highlighting images
"Hi Karey, In that case, you could just put everything on the same slide, and just use the timeline to set when everything happens. ..."
  • over 3 years ago12/13/20 at 6:56 pm (UTC)
Dave Cox replied to the discussion Highlighting images
"Hi Karey Sure it is possible, and actually pretty easy to do. Just import your audio into the time line. At the end of the audio, add you..."
  • over 3 years ago12/12/20 at 12:09 am (UTC)
Dave Cox replied to the discussion Changing the State of a Character
"Awesome! I'm so glad that worked out for you! Dave"
  • over 3 years ago12/11/20 at 3:28 am (UTC)
Dave Cox replied to the discussion Changing the State of a Character
"Hi Kim, You can use states for characters, but you have to set them up. First, input your character onto the screen. Then select S..."
  • over 3 years ago12/11/20 at 12:10 am (UTC)
"Hi Lance, I'd love to help you out, but I don't know what it is you are attempting to do. Storyline is very powerful, and the triggers, l..."
  • over 3 years ago12/10/20 at 11:57 pm (UTC)
Dave Cox replied to the discussion Dynamic button/link
"Hi Jennifer, It sounds like you are want to navigate to a particular slide or scene in Storyline based on the value in the URL. If you ar..."
  • over 3 years ago10/23/20 at 10:17 pm (UTC)
"Hi Leslie, I've been continually updateing whenever there has been an update since then, and I still see the problem periodically. Dave"
  • over 3 years ago09/30/20 at 9:05 pm (UTC)
"Yes, I still see this problem, although I haven't been able to get a screen recording of it. It is very intermittent and it is quite frus..."
  • over 3 years ago09/29/20 at 12:29 pm (UTC)
"Hi Jackie, To help you, I think that you are going to need to share it with someone. I can understand why you can't share confidential in..."
  • over 3 years ago09/29/20 at 2:48 am (UTC)
Dave Cox replied to the discussion Tutorials on Freeform Motion Paths
"Hi Jeni, To create a freeform motion path: Select Add Motion Path Select Freeform Path Click on your object for your starting point Clic..."
  • over 3 years ago09/27/20 at 9:25 pm (UTC)
"Hi Karen, It really can be a challenge working with resources from other people. You never know what your are going to get, or what forma..."
  • over 3 years ago09/26/20 at 3:28 pm (UTC)
Dave Cox replied to the discussion Final Layer not appearing
"Hi Dakota, I know that it looks like that trigger should work, but since each of those buttons already have another trigger moving you to..."
  • over 3 years ago09/26/20 at 2:44 pm (UTC)
"Hi Jackie, Yes, I've seen this. The first time I saw it, it took me a while to figure it out. It sounds like the image has been set as th..."
  • over 3 years ago09/26/20 at 2:03 pm (UTC)
Dave Cox replied to the discussion Seek Bar
"Thanks Leslie, Dave"
  • over 3 years ago09/16/20 at 2:45 pm (UTC)
Dave Cox replied to the discussion Seek Bar
"Hi Valencia, You can open a ticket with Storyline for their support team to look at it, provide a sanitized version to share here, ..."
  • over 3 years ago09/15/20 at 10:36 pm (UTC)
"I'm glad that you got it worked out. Dave"
  • over 3 years ago09/15/20 at 10:14 pm (UTC)
Dave Cox replied to the discussion Scavenger Hunt
"Hi Daniel, I'm glad that worked for you. Dave"
  • over 3 years ago09/15/20 at 3:01 pm (UTC)
Dave Cox replied to the discussion GIF not working
"Hi Katelin It is probably because, even though your gif is set to loop forever, it is going to stop when the timeline runs out in Storyli..."
  • over 3 years ago09/14/20 at 11:43 pm (UTC)
Dave Cox replied to the discussion Seek Bar
"Hi Valencia, It is hard to know what is going on without seeing your project. A couple of things that you might check: On your lay..."
  • over 3 years ago09/14/20 at 11:34 pm (UTC)